Medico-legal Aspect Of Sex Crime Flashcards
Condition of a female who has not experienced sexual intercourse and whose genital organs have not been altered by carnal connection
Kinds of Virginity
- Moral Virginity
- Physical Virginity
- Demi-Virginity
- Virgo Intacta
The state of not knowing the nature of sexual life and not having experienced sexual relation
A condition whereby a woman is conscious of the nature of the sexual life but has not experienced sexual intercourse
Under Physical Virginity
a. True Physical Virginity
b. False Physical Virginity
A condition wherein the hymen is intact with the edges distinct and regular and the opening small to barely admit the tip of the smallest finger of the examiner e. the thighs are separated.
A condition wherein the hymen is unruptured, but the orifice is wide and elastic to admit two or more fingers of the examiner with a lesser degree of fresistance.
This term refers to a condition of a woman who permits any form of sexual liberties as long as they abstain from rupturing the hymen by sexual act.
This is not actually virginity because the woman had one or more sexual intercourse with another but had not borne a child yet.
if her body is pure and if she has never had any sexual intercourse with, another, though her mind and heart is impure.
a fold of mucous membrane often found at the orifice of the vagina
The act of a man having a sexual bodily connection with a woman.
the fluid with faint grayish yellow color, having characteristics fishy odor which contains the spermatozoa
a living organism, normally present in the seminal fluid, with head, neck and tail
How long after the sexual intercourse can spermatozoa be found in the vaginal canal?
Within 48 hours
State of a woman, who has within her body the growing product of conception
What is the average duration of pregnancy?
270-280 days from the first day of the last menstruation.
series of changes in a nonpregnant uterus that culminates in bleeding called menses
Menstrual cycle
First menstruation
period from which irregular menses occur up to the time of total Cessation of menstruation
actual cessation of menstruation
The laceration or rupture of the hymen as a result of sexual intercourse
Sexual Abnormalities As to the Choice of Sexual Partner
- Heterosexual
- Homosexual
- Infantosexual
- Bestosexual
- Autosexual
- Gerontophilia
- Necrophilia
- Incest
Sexual desire towards the opposite sex
Sexual desire towards the same sex
Sexual desire towards an immature person
A form of sexual perversion wherein a person has the compulsive desire to have sexual intercourse with a child of either sex
Sexual desire towards animals
It is a form of “self-abase” or “solitary vice” carried without the cooperation of another person.
AUTOSEXUAL(self-gratification and sex crime)
The person deliberately resorts to some mechanical means of producing sexual excitement with or without orgasm
Sexual desire with elder person
Sexual relations between persons who, by reason of blood relationship cannot legally marry
Sexual Abnormalities as to instinctual strength of sexual urge
- Over sex
- Under - sex
Under of Over sex
a. Satyriasis
b. Nymphomania
Excessive sexual desire of men to intercourse.
Strong sexual feeling of women. They are commonly called “hot” or “fighter”
Under-sex (sexual frigidity)
a. Sexual anesthesia
b. Dyspareunia
c. Vaginisimus
d.Old age
Absence of sexual desire or aroosal during sexual act in women
Sexual anesthesia
Painful sexual act in women
Painful spasm of the vagina during sexual act
Weakening of sexual feeling in the elderly
Old age
Sexual Abnormalities as to mode of sexual expression or way of sexual satisfaction
- Oralism
- Sado-masochism(algolagnia)
- Fetishism
The use of the mouth as a way of sexual gratification.
a.Fellatio (irrumation)
b. Cunnilingus
c. Anilism (anilingus)
The female agent receives the penis of a man into her mouth and by friction with the lips and tongue coupled with the act of sacking initiates orgaum.
Fellatio (irrumation)
Sexual gratification is attained by licking or sucking the external female genitalia
A form of sexual perversion wherein a person derives excitement by licking the anus of another person of either sex.
Anilism (anilingus)
Pain or cruel act as a factor for gratification.
a. Flagellation
b. Sadism (active algolagnia)
c. Masochism ( passive algolagnia)
A sexual deviation associated specifically with the act of whipping or being whipped
A form of sexual perversion in which the infliction of pain on another is necessary or sometimes, the sole factor in sexual enjoyment
Sadism (Active Algolagnia)
The pain and humiliation from the opposite sex is the primary factor for sexual gratification
Masochism (Passive algolagnia)
A form of sexual perversion wherein the real or fantasied presence of an object or bodily part is necessary for sexual stimulation and/or gratificatican
Where particular portions of the anatomy, such as the breasts, or buttocks are the target of interest for sexual stimulation
The deviate may have interest centered on shoes, handkerchief, undergarments, either on a sexual partner or stolen from a neighborhood washline
The deviate has the desire to be near a dead body and may or may not violate the dead person for sexual gratification
Fetish whose stimulus is pleasant odor or foul odor for sexual stimulation or gratification
Odor (Ospresiophilia)
A sexual deviation whereby a person has sexual desire for statues.
