Medical Conditions Flashcards
Risks of obesity
Bmi >25 overweight >30 obesity
Mum: miscarriage, recurrent mc, pet, GDM, osa, vte, maternal death
Fetal anomalies (ntd), growth anomalies, still birth, PTB
IP: IoL, dystocia, monitoring issues, cs
Anaesthetic:local issues, ga issues, airway issues, icu admission
Postpartum: infection/dehis, vte, depression, bf issues, long term neonatal weight gain/body composition
Autosomal dominant, usually doesnt impair renal function
Maternal risks: assoc with liver + subarachnoid disease, risk of UTI affecting longterm renal function, risk of HTN
Fetus - miscarriage, PET, IUGR, PTB, polyhydramnios, stillbirth
Neonate - 50% chance of transmission
Start aspirin.
IF aneurysm, refer to neurosurg, consider MRI, may need clipping/endovascualr thing about valsalva/mode of delivery, tertiary centre
Aneurysm in pregnancy
PC: headache (thunderclap), vomiting, LOC, sudden collpase, neck stiffness, papilodema.
Can be AVM/SAH
CT shows acute bleed
MRI more delayed bleed
Refer to neurosurg, if >7-10mm, will likely clip or use endovascular techniques
ELCS or cautious epidural, short second stage, forceps
NOT for regional anaesthesia if recent SAH
Differential seizure in pregnancy
Ecclampsia Epilepsy Central venous thrombosis Stroke TTP Subarachnoid haemorrhage Drug + alcohol Metabolic derangement INfection (tuberculoma/toxoplasmosis) Psychosomatic
C-blood borne RNA virus, can be sexually transmitted
R-M: infection
F:transplacental infection, preterm birth
I - confirm with ELISA, other STI including syphilis, Hepb/c, Baseline LFTs
Monthly CD4 count, viral load, most important @ 36/40
T-HART, aim <50 copies, zidovudine may be needed. this is the PEP for newborn, must be within 4 hours
0-avoid amnio/ecv etc if >50 copies, if <50 copies essentially treat as normal, prefer formula feeding + dostinex, def not mixed feeding.
Determine mode @ 36/40
Full PPE for all staff
Paed review at delivery
Sickle cell disease
Autosomal recessive - glu-val
MDT - anaesthetics, haem, paed
Perinatal mortality increased 4-6 fold
Risks - anaemia, dehydration, ACUTE CHEST SYNDROME, increase uti, gallstones, retinopathy, leg ulcers, pulm HTN
Transfusion if <80
Reduced life expectancy
Meds - 5mg folic acid throughout, aspirin (pet), prophylactic penicillin
Vaccinations - neisseria, strep, haemophilus
Growth scans
Von willebrand - pregnancy
Most common inherited bleeding disorder
Mostly autosomal dominant, severely deficient form autosomal recessive
Usually levels increase in pregnancy, but early gestation may still bleed lots with ectopic, miscarriage, cvs.
vWF and FVIII fall rapidly postpartum, increased risk PPH
DDAVP - may be given as IV infusion if type 1, more severe types need FFP
Avoid nsaids and aspirin
Hepatitis B
C- blood borne virus (sex, vertical, blood)
R - Mat: cirrhosis, HCC
- Fetal - transmission ,highest if e antigen present
- Neonatal - test at 9/12
Invx -
bloods: LFTs, e antigen, viral load (if >10^6 = need tenifovir), liver USS, coags,
T - tenofovir from 30/40, immunise household contacts and baby (baby immunoglobulin + vaccine within 24H)
If using tenofovir, dont breastfeed
O - 1st
3rd - no FBS/FSE
Order in people with anaemia, thalassemia, sickle cell disease
C - usually asymptomatic, swollen lymph nodes, fever, muscle aches.Avoid raw/undercooked meat, wash hands after gardening
Risk of tranmission 10%, more likely to be transmistted early.
Congenital - stillbirth, intracranial anomalies, developmental delay, ocular inflammation, impaired hearing.
First trimester - low risk infection, high risk of damage
Third - high risk infection, low risk damage, usually asymptomatic.
Tests - USS +/- fetal MRI, amnio >4 weeks, to see if fetus infected, if fetus infected, offer TOP, or continue with pyrimethamine + folinic acid + test infant
Treat - spiramycin (treats Mum) or >18 weeks pyrimethamine + sulfadiazine
Risks of anti epileptic drugs
If taking 2 or more, risk = 10-15%
Ideally levitiracetam, lamotrigine, carbamazepine
- neural tube (valproate)
- orofacial
- cardiac
Minor - fetal anticonvulsant syndrome Dysmorphic features Hypertelorism (eyes far apart) Hypoplasitc nails and digits Hypoplastic midface
Valproate the worst, also assoc with impaired neurodevelopment, reduced IQ
Risks of overt hypothyroidism
Miscarriage Hypertensive disorders Placenetal abruption Anaemia PPH
Prematurity, LBW, increased perinatal morbidity + mortality
Usually autoimmune - anti TPO antibodies, antithyroid peroxidase = Hashimoto’s disease
-post thyroidectomy/radiation
Aim TSH <2.5 first tri then <3.
If have anti TPO antibodies and subclinical, offer treatment
MDT, endocrinologist, anticipate increased dosing
Monthly TFT
Serial growth scans
Cystic Fibrosis
C - autosomal recessive, early repeated lung infections, respiratory failure, pancreatic insufficiency, early mortality
20% have diabetes, 15% have IGT
R - maternal: infective exacerbations, congestive heart failure, poor weight gain (preterm + stillbirth)
F-PTB, IUGR due to chronic hypoxia
Invx - Echo, FEV1/pulm function tests, nutrition, resp
T - MDT, control infection (prophyl abx if needed), grpwth scans, cs for obs only, avoid hypoxia, measure growth
O - avoid prolonged 2nd stage as incr risk pneumothoraces, encourage BF with nutritional support
High Risk MSS1
Screening test - incompatible w life or assoc with high morbidity + long term disability, treatment in utero or immediately postpartum
Non diagnostic
Only 3 conditions - tri 21 is down syndrome, brief explanation (intellectual impairment, congenital malformations w cardiac, leukemia, thyroid, alzheimers)
Further options
NIPT - still screening, not diagnostic
Diagnostic - CVS or amnio or wait till baby born and examine and test