Medicine 5 Flashcards
Major depressive or manic episode and then pyschotic/shizophrenic features outside of mood disturbance
schizoaffective disorder
Pyschotic symptoms that occur exclusively in setting of mood episodes
Major depressive bipolar disorder with psychotic features
New onset dementia, patient has macrocytic anemia, disordered gait.
What to test for?
Both B12 deficiency and hypothyroidism
Pioglitazone or a PPAR-Y agonist has the side effect of:
heart failure and fluid retention
Gingko biloba is a supplement to boost memory and can cause
bleeding and platelet dysfnx
SJS is a bad side effect of which drugs
antiBx; sulfonamides, aminopenicillins, quinolnes, cephalosporins and anticonvulsants
Pt in 20s with intermittent heart palpitations and dyspnea with exercise, hear mid systolic murmur in the LUSB and wide, fixed splitting of second heart sound. Echo shows Rt atrial and ventricular dilation and now pt has atrial arrhythmia
ASD; 2nd most common congenital heart defect in adults (after bicuspic aortic valve)
Pt with dilated cardiomyopathy can devo atrial or ventricular arrhythmia and who what on echo
dilated LV and reduced LV function
Pt has harsh crescendo-descresendo systolic murmur at the apex of LLSB; gets louder with Valsalva and when rising from sitting to squatting. Echo w/ LV hypertrophy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; see asymmetric hypertrophy of septum
Pt with harsh holosystolic murmur, best heard over left 3/4th intercostal space with thrill.
VSD; if large can get R–> L shunt with ventricle dilation and pulmonary over circulation
undescended testicle by 6 months requires what treatment
orchipexy; optimize fertility and testicular growth
When do we defibrilate?
Ventricular tachycardia or v fib. not helpful in asystole or PEA
____ used for patients that are stable with regular wide complex tachycardia or consider in pt with pulseless VT or VF not responding to defibrillation
Pt has symptomatic bradycardia. Tx?
How does lyme arthritis present?
What labs need to be obtained?
hx of tick bite, get joint patin and swelling several months later. synovial fluid shows WBC ~20-50,000 count and usually is knee involvement. Kids are afebrile, can bear weight.
Need to get enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and confirm with Western Blot. IgG + for B burgdorferi
Tx 28 day of doxycycline or amoxicillin with good recover
Man with watery discharge from penis, itchy and burning with pee. Urethral stain is aseptic with lots of leukocytes.
Likely dx and tx
Nongonococcal urethrithis
LIkely chlamydia (or mycoplamsa genitaleium or trich)
Tx 1g Azithro
Pt with green discharge from penis, itchy. unprotected sex. stain + gram neg diplococci
Gonogoccal or neisseria gonorrhea
Tx CTX and Azithro
Patient has TSH < 0.1 with normal T3/4 and asymptomatic.
What is recommended for management
Subclinical thyrotoxicosis
Need treatment IF: >65, heart disease, OA, nodular thyroid disease
Pt has TSH of 0.2, normal T3/4, no symptoms.
Pt with mildly suppressed TSH from 0.1 to 0.5 often have spontaneous recovery from subclincal thyrotoxocosis, monitor their levels
Pt comes in with presentation and PE consistent with guillain Barre. What quick bedside measurement should be obtained quickly on these patients?
Vital capacity or negative inspiratory pressure (NIF) d/t high risk of respiratory failure; get every 4 hours
What is tx for Guillain Barre?
IVIG or plasma exchange (don’t need both) and supportive cares
- do this if nonambulatory OR present w/i 4 weeks of onset
Definition of symptomatic carotid artery disease?
Pt with TIA or nondisabling stroke with high grade (70-99%) stenosis.
These pts should get carotid stenting done if life expectancy >5 years and are surgical canditates
Pt is in 30s, presents with acute chest pain, SOB, diaphoresis. He is hypoT, tachy. PE notable for systolic decrescendo murmur at apex, S1 is barely audible and S2 normal. with crackles in lungs.
ECG with PVC and tachycardia.
PE notable for velvety skin and hypermobile joints
Acute mitral regurg 2/2 to MVP; has chordae tendon rupture and is NON- MI related; pt had ehlers danlos
Tx: echo and surgery
*You get acute mitral regurn 2/2 to papillary msl rupture but thats from MI and seen in older pt with CAD
Meds that DECREASE metabolism of warfarin.
Should DECREASE warfarin dosing if started on thesea
Amiodarone, Azoles, Metronidazole, qunolones, tylenol