Medications Flashcards
Ischemic heart Disease (Medications)
-restablish balance of o2 supply and demand
-decreasing HR or BP to reduce O2 demand
-increase artery size, remove thrombus,
Heart Failure (Medications)
-maintain CO, adress underlying issue, regulate fluids, decrease preload and afterload, increase conttractility, reduce workload, decrease SNS
Arrhythmias (Medications)
-inhibit abnormal impulses by affectting membrane permeabiliy to specific ions (Cl, K, Ca, Na)
-SA & AV node
-prelong refractory period
Hypertension (Medications)
-reduce fluid, limit SNS, decrease RAAS
Beta Blockers
-reduced beta receptor binding
-selective of nonselective
B1: decrease HR and contractility
B2: bronchoconstriction and vasoconstriction
-HTN, ischemic HD, heart failure, arrhythmias
-sedation, may mask hypoglycemia, reduced thermoregulatry response, spasms, orthostatic hypotension
Max HR: 164 - (.7 x age)
Orthostatic Hypotension
decreased of BP 20 and HR increase of 30 when standing from sitting
Calcium Channel Blockers
-decrease HR & BP, conrtactility, O2 demand
-cause vasodilaiton of coronary artieries
-reduce re-infarctions (dead tissue releases Ca), ischemic HD, heart failure, arrhythmias
-negative inotropic effects, blunted HR responses to exercise
-slows HR, reduce preload and afterload, decrease contrtactility, lower BP, vasodilation
-HTN, ischemic HD, heart failure, angina
-hypotension, dizziness, reflex tachycardia, skin flushing
Angina (Medications)
-chest pain due to ischemia
-lack of O2 stimulates pain receptors
-treated by nitrates, BB, CC blockers
-tightness and chest pain
-simular to MI
-ECG ST downward shift
Stable Angina
-pain free at rest
-relieved by nitrates
Unstable Angina
-at rest
-progression of disease
Prinzmetal’s Variant Angia
-only at rest; morning
-ST elevation
-cardiac vasospasm (CC blockers)
Thrombolyic Agents
-break clots up quickly
-goal to keep ischemic time <120min
-arrhythmias due to rapid reperfusion (high K, reflex tachycardia), bleeding, hemorrhage CVA
Anti-Platelet Agents
-prevent platelet aggregation and thrombus formation
-decrease platele adverance to site of injury
-prevention of blood clots, inhibit thrombin
Common: heparin, pradaxa, xarelto, eliquis