Med Terms #4 Flashcards
Finish this sentence:
INDICATIONS: Severe pain, pain, and anxiety associated with CPAP use in ___ edema
For fentanyl
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PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, agitation, GI distress, vomiting, diaphoresis, and yawning). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been ___. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
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DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Alters pain perception and increases pain threshold, Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, reducing stimuli from sensory nerve endings and inhibiting ascending ___ pathways.
For fentanyl
(Paresthesia) tingling or ___ of the skin, also known as “pins and needles” or a limb “falling asleep”
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Cholinergic Poisoning: 0.05 mg/kg IV push every 15 minutes until decreased secretions; 1 mg IM every 15 minutes if ___ IV
For Atropine
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DOSAGE: Adult Dose = 1 mcg/kg, max 100 ___, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN. Repeat = Every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 300 mcg. Pediatric Dose = 0.5-1.0 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN Repeat = 0.5 mcg/kg, max 50 mcg, every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 200 mcg
For fentanyl
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ADVERSE REACTIONS: Flushed skin * Tachycardia * Dry mouth * Dilated pupils * ___ * Blurred vision * headache
For Atropine
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DOSAGE: Adult Dose = 1 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN. Repeat = Every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 300 mcg. Pediatric Dose = 0.5-1.0 ___/___, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN Repeat = 0.5 mcg/kg, max 50 mcg, every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 200 mcg
For fentanyl
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ADVERSE REACTIONS: Pulmonary edema, severe agitation, ___, dysrhythmias, & tachycardia
For Naloxone
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Pediatric Bradycardia: 0.02 mg/kg rapid ___ push every 5 minutes, minimum dose 0.1 mg. Max dose: 1mg child; 2mg adolescent.
For Atropine
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Fentanyl - (Sublimaze, Duragsesic, Actiq, Fentora) / Opiate ___
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 ___. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
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ADVERSE REACTIONS: ___ edema, severe agitation, hypertension, dysrhythmias, & tachycardia
For Naloxone
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Pediatric Bradycardia: ___ mg/kg rapid IV push every 5 minutes, minimum dose 0.1 mg. Max dose: 1mg child; 2mg adolescent.
For Atropine
(Paresthesia) tingling or prickling of the skin, also known as “___ ___ ___” or a limb “falling asleep”
pins and needles
(Sternutate) ___
(Rhinorrhea) ___ nose
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Pediatric Bradycardia: 0.02 mg/kg rapid IV push every ___ minutes, minimum dose 0.1 mg. Max dose: 1mg child; 2mg adolescent.
For Atropine
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DOSAGE: Adult Dose = 1 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN. Repeat = Every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 300 ___. Pediatric Dose = 0.5-1.0 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN Repeat = 0.5 mcg/kg, max 50 mcg, every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 200 mcg
For fentanyl
(___) when your eyes hurt whenever you step outside because it’s too bright; light-induced pain of the irises
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ADVERSE REACTIONS: Flushed skin * Tachycardia * Dry mouth * Dilated pupils * ___ * Blurred vision * headache
For Atropine
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DOSAGE: Adult Dose = 1 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN. Repeat = Every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 300 mcg. Pediatric Dose = 0.5-1.0 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN Repeat = 0.5 mcg/kg, max ___ mcg, every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 200 mcg
For fentanyl
(Photalgia) when your ___ hurt whenever you step outside because it’s too bright; light-induced pain of the irises
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ADVERSE REACTIONS: Drowsiness * Nausea / vomiting * Respiratory ___, apnea * Bradycardia
For fentanyl
Finish this sentence:
DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Alters pain perception and increases pain threshold, Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, reducing stimuli from sensory nerve endings and inhibiting ascending pain ___.
