Medical Emergency Preparedness Flashcards
5 Most Common Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office listed from most common to least
- Vasovagal Syncope
- Mild Allergic Reaction
- Angina Pectoris/Myocardial Infarction
- Postural Hypotension/Orthostatic Hypotension
- (Seizures, Bronchospasm(asthma attack), hyperventilation/panic attack, epinepherin reaction, diabetic emergencies/hypoglycemia, chocking and aspiration
4 Ways to Prevent a Medical Emergency
- Complete a thorough Medical History
- Obtaining Vital Signs and Physical Exam
- Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of anxious patient/increased risk for ME
- Effectively use stress reducation techniques accordingly
Stress Induced Emergencies
- Syncope
- Hyperventilation
- Acute cardiovascular emergencies
- Bronchospam
- Seizure
Drug Induced Emergencies
- Hypoglycemia (not eating when taking diabetes medication)
- Hypotension (BP medication dose too large)
- Overdose of local anesthetics
- Allergy of local anesthetics
What are the tx modifcations
Elevated 120/120-129/<80
What are the tx modications
Inform patient medical referral (if warrented)
Elective dental tx is appropriate
Consider shorter appt
Stage 1 Hypertension
Systolic 130-139/<80-89
What are the tx modications
Inform pt medical consult advisable.
Selective dental care (prophy, restorative, nonsurgical tx) is appropriate with proper modifications to tx
Stage 2 Hypertension
What are the tx modications
Inform patient medical consult advisable
selective dental care (Prophy, restorative, nonsurgical tx) is appropriate with proper modifications to tx
Pacific Dental Hygiene Clinic Cut Off
>equal to 160/ > equal to 100
What are the tx modications
Inform patient
Immediate referral to medical provider and medical clearance needed prior to next appointment.
No elective dental tx
retake bloop pressure 5 minutes
A1C: Patients should maintain _ % or less HbA1C with well controlled diabetes or __ %in elderly patients with well controlled diabetes
If the patient has not been diagnosed with diabetes and the blood glucose is at or above __ mg/dl we will delay tx and refer to the physican
Blood glucose limit up to ___ mg/dl if the patient has a current A1C at 7% or below
Any patient with a blood glucose of ___ mg/dl or higher receives an immediate referral to a physician and all tx is delayed until a med clearance is received
Etiology of Dental Anxiety
- Previous negative or traumatic experience (childhood)
- Signs of needle or drill
- Sounds of drill or screaming
- Smell of eugenol/clove (dental materials/products /anesthetics
- Sensation of high frequency vibrations
- Fear of pain
- Fear of blood
- Fear of being ridiculed/judgment
- Fear of unknown
- Fear of choking and or gagging
- Lack of control in the dental chair
Physical responses of a anxious patient
- Muscle Tightness- Hands gripping or grasping arm rests
- Sweating (hands, forehead, upper lip)
- Frequent urination
- Stiff posture
- Pulsation in carotid and temporal arteries
- Clearing throat
- Restlesness
Behavioral and emotional responses in a Anxious Patient
- Hyperactive
- Walking/Talking faster
- Seems to be in a hurry
- Irritated
- Panicky
- Poor memory/confusion
- Stumbling over words
- Outburst of emotions
- Sitting on edge of chair/leaning forward
- Inattentiveness
- Lack of eye contact
Stress Reduction Techniques
• Communication skills, rapport, trust building
• Office can be made calm and unthreatening through soft
music, avoiding bright lights, cooler environment with blankets
• Minimal to no wait time and morning appointments
• Aromatherapy- pleasant inhalation of ambient odors such as
essential oils (lavandar has been shown to increase blood flow and reduce cortisol levels)
• Visual stimulation through movies or videos
• Te l l -show-do
interpersonal cognitive process (clinician- patient) when a patient’s dental phobia is calmed by the behaviors, attitudes, and communicative stance of the clinician.
Emergency Team Structure
Person 1: Ask person 2 by name to alert and get dentist, clinic instructor and front office NOW
Ask Person 3 by name retrieve oxygen and emergency cart NOW. Position patient accordinly.
