Gen Preg Flashcards
Illegal - esp to reinfibulate
Obstetric - labour dystocia, tears/lacs, instrumental, epis, PPH, SB, infant resus
Sexual - dyspareunia, decreased satisfaction, anorgasmia
Gynae - chronic vulvodynia, vaginal discharge, UTI, dysmenorrhea
Psychological - PTSD, anxiety/depression
Stillbirth investigations
Gold standard: post mortem
MUM - hx of thrombosis, APS, bile salts, LFTs
Baby - autopsy,
if not, then clinical examination by paeds, MRI, babygram, minimally invasive autopsy
Placenta - macroscopic exam, histopath, cytogenetic, swabs
Anti D Isoimmnunisation
250IU first trimester
625IU if multiple
If 2nd tri incl amnio, TOP, APH, ECV = 625IU
If > 1 in 16, refer to MFM
Persisntent anaemia due to tranplacenta allo-antibody destruction of fetal blood cells
Test partner
Consider cordocentesis - DAT, Hb + bilirubin levels
-observe for jaundice/anaemia, feed regularly, consider phototherapy or plasma exchange
Isoimmunisation rhesus
Chromosomal - turners, Tri 18/13, molar
Structural e.g. cardiac, thoracic, GI obsturction
Trauma - Fetal maternal haemorrhage, TWINS, TUMOUR
Infection - parvovirus, but also toxo/cmv
Differentials large for dates
Incorrect dates
Multiple gestation
Molar/gestational trophoblastic disease
Management hyperemesis
Admit IV fluids Anti emetics - cyclizine, metoclopramide, PRN ondans Folic acid 5mg, Iodine Thiamine Pyridoxine Regular ketone checks Daily weight Dietician Regular small meals
Breech Delivery
Frank (extended knees most successful)
Offer ECV if intact membranes (primip from 36)
Analgesia, lithotomy
Ideally wait until breech reaches pelvic floor,
Commence pushing,
Fetus often deliveries spontaenously to the umbilicius
Maintain sacrum anteriorly
Grasp bony prominences only, if needed, SI joint, Ant sup iliac spines, avoid soft abdo
If legs do not deliver spontaneously, hook them anteriorly
Rotate body 90-180 degrees to deliver shoulders (Lovsetts)
MSV mauriceau-smelli-veit once occiput is visible, two fingers non dom hand on malar prominences, other hand neck/shoulders/middle finger occiput
Suprapubic pressure can increase flexion
Body rests on palm and forearm
Gentle downward traction + elevation
Forceps can be used for after coming head
RISKS - cord prolapse, nuchal arm, traumatic injuries
C - DNA virus, maternal may be asym or slapped cheek, athralgia of large joints
May be detected as hydrops
R M-self limiting
F - <20 weeks, 10% excess fetal loss
9-20 weeks, 3% get hydrops (1/3 need IUT, 1/3 recover)
If no hydrops, v low risk congenital issue
Invx - confirm maternal serology, IgM can take 2-3 weeks to become positive, MFM USS, 1-2 weekly MCA PSV, if elevated, IUT, amnio not needed, repeat MCA PSV until 12 weeks post infection
T - TOP not offered as no long term sequalae
C - DNA virus, self limiting in parents, can be re-activated
M-low risk
F - early = structural, later in preg = visceral (hepatitis/pneumonia)
N- FU 2 years, seizures, developmental delay, microcephaly, chorioretinitis, SNHL within first 2 years.
90% of transmission = asymptomatic
OVERALL risk of long term sequalae in a congenitally infected infant is 10-20%
(30% risk of transmission, 10% of those = infected, 50% of those = long term sequalae, OVERALL 10-20% of INFECTED babies have issues)
Invx - Maternal serology, if IgG positive, then avidity, if LOW avidity = RECENT infection
- USS - cns (microcephaly, calcifications), oligo/poly, hydrops, echogenic bowel, iugr
- Amnio >20/40 + 6/52 after primary
- MRI: microcephaly
T - no maternal treatment
-Consider TOP if affected, infected fetus may not be affected
Day care worker/parent of toddler
School aged parent
MCDA twins
Single embryo
Chorionicity determined by 14 weeks
Oral iron, 5mg folate, detailed anomalie + cardiac scans
Fortnightly from 16 weeks
Detailed anoamlie + cardiac as increased risk (uneven distribution inner cell mass)
TTTS -15%, quintero
SFGR - 15% , refer >20% discrep, gratacos (1,2,3)
TAPS - post laser, small anastomseis (anaemia/polycythaemia)
TRAP - acardiac twin
Co twin demise - 15% demise, 26% abnormality , MRI to assess surviving twin neuro
Advise Mum symptoms of TTTS, increased girth, SOB, decreased movements
Mode of delivery, if >32 weeks, consider vaginal if cephalic
Increased risks in twins
1 in 90
Slightly higher >35, therefore more anomalies
Hyperemesis Anaemia GDM PTB VTE APH Poly operative delivery PPH PND Maternal mortality
Fetal risks of prematurity/PPROM
PREMATURITY Hyaline membrane disease Intraventricular haemorrhage Periventricular leukomalacia Infection - sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis NEC Retinopathy
Pulm hypoplasia
MSK/facial deformities as reduced amniotic fluid + restricted mvmt
Umbilical cord issues - compression/prolapse
Antipyschotic/mood stabiliser (alternatives lamotrigine, quetiapine, risperidone)
Ebstein anomaly
Associated with thyroid issues
Consider: weaning if stable (DONT stop abruptly), switching to another anti-pyschotic
-4 weekly levels
-Weekly from 36 weeks
Stop in labour due to fluctuations, risks and signs of toxicity
NOT breastfeeding, therefore dostinex, extended stay postnatally
Congenital infection rare, vertical tranmission at delivery
Suppressive from 36/40
Recurrent, risk is 1-3%
15% type 1
<0.1 % for type 2
Neonatal observation, if active lesions, swab for HSV and consider antivirals
FU after molar pregnancy
-if normal HCG within 56 days, = 6/12 from ERPOC
if >56 days.8 weeks, then 6/12 from negative HCG
x2 negative HCG, 4 weeks apart
Do not need repeat HCG 6 weeks unless had chemo
Complete molar
1 egg, 2 sperm (either dispermy or replicate)
Presents, hyperemesis, irregular vaginal bleeding, uterine enlargement, hyperthyroidism, early onset PET, (RARE = haemoptysis/headache due to mets)
Assoc w theca lutein cysts
More likely to get chorangiocarcinoma
No fetal parts, therefore evacuation of uterus is treatment, irrespective of uterine size. Avoid medical and oxytocin (potential to embolise, similar to AFE)
Balanced translocation
Same amount of genetic material
Usually phenotypically normal
Can have implications if at critical break point
- check parental chromosomes
- refer to geneticist
- could consider micro-array
Vit K
IM injection
Babies are deficient, 1-2% have risk of sig bleeding
Early or LATE (up to 12 weeks)
Increased risk: mum on AED, ptb, instrumental
IM injection much more effective than PO, but PO option
Low risk, some studies some assoc w solid tumours but largely disproven and thought to be safe
1st trimester = offer TOP
2nd trimester = offer amnio >20/40, 6 weeks from infection, ideally not cvs
-all vaccinated, PPE,
FU for 9 months
Vomiting in 1st tri
Hyperemesis Thyrotoxicosis Multiple Molar INfection