Media Audience Flashcards
Psychographic Segmentation
- People aspire to act like them.
Main streamers
- Like popularity, they like to go along and follow trends.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- physiological
- safety
- love/belonging
- esteem
- self-actualisation
Two step flow theory
Opinion leaders follow mass media, followers follow opinion leaders
Moral Panic
Stanley Cohen suggested in his 1972 book ‘Folk Devils and Moral Panics’ that a moral panic occurs when “condition, episode, person or group of people emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests.”
In extreme cases, moral panic creates mass hysteria within society. The general public start to believe whatever is being reported on, is occurring everywhere in society.
Example: Covid scares
Uses and Gratifications
Personal relationships
Personal identity
The dominance of certain aspects of life and thought by the penetration of a dominant culture and it’s values into social life. In other words, media hegemony serves as a crucial shaper of culture, values and ideology of society.
Laura Mulvey’s Male Gaze Theory
Women in the media are viewed from the eyes of a heterosexual man. Characters are created purely for men’s pleasure
The love to look
Sexual pleasure derived chiefly from watching others when they are naked or engaged in Sexual activity; voyeurism.
NRS Social Grades
A- Upper middle class (Higher managerial roles, administrative or professional)
B - Middle middle class (Intermediate managerial roles, administrative or professional)
C1 - Lower middle class (Supervisory or clerical and junior managerial roles, administrative or professional)
C2 - Skilled working class (Skilled manual workers)
D - Working class (Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers)
E - Non-working (State pensioners, casual and lowest grade workers, unemployed with state benefits only.)
Stuart Hall’s Reception theory
Linear - sender sends a message, receiver gets message directly.
Encoding / decoding - if the receiver doesn’t perceive the message correctly, it could be twisted.
Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory
Preferred Reading - how the producer wants the audience to view the media text.
Oppositional Reading - when the audience rejects the preferred reading, and creates their own meaning for the text.
Negotiated Reading - a mix of both the producer and reader’s view.
Mass / Niche Audiences
A MASS audience is made up of a large demographic group (age, gender & maybe culture/ethnicity)
A NICHE audience is a small subset with very unique interests or characteristics
The re-presentation of something through the media.
Spark instant recognition
Pan, high shot, low shot, full shot
show movement, inferior, superior, to show dress code/relationship/background
Hero’s journey
it is important to see how they achieve their goal
Age, Gender, Ethnicity
Hypodermic syringe theory
Theory suggests that the media is very powerful and the audience is passive and weak. They will be force-fed the information given to them no matter how hard they try to resist. This theory is challenged because not everyone reacts in the same way to media products.
Henry Jenkins - fandom theory
Fans enjoy media texts so much that they create content based upon the text and form communities around it, which has been made even more possible due to the internet.
This is like the ‘prosumer’ term - a producer and consumer of content. It also links to media convergence - a coming together of lots of different media elements which can make a new product.