Medicine - Edexcel book Flashcards
Describe a supernatural explanation for diseases
-Physicians consulted star charts & alignment of planets + stars when diagnosing to help identify problems
Describe 3 religious explanations for diseases
-Sent by God as punishment for sins (blaming him for sickness = ‘proof of divine’ -> If recovered = miracle thanks to patient’s prayers
-Purify souls from sins
-Test faith
What was leprosy?
-Painful skin disease -> paralysis -> death
-Fingers + toes + body hair fall out
-Ulcers in + out of body
-No cure
-Lepers isolated in leper houses/island communities
-If stayed in home towns wear cloak + ring bell to announce presence
-Banned going down narrow alleys bc can’t be avoided there
Describe the theory of the 4 humours and state why it was popular
-Created by Hippocrates
-Universe made of 4 elements (fire, water, air, earth)
-Body should also have 4 humours (created by digesting diff foods): Blood, phlegm, black bile, choler/yellow bile
-Must be balanced otherwise ill
-Used to explain mental + physical illness
-Physicians twisted what they saw to fit logic of theory
-Popular bc no alternative + supported church’s teaching
Describe the theory of opposites
-Developed by Galen as extension of theory of opposites
-Excess phlegm (linked w/ water+cold) cured by eating hot peppers
Describe the importance of book learning in the years c1250-c1500
-Few read -> reading = intelligence
-Having read Hippocrates’ and Galen’s work = good physician
-Authority of classical texts so strong that physical evidence against them was ignored and ppl still believed texts
Describe how the lack of alternatives prevented ideas about diseases developing in c1250-c1500
-Lack of scientific evidence to support other theories of cause of disease
-Dissections illegal bc body needed to be buried whole for soul to go to heaven
-Occasionally could dissect criminals - if anything didn’t agree w Galen’s writings was bc criminal body = imperfect
What was miasma?
-Bad air believed to be filled w/ harmful fumes
-H+G suggested corpses, rotting matter transmit disease
-Clean + sweet smelling home = spiritual cleanliness
-Incense burned in churches to purify air
-Bad smell home = sinfulness + corruption
-Unwashed people avoided to not breathe bad miasma
Describe how urine charts were used in the Medieval Ages
-Urine examined for diagnosis: colour, thickness, smell, taste
-Compared to urine chart
-1 of best ways to check balance of humours
Explain how individuals and the Church influenced ideas on the cause of disease
-Important in maintaining status quo (no change)
-Controlled medical learning -> chose books to be copied + distributed e.g. like theory of 4 H bc fitted w/ their ideas so promoted
-Strongly discouraged criticising of theory
-Believed God created man in his image
-Galen believed in idea of soul which fitted well with Church’s ideas
-So Church promoted his teachings
-Used God as answer for disease (see card about religious explanations - card no. 2)
-H+G important in Medieval time even though lived before
-Books preserved by Arabic scholars
-G in partic popular bc of Church
Explain how science and technology influenced ideas on the cause of disease
-Lack of scientific understanding = new knowledge limited
-Physicians tried make new discoveries fit w/ old theories, not experiment to explain discoveries
-Printing press ~ 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg
led to faster sharing of medical texts
Explain how attitudes in society influenced ideas on the cause of disease
-Strong belief in God -> ppl don’t want to risk hell by criticising Church
-Physicians who didn’t follow old ideas found employment hard bc known that good physician follow theory of 4 H
-Bc medicine always done this way, no need to change
Describe religious treatments for disease
-Paying for special mass to be said
-Healing prayers
-After pilgrimage certain actions advised e.g. lighting candle as tall as you
Describe supernatural treatments for disease
-Incantations (spells) / amulets to heal symptoms
-King’s healing power; at coronation, hands rubbed w/ holy oil
-Astrology: Consulted star charts when diagnosing + treating
Treating according to patient’s horoscope
-But sometimes sick discouraged from seeking cures-medicine kept you alive but soul still stained -> risk of no heaven
Describe 2 humoural treatments used in the medieval period
-Phlebotomy (blood-letting)
-Remove blood = remove bad humours
-Most common treatment for imbalance of humours
-3 types: cutting vein, leeches, cupping
-Remove leftover food by vomiting bc humours created from food
Explain how remedies were used to treat disease in the medieval period
-Diff foods for balance of humours
-Ingredients e.g. aloe vera improve digestion
-Bathing: diff types of ingredients in warm water for diff issues
Explain how the Church was used to prevent disease in the medieval period
-Lead life free of sins by
Explain how hygiene was implemented to prevent disease
-Regimen Sanitatis: Set of instructions for good health
Explain how diet was used to prevent disease
-Humours created by digestion so what ate very important in preventing imbalance
-Eat too much -> digestive problems -> death
-So purged
Explain how purifying air prevented disease in the medieval period
-Spread sweet herbs
-Prevent miasma
Describe the different types of medieval medics
-Women did most of treatment at home but if wanted to pay:
-Diagnose illness + recommend treatment (lower paid professionals then carried out treatment)
-Mixed herbal remedies
-Cheaper than physicians so more called for
-Barber surgeons least qualified
-Regular surgeons highly trained
Explain the role of hospitals in caring for patients
-On the rise
-~30% hosp in England run by Church
-Did not treat, offered hospitality
-Good place to rest, recover - kept very clean
-Any treatment = limited bc dissecting forbidden for religious (& hosp run by religious ppl e.g. monks)
-Hosp = successful -> good for Church bc recovery = proof for existence of God
Explain the role of The Home in caring for patients
-Majority cared for here
-Women responsible: make comfortable, herbal remedies, prepare restorative food