Medical Management and Nursing Responsibilities Flashcards
Premedication assessment
- ask for patient’s allergies to medications
- obtain medication history and history of disorders
Approaches for Using Analgesic Agents for pain relief
- Balanced Analgesia
- Pro re neta Anaglesia
- Preventive Approach Anaglesia
- Patient Controlled Anaglesia
Approaches for Using Analgesic Agents for pain relief
- use of more than one form to obtain optimum relief with less side effects
Balanced Anaglesia
Approaches for Using Analgesic Agents for pain relief
- wait for client to complain before administering it
Pro re nata Anaglesia
Approaches for Using Analgesic Agents for pain relief
- assess client for sedation before before administering next dose
- goal is to administer it before pain becomes severe
Preventive Approach Anaglesia
Approaches for Using Analgesic Agents for pain relief
- manage post operative pain and persistent pain
- client is in control within predetermined safety limits
- electronically controlled by timing device
- timer programmed when to give additional dose
Patient Controlled Anaglesia
Routes for Drug administration
- oral
- rectal
- Transdermal Patch
- Intramuscular
- Subcutaneous
- Intravenous
- Intraspinal
Surgical Interventions to Relieve pain
- cuts nerves in spinal cord
- destroy nerve roots where they enter spinal cord
- spinal cord divided and banded with clip to form lesion resulting in loss of sensation
Non Pharmacologic Nurse Interventions
- assist in pain relief
- not substitute for medication
- makes intervention effective when partnered with medications to relieve pain
- Cutaneous Stimulation and Massage
- Thermal Therapy
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
- Distraction or Diversional Activities
- Relaxation Techniques
- Guided Imagery
- Hypnosis
- Music Therapy
Non Pharmacologic Nurse Interventions
- proposes stimulation of fibers that transport
non-painful sensations that can block or decrease pain
- promotes comfort through muscle relaxation
- concentrates on back and shoulder
Cutaneous Stimulation and Massage
Non Pharmacologic Nurse Interventions
- use ice and heat to stimulate nonpain receptors in the same receptor field as injury
- both must be applied carefully and monitored closely
Thermal Therapy
Non Pharmacologic Nurse Interventions
- battery operated unit with electrodes to produce tingling, vibrating or burning sensation on the area of pain
- decreases pain by stimulating nonpain receptors on the same areas that transmit pain
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Non Pharmacologic Nurse Interventions
- focus client’s attention away from pain
- effectiveness depends on client’s ability to receive and create sensory input
- stimulation of sight, sound, and touch better than stimulating single sense
Distraction or Diversional Activities
Non Pharmacologic Nurse Interventions
- relaxing tense muscles that contribute to pain
- slow rhythmic breathing with closed eyes
Relaxation Techniques
Non Pharmacologic Nurse Interventions
- using imagination to achieve specific effect
- combines slow rhythmic breathing with mental image
- asked to practice it for 5 min 3 times a day
Guided Imagery
Non Pharmacologic Nurse Interventions
- done by specially skilled people
- effective in relieving and decreasing analgesic agents required
Non Pharmacologic Nurse Interventions
- inexpensive way to reduce pain and anxiety
Music Therapy