Medicine Flashcards
commonest cause of c. diff diarrhea?
giving antibiotics e.g. clindamycin/cephalosporin/quinolones
Name 2 symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis?
Sign on flexi sig?
- systemic: fever, dehydration
- abdo pain, bloody diarrhea, mucus PR
Sign: yellow plaques on flexi sig
3 main causes of dysphagia?
- inflammatory
- tonsilitis, pharyngitis - mechanical
- Luminal - food bolus
- mural - plummer vinson
- extra mural - lung cancer - motility
- local - achalasia
- systemic - systemic sclerosis/ CREST
What does dysphagia for solids and liquids indicate?
Motility disorder e.g. achalasia
if solids> liquids –> stricture
complications of gallstones (3)
- in gallbladder
- acute/ chronic cholescystitis - biliary colic with inflam
- biliary colic - stone in cystic duct or common bile duct
- carcinoma - common bile duct
- cholangitis
- obstructive jaundice
- acute pancreatitis - gut
- gallstone ileus
definition of colicky pain?
obstruction of a hollow viscus therefore when the smooth muscle in the walls of the viscus contracts to overcome the obstruction –> waves of pain
what does the foregut consists of?
where is the main referred to?
- lower 1/3 of oeseophagus –> ampulla of vater in duodenum
2. pain is referred to epigastrium
what does the midgut consists of?
where is the main referred to?
- 2nd part of duodenum to midway transverse colon
2. pain referred to periumbilical region
what does the hindgut consists of?
where is the main referred to?
- transverse colon to rectum
2. pain referred to suprapubic region
why is inflammation of visceral peritoneum more accurately located by site?
visceral peritoneum (which covers intra-abdominal organs) is innervated by somatic nerves
however, visceral pain isn’t well located as it travels along autonomic nerves which don’t have dermatomal representation so brain links it to physical areas that have same entry in spinal cord
difference between colicky pain and parietal pain?
colicky pain
- patient is moving about trying to get comfortable
parietal pain
- patient lies still as pain is worse on movement, coughing, inspiration.
- guarding (contraction of abdo muscles when palpated)
- rigidity (increased tone of abdo muscles).
- board like rigid tender abdomen is seen when peritonitits affects whole abdomen.
causes of small bowel and large bowel obstruction?
- Small bowel
- adhesions
- hernias - Large bowel
- colon cancer
- constipation
- diverticular disease
- volvulus
what does hartmann’s solution contain (4)?
- sodium chloride
- K
- Calcium
- lactate
Pre-op surgical assessment?
- History and exam
- Increased risk of infection (would, chest, IV site, urine), perivascular disease, pressure sores, IHD
- if on oral hypoglycaemics or insulin they should stop this the night before and start a dextrose/insulin infusion (should be 1st on op list) e.g. Mix dextrose, K, insulin in a bag to give as an infusion = 500 ml of 10% dextrose, 10mmol KCL and 10 units Actrapid - Past surgical history
- nature and complications - Past anesthetics history
- hard intubation
- aspiration during aneasthesia
- malignant hyperpyrexia (rapid rise in temp after anesthetic drug leading to rigidity or even rhabdomyolysis. AD inheritance) - social habits
- smoking should stop to improve resp function
- IVDU could be high risk of infections e.g. hep - drug history
- Warfarin - if possible stop before and convert to heparin infusion
- aspirin and clopidogrel - stop 10 days before surgery
- OCP increased risk of DVT so stop 6w before and continue 2 weeks after (use alt.
- steroids - if dependent they need hydrocorisone injections perioperatively to prevent addisonian crisis
Post-op surgical assessment?
- Post-op pyrexia
- normal in 1st 48 hours after surgery
- afterwards need to look for cause including
- – wound - staph aureus and coliforms (tx with regular wound dressings and Antibiotics)
- – venous cannula
- – chest (if not clearing secretions properly)
- – legs - DVT
- – urine
- – rectal exam (pelvic abscess) - Bleeding
- primary = during op
- reactionary = end of op when wound looks dry then bleeds after due to not properly ligating bv
- secondary = few days after op due to infection. tx = take patient back to theatre - Poor urine output
- pre-renal = renal hypoperfusion
- renal = diagnosis of exclusion. call renal dr
- post renal
- – Most common. Due to anaesthetic drugs (if anticholinergics), pain, opiates.
- — If there’s suprapubic pain/ enlarged bladder
- — Tx:
- ———- Conservative w/ analgesia and privacy.
- ———- Catheter (urine volume > 500ml indicates post renal cause). If already have one then flush to make sure not blocked. If dark urine comes out in small amounts this is likely pre-renal cause.
- ———- Look at fluid balance charts. Fluid challenge with 500ml saline and if urine output improves = prenal
Surgical complications?
- primary / reactive haemorrhage
- Secondary haemorrhage
- urinary retention
- Atelectasis
- Scarring
- Neuropathy
What is the generic tx for ortho conditions?
- Modification of ADLs
- Physio
- Analgesia on WHO step ladder
- Steroid injection
- Arthroplasty
What type of murmur is MR?
Pan systolic
Associated with atrial fibrillation
Causes: LV dilatation (secondary to HTN), rheumatic heart disease, prolapse
What type of murmur is MS?
Mid diastolic
Cause: Rheumatic heart disease
What type of murmur is AS?
Ejection systolic
Cause: calcification, bicuspid valve, rheumatic heart disease
What type of murmur is AR?
Early diastolic
- Bicuspid valve
- Connective tissue: marfan’s
- Autoimmune: ank spond, RA
- Infective endocarditis
Gene mutation in HOCM?
AD Mutation in gene encoding beta-myosin heavy chain protein
Common cause of sudden death in young athletes. signs = dyspnoea, palpitations, syncope, ejection systolic murmur, jerky pulse, double-apex beat,
Echo: asymmetrical septal hypertrophy, MR, diastolic dysfunction
Medical: BB/CCB + Amiodarone + Anticoag
Surgical: Septal myomectomy/ ICD
Causes of Dilated cardiomyopathy?
Coxsackie B
Exam: High pulse, raised JVP, low bp, displaced apex beat, S3, oedema, hepatomegaly
Echo: systolic dysfunction, low ejection fraction
Medical: ACEI, BB, diuretics, anticoag
Surgical: ICDs, LVAD, transplantation
Causes of restrictive cardiomyopathy?
Post radiotherapy
Exam: features of RHF = oedema, ascites, hepatomegaly
Echo: diastolic dysfunction
TX: cause
What side do HNPCC (Lynch) tumours usually occur?
right and usually mucinous