Germany Flashcards
What date did the Kaiser abdicate?
9 Nov 1918
What date was the armistice signed?
11 Nov 1918
What date was the Treaty of Versaille signed on?
28 June 1919
What were the strengths of the Weimar Constitution?
-No one could have too much power
What were the weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution?
-Weak in crisis, Article 48
-Based on division & violence
What were the early challenges to the republic 1919-23?
-TOV -> diktat
-Article 231: War guilt -> Reparations, Military restrictions
-Stab in the Back; financially and politically weak -> November criminals
-Spartacist Revolt
-Kapp Putsch
-French occupation of Ruhr 1923
-Hyperinflation 1923 -> No normal life; shortages; savings
How did Germany recover? Who was responsible for this?
-Gustav Stresemann
-Dawes Plan 1924
-Locarno Pact 1925
-Young Plan 1929
-League of Nations
-Kellogg-Briand Pact Aug 1928
Describe the changes in society 1924-29.
-Less unemployment
-Better working conditions &
-Better housing
-Women in politics & work improved
-New women
What is the name of the party that Hitler joined and then changed into the NSDAP? What date did he join?
-19 Sept 1919
What were the 5 steps Hitler took to reshape the DAP and turn into the Nazi Party?
-Party policy
-Hitler’s personal appeal
-Party organisation
-Party leadership
-The SA
What year did the Munich Putsch take place?
What were the long term causes of the Munich Putsch?
-1918-23 lot of grievances building e.g. Stab in the Back, reparations
-Resentment amongst Germans
What were the medium term causes of the Munich Putsch?
1921-22 Fascists big influence
What were the short term causes of the Munich Putsch?
-Hyperinflation 1923
-French occupation of Ruhr 1923
-Resentment -> Took his chance
What were the consequences of the Munich Putsch?
-Ludendorff not guilty
-Hitler guilty for treason, 5
years in Landsberg prison
-NSDAP banned
In the short term was the Munich Putsch good or bad for Hitler?
Bad: Defeat & humiliation
Why was the Munich Putsch good in the long term for Hitler?
-Trial=national publicity
-Ban lifted Feb 1925
-Prison=Mein Kampf (inspiration)
-Realised needed democracy
What were the reasons for limited support for the Nazis 1923-29?
-Dawes & Young plan restored economic stability
-League of Nations & Kellogg-Briand Pact=more status
-1925 Hindenburg president
->support for WR
-1928=1% votes
What date did Stresemann die?
3 Oct 1929
When was the Great Depression?
Late Oct 1929