Media - Ownership/Social Class representation Flashcards
Manipulative Instrumentalist Approach
Traditional Marxist approach. Media owners directly control the media. They manipulate the content to control their profits and spread the dominant ideology.
MIA sociologists
Curran and Seaton
What did curran and seaton find?
found evidence that media owners did in fact interfere and manipulate media content.
For example, Rupert Murdoch admitted he was ‘hands on economically and editorially.’
What did Rupert Murdoch admit to?
being hand on economically and editorially.
Criticisms to the MIA
Pluralists argue that the owners and managers are more interested in the profits. Therefore they will put out what the audience wants and not what the owners want.
Dominant Ideology/Hegemonic Approach
The media legitimises the dominant ideology of the ruling class. Owners don’t have day-to-day control, but the journalists and editors do.
Journalists and editors decide what is…
news worthy
GMG points out that…
they are predominantly white, male and middle class. So due to their socialisation they already hold the norms and values of the ruling class and therefore pass on the dominant ideology easily.
Evidence for DIHA
Philo found that during the 2008 economic crisis that the media focused mainly on the solutions that political parties and the bankers themselves put forward.
Evaluation of DIHA
This theory assumes that the audience is passive and not actively choosing what they consume. Pluralists say that digital media has undermined traditional influence of media owners
How are the working class represented in the media?
Ownership has an effect on working class representation
Manipulative instrumentalist approach. owners deliberately manipulate the content in order to stop unfavorable views from spreading.
Example of unfavourable views
Poverty being the governments fault and not the individuals fault.
The working class is portrayed as stupid. Jones argues that the demonisation of the working class is used to legitimate the social class inequalities. Blaming the working class for their poverty.
Analysis of under representation of the working class
The working class are portrayed as 'chavs'. The media presents it as a lifestyle choice. This perpetuates the 'myth of poverty'. Link - The working class is underrepresented on purpose by the media owners.
The middle class is over represented in the media
This can be narrowed down to the socialisation of journalist sand editors and how it influences their content.
The GMG points out
Dom. Ideology, Hegemony approach
GMG - most journalists and producers are middle class, white, males. They are likely to pass on the dominant ideology of the ruling class, as they are apart of it themselves. While under representing the working class.
The middle class are
Presented in a positive light, making them the norm of society.
Cereal packet family.
Evidence/examples of dom, ideo, heg approach
Philo - 2008 economic crisis
Link of middle class over representativeness
The middle class is over representated as the owners in direct control influences who is chosen to work for them.