Mediastinum Flashcards
Three divisions of the thoracic cavity
Right and left pulmonary cavity, and mediastinum
It is the central compartment of the thoracic cavity
Tissue that unites the visceral structures of the mediastinum?
Loose connective tissue, fat
Superior border of mediastinum?
Superior thoracic aperture
Inferior border of mediastinum?
Anterior border of mediastinum
Sternum and costal cartilages
Posterior border of mediastinum?
Bodies of thoracic vertebrae
Boundaries of the thoracic inlet?
Manubrium, 1st rib, anterior surface of body of T1
Effect of an enlargement in the mediastinum on the surrounding structures?
It pushes on the other surrounding structures
Procedure which allows surgeons to view or biopsy mediastinal lymph nodes?
Where is the endoscope inserted when you want to perform mediastinoscopy?
Through root of the neck, superior to jugular notch
List three possible causes of mediastinum widening
Head on trauma
Malignant lymphoma
Hypertrophy of heart due to congestive heart failure
The portion of interpleural space which lies behind the manubrium and anterior to the upper 4 thoracic vertebrae?
Superior mediastinum
Superior boundary of superior mediastinum?
Superior thoracic aperture (trans)
Oblique plane of 1st rib (SIM)
Inferior boundary of superior mediastinum?
Transverse thoracic plane (trans)
Horizontal plane through sternal angle (SIM)
The plane that passes through the angle of Louis passes through the IV disc between which vertebrae?
T4-T5 (trans and moore)
T3-T4 (SIM)
Lateral border of the superior mediastinum?
Mediastinal pleura (parietal pleura)
Anterior border of the superior mediastinum?
Manubrium of sternum
Posterior border of superior mediastinum
Muscles in the superior mediastinum?
Origin of sternohyoid and sternothyroid
Lower end of longus colli
Primary lymphoid organ important in thr development and maintenance of immune system located in the inferior neck and anterior superior mediastinum?
Thymus gland
Structure anterior to the thymus?
Structure posterior to the thymus
Fibrous pericardium
In what stage of life does the thymus gland diminish in size?
After puberty
The thymus gland is largely replaced by what after puberty?
Arterial supply of the superior mediastinum?
Anterior intercostal artery
Anterior mediastinal branches of internal thoracic arteries
Venous drainage of the superior mediastinum?
Left brachiocephalic vein
Internal thoracic vein
Inferior thyroid vein
Lymphatic drainage of the superior mediastinum?
Parasternal lymph nodes
Brachiocephalic lymph nodes
Tracheobronchial lymph nodes
Great vessel formed from the union of the internal jugular vein and subclavian vein
Brachiocephalic vein
Which brachiocephalic vein is longer? Left or right?
Left (by more than 2x)
Where does the thoracic duct enter the venous system?
Union of left internal jugular vein and left subclavian vein
The brachiocephalic veins are found behind what joint?
Sternoclavicular joint
Great vessel formed by the union of left and right brachiocephalic veins?
Superior vena cava
The superior vena cava is located in the left or right parasternal border?
The superior vena cava begins at the level of which costal cartilage? Ends at what level?
Begins at 1st, ends at 3rd
Heart chamber where superior vena cava leads into?
Right atrium
The superior vena cava is _____ to the trachea? (Anatomic direction)
The superior vena cava is _____ to the ascending aorta? (Anatomic direction)
This nerve is between the superior vena cava and the mediastinal pleura?
Right phrenic nerve
The ascending aorta is located in what area of the mediastinum
Inferior mediastinum
The ascending aorta begins in this structure
Aortic orifice
The only branches of the ascending aorta
Coronary arteries
Curved continuation of the ascending aorta?
Arch of the aorta
Three branches of the arch of the aorta
Brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid artery, left subclavian artery
Beginning of the course of the arch of the aorta?
Sternal angle of louis, t4
The arch of the aorta ascends anterior to which other blood vessel?
Right pulmonary artery
Trace the course of the arch of the aorta from anterior to the tracheal bifurcation?
Arches superoposteriorly, then to the left, then inferiorly
Where is the apex of the arch of the aorta located?
Left side of trachea and esophagus
The descending portion of the arch passes posterior to the root of which lung?
The arch of the aorta continues onward as what vessel at the level of the 2nd sternocostal joint
Thoracic aorta
Which vessel occupies the corresponding position of the arch of the aorta on the right side?
Arch of azygos vein
Structure that passes from root of left pulmonary artery to inferior surface of arch of aorta
Ligamentum arteriosum
The ligamentum arteriosum is a remnant of this fetal structure
Ductus arteriosus
Ligation of ligamentum arteriosum can lead to this
Voice hoarseness
Largest branch of the aortic arch
Brachiocephalic trunk
Structures anterior to brachiocephalic trunk
Manubrium, left brachiocephalic vein
Structure posterior to brachiocephalic trunk
Direction of the course of the brachiocepalic trunk?
Brachiocephalic trunk enters neck behind this structure?
Sternoclavicular joint
2nd branch of the aortic arch
Left common carotid artery