Sexual desire with mannikins
A person has extreme admiration and love of one’s self. Sexual gratification is attained by looking at the mirror and appreciating his or her own self
The marked dislike for things, like eyeglasses, beard, haircut, as the sole stimulus for gratification
Negative Fetish
A deviate does damage while he gets satisfaction, like cutting clothes or hair.
Saboteur fetish
Deviate derives sexual pleasure from setting fire.
Deviate attains sexual stimulation or gratification at the sight of blood.
Kinds of fetishes
a. Anatomic
b. Clothing
c. Necrophilic
d. Odor
e. Pygmalionism
f. Mannikinism
g. Narcissism
h. Negative Fetish
I. Saboteur fetish
j. Incendiarism
k. Vampirism
Sexual Abnormalities as to the part of the body
- Sodomy
- Uranism
- Frottage
- Partialism
Sexual act through the anus of another human being
Sexual gratification attained by fingering, fondling with the breast, licking parts of the body, etc.
A form of sexual gratification characterized by the compulsive desire of a person to rub his sex urgan against some parts parts of the body of another
A form of sexual deviation wherein a person has special affinity to certum parts of the female body
Sexual Abnormalities as to visual stimulus
- Voyeurism
- Mixoscopia (scoptophilia)
A form of sexual perversion characterized by a compulsion to peep to see persons undress от perform other personal activities. The offender is sometimes called “Peeping Tom”. Usually after peeping. he masturbate in excess
A perversion wherein sexual pleasure is attained by watching couple undress or during their intimacies
Mixoscopia (scoptophilia)
Sexual Abnormalities as to number
- Troilism
- Pluralism
A form of sexual perversion in which three persons participating in the sexual orgies
A form of sexual deviation in which a group of person participate in the sexual orgies. Two more couples may perform sexual act in a room and they may even agree to exchange partners for “variety sake” during the “sexual festival
Other sexual deviates
- Coprolalia
- Don Juanism
- Indecent exposure ( exhibitionism)
A form of sexual deviation characterized by the need to use obscene language to obtain sexual gratification. Sometimes they go beyond uttering profane words by making some writings and sketches on the walls of toilets
The term applied by psychiatrists to describe a form of sexual deviation characterized by promiscuity and making seduction of many women as a part of his career. The pervert cannot find anyone to be a permanent companion.
Don Juanism
This is the willful exposure in public places of one’s genital organi a in the presence of other persons, uraally of the opposite sex. Usually, the exhibitionist is naked
Indecent exposure (exhibitionism)
Sexual reversal
- Transvestism
- Transexualism
- Intersexualism
A form of deviation wherein a male individual derives pleasure from wearing the female apparel.
There is a dominant desire in some persons to identify themselves with the opposite sex us completely as possible and to discard forever their anatomical sex
A genetic defect wherein an individual show intermingling, in varying degrees, of the characteristics of both sexes including physical form, reproductive organs, and sexual behavior
Classification of intersexuality
a. Gonadal agenesis
b. Gonadal dysgenesis
c. True hermaphroditism
d. Pseudoephedrine
The sex organs have never developed . This condition determined very early in fetal life
Gonadal agenesis
The external sexual structures are present but at puberty the testes or the ovaries fail to develop
Gonadal dysgenesis
A male type of dysgenesis in which although the anatomical structure
is entirely male, the nuclear sexing is female (Chromatin positive), characterized by the presence of small testes with fibrosis and hyalinization of the seminiferous tubules. It in It is associated with XXY chromosomes
Klenefetter’s syndrome
Structurally and phenotypically female but the ovaries are small. There is sterility with the absence of t e of the second X chromosomes
Turner’s syndrome
A state of bisexuality, having both ovaries and testicles. The nuclear sex is usually female. The character nay be neutral, or whichever is dominat
True hermaphroditism
Sex organ is anatomically of one sex, but the sex character is that of the opposite sex
Gonads are testicles, but the character is effeminate
Male pseudohermaphrodite
Gonads are ovaries but with masculine character
Female pseudohermaphrodite