For fentanyl
(___) the descent of any internal organ (prolapse)
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 ___ - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
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INDICATIONS: Narcotic ___. Unresponsiveness of unknown etiology
For Naloxone
(Procidentia) the descent of any internal organ (___)
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INDICATIONS: Symptomatic bradycardia * Narrow complex (Mobitz ___ ___) AV block * Cholinergic poisoning (organophosphate or nerve agents)
For Atropine
Type I
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Pediatric Bradycardia: 0.02 mg/kg rapid IV push every 5 minutes, minimum dose 0.1 mg. Max dose: 1 ___ child; 2mg adolescent.
For Atropine
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INDICATIONS: Severe pain, pain, and anxiety associated with ___ use in pulmonary edema
For fentanyl
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DOSAGE: Adult Bradycardia: 1 mg rapid IV push every 3-5 minutes (max dose 3 ___)
For Atropine
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - ___ cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max ___ dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
Finish this sentence:
DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Alters ___ perception and increases pain threshold, Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, reducing stimuli from sensory nerve endings and inhibiting ascending pain pathways.
For fentanyl
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DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: ___ the effects of all narcotics. Blocks opioid receptors which prevent narcotics from binding.
For Naloxone
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: ___ mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
(Photalgia) when your eyes ___ whenever you step outside because it’s too bright; light-induced pain of the irises
Finish this sentence:
DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 ___ slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
(Proctalgia) ___ pain in the butt
Finish this sentence:
PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, agitation, ___ ___, vomiting, diaphoresis, and yawning). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been intubated. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
GI distress
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INDICATIONS: Symptomatic bradycardia * ___ complex (Mobitz Type I) AV block * Cholinergic poisoning (organophosphate or nerve agents)
For Atropine
(___) sneeze
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DOSAGE: Adult Dose = 1 ___/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN. Repeat = Every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 300 mcg. Pediatric Dose = 0.5-1.0 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN Repeat = 0.5 mcg/kg, max 50 mcg, every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 200 mcg
For fentanyl
(Pneumoultramicro___ilicovolcanoconiosis) lung disease from inhaling very fine ash and sand (or “silica dust”); also known as silicosis or the black lung
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CONTRAINDICATIONS: Increased ICP * Severe hepatic or renal impairment * Severe respiratory depression * Severe ___ asthma * Paralytic ileus
For fentanyl
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CONTRAINDICATIONS: ___ / Aflutter with rapid ventricular response (RVR) * Mobitz Type II AV Blocks * Wide Complex 3rd degree AV blocks * Myocardial ischemia
For Atropine
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CONTRAINDICATIONS: Increased ICP * Severe hepatic or renal impairment * ___ respiratory depression * Severe bronchial asthma * Paralytic ileus
For fentanyl
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DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: ___ heart rate in bradycardia, thus improving cardiac output and decreases chance of ventricular ectopy. Dries mucous membranes in organophosphate poisoning.
For Atropine
(Pyrexia) ___
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO ___. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
(Photalgia) when your eyes hurt whenever you step outside because it’s ___ bright; light-induced pain of the irises
Finish this sentence:
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Increased ICP * Severe hepatic or renal ___ * Severe respiratory depression * Severe bronchial asthma * Paralytic ileus
For fentanyl
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat ___ mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
Finish this sentence:
ADVERSE REACTIONS: Pulmonary edema, severe agitation, hypertension, ___, & tachycardia
For Naloxone
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CONTRAINDICATIONS: Increased ICP * ___ hepatic or renal impairment * Severe respiratory depression * Severe bronchial asthma * Paralytic ileus
For fentanyl
Finish this sentence:
PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, ___, GI distress, vomiting, diaphoresis, and yawning). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been intubated. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
(Prosopagnosia) inability to recognize ___
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ADVERSE REACTIONS: ___ * Nausea / vomiting * Respiratory depression, apnea * Bradycardia
For fentanyl
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Pediatric Bradycardia: 0.02 mg/kg rapid IV push every 5 minutes, minimum dose 0.1 ___. Max dose: 1mg child; 2mg adolescent.
