Med terms (GI/abdomen + excretory functions) Flashcards
the symptoms of indigestion
tensing of the muscles of the abdominal wall to protect sensitive inflammation of underlying organs upon direct pressure/palpation
abnormal enlargement of the liver, typically a sign of liver disease discovered on palpation of the abdomen
a sensation of pain felt when pressure is quickly removed (instead of applied) from the abdomen
difficulty swallowing related to muscular or nervous problems (not mechanical chocking on an object such as food)
area of the abdomen lying upon/over the urinary bladder
the passage of fresh, red blood per anus; indicative of a lower gastrointestinal bleed
marked total body swelling due to fluid buildup, typically caused by failure of the liver, kidneys, or heart
abnormal swelling in the abdominal region due to fluid buildup, typically due to severe liver failure
associated anatomic parts, typically referring to the ovaries and fallopian tubes
blockage of the intestines caused by lack of peristalsis
McBurney’s point
an area in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen that is concerning for acute appendicitis when tender on physical exam
Murphy’s sigh
a gastrointestinal physical exam finding that involves pain in the right upper quadrant when the patient is asked to breathe in while pressure is applied in that area; if positive, this is concerning for gallbladder infection (cholecystitis)
peritoneal signs
common term for rebound and guarding combined; typically addressed when inflammation exists in the abdominal cavity
difficult or painful urination, typically in the presence of irritation from infection