Medical Assessment Flashcards
Upon entering any scene what should you be doing? Explain.
Forming a general impression. Medical or trauma? Sick or not sick?
What are the parts of the primary assessment?
Airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure
What are the parts of your airway assessment? (6)
airway maintainable? LOC, skin appearance, preferred posture to maintain airway, airway clearance, sounds of obstruction
What are the parts of your breathing assessment? (13)
rate and depth, cyanosis, position of trachea, obvious injury or deformity, work of breathing, accessory muscles, flaring of nostrils, bilateral breath sounds, adventitious breath sounds, asymmetric chest movements, palpation of crepitus, chest wall integrity, oxygen sat.
What are the parts of your circulation assessment (5)
pulse rate and quality, skin color, peripheral pulses, skin temperature, LOC
What is the disability part of your assessment?
A quick neurological check
What are the parts of your disability assessment?
AVPU, size, shape, reactivity of pupils, GCS
What are the parts of your exposure assessment?
identify bleeding or other signs of illness, appropriate tube placement: chest tubes, PEG tubes, NG tubes, catheters, IV access
What are the parts of your secondary assessment?
SAMPLE, OPQRST, Head to toe
What should be noted in HEENT?
Eyes: DCAPBTLS, extraocular movements, gross visual exam, sunken eyes, color of sclera, drainage, lack of tearing
Ears: assessment of hearing, drainage, DCAPBTLS
Nose: DCAPBTLS, drainage
Throat/Mouth: Trachea position, swallowing difficulty, odor, teeth, mucous membranes, drooling
Neck: DCAPBTLS, rigidity, neck masses, neck eins
What should be noted in skin assessment?
presence of petechia, DCAPBTLS, purpura, rashes, skin turgor, temperature, texture
What should be noted in thorax, lungs, and cardiovascular system?
DCAPBTLS, signs of edema, breath sounds, heart tones
What should be noted in abdomen/pelvis assessment?
shape and size, presence of bowel sounds, tenderness, firmness, masses
What should be noted in assessment of extremities and back?
gross motor and sensory, peripheral pulses, use of extremities, DCAPBTLS, angulation, vertebral column, f
Which vital sign is crucial in secondary assessment?