For Atropine
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / ___ ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
(Pneumoultramicroscopics___volcanoconiosis) lung disease from inhaling very fine ash and sand (or “silica dust”); also known as silicosis or the black lung
Finish this sentence:
PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid withdrawal ___ (anxiety, agitation, GI distress, vomiting, diaphoresis, and yawning). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been intubated. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
(Rhinorrhea) runny ___
(Prosopagnosia) inability to ___ faces
(Photalgia) when your eyes hurt whenever you step ___ because it’s too bright; light-induced pain of the irises
Finish this sentence:
DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for ___ and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
Finish this sentence:
DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Accelerates heart rate in rate, thus improving cardiac output and decreases chance of ventricular ectopy. ___ mucous membranes in organophosphate poisoning.
For Atropine
Finish this sentence:
DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Alters pain perception and increases pain threshold, ___ to opiate receptors in the CNS, reducing stimuli from sensory nerve endings and inhibiting ascending pain pathways.
For fentanyl
Finish this sentence:
PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, agitation, GI distress, vomiting, diaphoresis, and yawning). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been intubated. ___ should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
Finish this sentence:
PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate ___ withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, agitation, GI distress, vomiting, diaphoresis, and yawning). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been intubated. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
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INDICATIONS: Symptomatic bradycardia * Narrow complex (Mobitz Type I) AV block * Cholinergic ___ (organophosphate or nerve agents)
For Atropine
(___) literal pain in the butt
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PRECAUTIONS: Renal ___ * CHF * Down’s Syndrome
For Atropine
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Fentanyl - (Sublimaze, ___, Actiq, Fentora) / Opiate agonist
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CONTRAINDICATIONS: ___ sensitivity to the drug
For Naloxone
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PRECAUTIONS: Do not use with MAOIs (___ oxidase inhibitors)
For fentanyl
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___ - (Sublimaze, Duragsesic, Actiq, Fentora) / Opiate agonist
(Pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovalcano___) lung disease from inhaling very fine ash and sand (or “silica dust”); also known as silicosis or the black lung
Finish this sentence:
PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, agitation, GI distress, vomiting, diaphoresis, and yawning). ___ should not be given to patients that have been intubated. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
Finish this sentence:
PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, agitation, GI distress, vomiting, diaphoresis, and ___). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been intubated. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
(Prosopagnosia) ___ to recognize faces
Finish this sentence:
DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 ___
For Naloxone
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DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Accelerates heart rate in rate, thus improving cardiac output and decreases ___ of ventricular ectopy. Dries mucous membranes in organophosphate poisoning.
For Atropine
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Cholinergic Poisoning: 0.05 mg/kg IV push every 15 minutes until decreased secretions; 1 mg IM every 15 minutes if NO ___
For Atropine
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DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Alters pain ___ and increases pain threshold, Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, reducing stimuli from sensory nerve endings and inhibiting ascending pain pathways.
For fentanyl
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Cholinergic Poisoning: 0.05 mg/kg IV push every 15 minutes until ___ secretions; 1mg IM every 15 minutes if NO IV
For Atropine
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Fentanyl - (Sublimaze, Duragsesic, Actiq, ___) / Opiate agonist
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INDICATIONS: Severe ___, pain, and anxiety associated with CPAP use in pulmonary edema
For fentanyl
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Cholinergic Poisoning: 0.05 mg/kg IV push every ___ minutes until decreased secretions; 1mg IM every 15 minutes if NO IV
For Atropine
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CONTRAINDICATIONS: Increased ICP * Severe ___ or renal impairment * Severe respiratory depression * Severe bronchial asthma * Paralytic ileus
For fentanyl
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Fentanyl - (Sublimaze, Duragsesic, Actiq, Fentora) / ___ agonist
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DOSAGE: Adult Dose = 1 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN. Repeat = Every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 300 mcg. Pediatric Dose = 0.5-1.0 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN Repeat = ___ mcg/kg, max 50 mcg, every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 200 mcg
For fentanyl
Finish this sentence:
DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Accelerates heart rate in rate, thus improving cardiac output and ___ chance of ventricular ectopy. Dries mucous membranes in organophosphate poisoning.
