Medication/ surgery summary Flashcards
How do ACEI work ?
They inhibit ACE which therefore reduces reabsorption in the kidneys
Name examples of ACEI
Ramipril ‘pril’ endings
How do CCBs work ?
They bind to L type Ca channels of the myocardium of the heart, reducing Ca in the sarcomeres and therefore reducing muscle contraction.
They act primarily to increase resistance in the peripheral arteries
Name examples of CCBs
Amlodipine, felodipine. ‘pine’ endings
How do ARBs work ?
They inhibit Angiotensin II which therefore reduced reabsorption in the kidneys
Name example of ARBs
candesartan, Valsartan and Isosartan ‘sartan’ endings
How do Beta Blockers work ?
They inhibit adrenaline from acting on the heart and so they slow the heart rate
Examples of beta blockers
Bisoprolol ‘lol’ endings
How do diuretics work ?
Diuretics work on the kidneys to maximise sodium and therefore water excretion
Examples of diuretics
Loop diuretics i.e. Furosemide
‘ide’ endings
How do antiplatelet work ?
They prevent the binding of platelets to each other
Examples of statins ?
‘statin’ endings
How do antiplatelet work ?
They prevent the binding of platelets to each other and therefore prevent clots
Examples of antiplatelets
‘grel’ endings
How do anticoagulants work ?
They prevent blood from coagulating by interrupting the blood clotting cascade