Person 2:
Retrieves the dental emergency team. Assists person 1 with patient (vitals, oxygen, records events)
Person 3:
Retrieves medical er supplies
Assists person 1 and 2 with patient (vitals, oxgyen, records events)
Basic Plan of Action
- Get Help (Remain Calm & Stay with the Patient)
2. Position
Basic Plan of Action
- Get Help (Remain Calm & Stay with the Patient)
- Position the patient apprpriately based on their conditon
- Provide basic life support as needed/monitor vital signs: CAB
- Activate EMS if directed to by the clinical instructor/denist and campus public safety
- Dial 9 then 911
- Dial x7207 or 9 then 503-352-7207 - Additional management
- continually observe, monitor vital signs, and evaluate for any signs of recovery or deterioartion - Documentation
- record appropriate information in the patient record
- Faculty will complete an incident report form in axium personal planner - De-briefing
- The director of clinical education will schedule a debriefing meeting with 24-72 hours
Compressions- 30
Breathing- 2
Oxygen used for all emergency except
Epinephrine (Injectable)
Anaphylaxis (allergic reaction)
- Counteracts major physiological events in anaphalaxis
- Reduces hypotension, bronchospasm, laryngeal edema prevents additonal release of histamine and other chemical mediators
Epinephrine (Injectable)
Anaphylaxis (allergic reaction)
- Counteracts major physiological events in anaphalaxis
- Reduces hypotension, bronchospasm, laryngeal edema prevents additonal release of histamine and other chemical mediators
Epinephrine (Injectable) § Rapid onset and short duration § Adult dosage - concentration for intramuscular injections § Pediatric dosage -
.3 mg of 1:1,000
.15 mg of
Epinephrine (Injectable)
Severe Asthma attack
- Should not use with ischemic heart disease or severe hypertension
Angina pectoris
MI or CHF • Va s o d i l a t o r - dilates coronary
blood vessels • Rapid onset • Ta b l e t a n d s p r a y f o r m
§ Ta b l e t s b e c o m e i m p o t e n t i f
exposed to light or air
§ Shelf life reduced to 12
§ Spray shelf life usually 2
• Administer ___ or onto the tongue
• Administer at 5 minute intervals – up to 3 doses
• Should not administer if systolic BP _____ or
patient has taken ED drugs within 24 hours- sudden
decrease in blood pressure
• If regular dosage doesn’t resolve symptoms,
activate EMS and assume MI
BP < 90 mmHg
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or Chlorpheniramine (non injectable forms)
• Mild, slow onset, non-life threatening allergic reactions
§ Oral histamine blocker
§ Chlorpheneramine – 10 mg or
§ Diphenhydramine 25 – 50 mg
Diphenhydramine or
Chlorpheniramine (injectable forms)
• Intramuscular histamine blocker
• ____ allergic reaction (urticaria, pertussis) with
some respiratory symptoms
• Diphenhydramine 25 – 50 mg or Chlorpheneramine 10
– 20 mg
• Pediatric dose is 1 mg/kg of body weight and should
not exceed adult dose (lbs./2.2=kg)
Note: Chlorpheniramine does not cause as much drowsiness
• Asthma attack or bronchospasm • Inhaler • Bronchodilator- dilation of bronchioles with minimal cardiovascular effects • Quick onset – peak effect 30 to 60 minutes • Long duration of action 4 to 6 hours • Adult dose 2 sprays • Pediatric dose 1 spray • Can repeat dose if necessary
• Reduces overall mortality from MI
• Inhibitor of platelet aggregation-prevents progression
of cardiac ischemia to cardiac injury or cardiac
tissue death
• Recommended dose 162 mg – 325 mg: 2 - 4 baby
aspirin (81 mg each) • Check medical history for allergy
Retrieving broken instrument tips
Magill Forceps
Retrieving object from airway
Hypertensive Urgency/Crisis
• Extremely high blood pressure reading, BP undiagnosed or poorly controlled- 180/120 • Immediately take patient to ER for further eval • Symptoms • Headache (moderate to severe) • Anxiety • Shortness of breath • Tinnitus • Edema • Epistaxis
**Hypertensive Urgency/Crisis
• Extremely high blood pressure reading, BP undiagnosed or poorly controlled- 180/120 • Immediately take patient to ER for further eval • Symptoms • Headache (moderate to severe) • Anxiety • Shortness of breath • Tinnitus • Edema • Epistaxis
Symptoms of Hypertensive Urgency Crisis
- Headache (moderate to severe)
- Anxiety
- Shortness of breath
- Tinnitus
- Edema
- Epistaxis
Hypertensive Emergency
• Extremely high BP with target end organ damage
• Symptoms – similar to MI or CVA – difficult to determine exact
• Sudden increase in BP greater than 180/110 often as high as 220/140
• Dyspnea • Chest pain
• Dysarthria- difficulty speaking
• Weakness
• Altered consciousness
• Visual loss
• Seizures
• Nausea and vomiting
Tx of a Hypertensive Emergency
- Treat end organ damage (i.e. MI or CVA) If hypertensive emergency
- Otherwise retake BP
- Seat patient upright
- Contact EMS
- Monitor BP every five mintues
- Administer 4-6 L O2 if patient complains of Dyspnea
• Abnormal condition in which BP is not adequate to
oxygenate body tissues
• Usually reduction in baseline systolic or diastolic
BP of 15–20 mmHg*
• Often caused by medications (antihypertensive) or
postural/orthostatic hypotension
• Can lead to shock
Hypotension Treatment
Tr e a t m e n t
• Position supine with feet
raised. • Assess airway. • Administer O2 4–6
liters/minute. • Monitor vital signs. • If no improvement,
contact EMS.