For Atropine
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DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Accelerates ___ rate in bradycardia, thus improving cardiac output and decreases chance of ventricular ectopy. Dries mucous membranes in organophosphate poisoning.
For Atropine
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DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Accelerates heart rate in rate, thus improving cardiac output and decreases chance of ventricular ectopy. Dries mucous ___ in organophosphate poisoning.
For Atropine
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Cholinergic Poisoning: 0.05 mg/kg IV push every 15 minutes until decreased secretions; 1 mg IM every 15 minutes if NO ___
For Atropine
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 ___ / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
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Fentanyl - (___, Duragsesic, Actiq, Fentora) / Opiate agonist
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PRECAUTIONS: Renal disease * ___ * Down’s Syndrome
For Atropine
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ADVERSE REACTIONS: ___ skin * Tachycardia * Dry mouth * Dilated pupils * Delirium * Blurred vision * headache
For Atropine
(___palatine Ganglioneuralgia) brain freeze; having a headache from ice cream
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ___ IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
Finish this sentence:
PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid ___ syndrome (anxiety, agitation, GI distress, vomiting, diaphoresis, and yawning). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been intubated. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
(Proctalgia) literal ___ in the butt
(___) tingling or prickling of the skin, also known as “pins and needles” or a limb “falling asleep”
Finish this sentence:
DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST ___ doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
Finish this sentence:
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Increased ICP * Severe hepatic or renal impairment * Severe respiratory depression * Severe bronchial ___ * Paralytic ileus
For fentanyl
(Procidentia) the descent of any internal ___ (prolapse)
Finish this sentence:
DESIRED EFFECTS/MECHANISM OF ACTION: Alters pain perception and increases pain threshold, Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, reducing stimuli from sensory ___ endings and inhibiting ascending pain pathways.
For fentanyl
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DOSAGE: Adult Dose = 1 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN. Repeat = Every ___ minutes, max cumulative dose 300 mcg. Pediatric Dose = 0.5-1.0 mcg/kg, max 100 mcg, slow push IV/IO/IM/IN Repeat = 0.5 mcg/kg, max 50 mcg, every 5 minutes, max cumulative dose 200 mcg
For fentanyl
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow ___/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
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ADVERSE REACTIONS: Pulmonary edema, ___ agitation, hypertension, dysrhythmias, & tachycardia
For Naloxone
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose ___ mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg ___ IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
Finish this sentence:
ADVERSE REACTIONS: Flushed skin * ___ * Dry mouth * Dilated pupils * Delirium * Blurred vision * headache
For Atropine
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PRECAUTIONS: ___ does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, agitation, GI distress, vomiting, diaphoresis, and yawning). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been intubated. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / ___ ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone
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PRECAUTIONS: Do not use with MAOIs (monoamine oxidase ___)
For fentanyl
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PRECAUTIONS: Do not use with ___ (monoamine oxidase inhibitors)
For fentanyl
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PRECAUTIONS: Naloxone does not last as long as narcotics. May precipitate opioid withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, agitation, GI distress, ___, diaphoresis, and yawning). Naloxone should not be given to patients that have been intubated. Naloxone should be considered prior to securing airway with ET tube
For Naloxone
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INDICATIONS: Narcotic overdose. Unresponsiveness of ___ etiology
For Naloxone
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DOSAGE:Adult: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses -0.4-2.0 mg slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins. Max cumulative dose 12 mg. Pediatric > 4 kg: 4 mg / 0.1 ml IN for FIRST TWO doses. 0.4-2.0 ___ slow IV/IO push for THIRD and subsequent doses, may repeat q2-3 mins - Max cumulative dose 12 mg
For Naloxone