Mechanisms and Characteristics of Musculoskeletal and Nerve Trauma Flashcards
Infury or wound produced by force
Mechanical Injury
Change of state of rest of muscle bone tissue
External force, causes reaction
Ability of tissue to resist a load
internal resistance to load
Internal change in tissue
Yield Point
- Point at which elasticity is almost exceeded is the yeild point
- If deformation persists, folowwing release of load permanent or plastic changes result
- When yeild point is far exceeded mechanical failure occurs reslting in tissue damage.
Muscle Strain
Stretch, tear or rip to muscle or adjacent tissue.
Grade I - Some fibers have been stretched or actually torn resulting in tenderness and pain on actice ROM, movement painful but full range present
Grade II - Number of fibers have been torn and active contraction is painful, usually a depression or divot is palpable, some swelling and discoloration result
Grade III - Complete rupture of muscle or musculotendinous junction , significant impairment, with initiallya great deal of pain theat diminishes due to nerve damage.
Muscle Spasm (2 types)
A relfex reaction caused by trauma
Clonic - Alternating involuntary muscular contractions and relaxations in quicl succession
Tonic - Rigid contraction that lasts a period of time.
Inflammation of the tendon.
Usually due to the overuse or repetetivie microtreaumas to the tissue.
Obvious signs of sweeling and pain and crepitus
Without proper healing tendonitis may degenerate and become tendinosis.
Visably swollen and sometimes a lump will appear.
Inflammation of the synovial sheath
Acute: swelling and pain
Chronic: a thickening of the ligament can occur (biceps tendon)
Myofascial Trigger Points (two types)
Discret, hypersensitive nodule within tight band of muscle or fascia
Latent: Does not cause spontanepous pain. May restrict movement or cause muscle weakness. become aware of them when someone applies pressure.
Active: Casues pain at rest. Applying pressure = pain= jump sign. tender to palpation with referred pain. FOund most commonly in muscles involved in posture.
Result of sudden blow to the body.
Can be both deep or superficial.
Mematoma results from blood and lymph flow in the surrounding tissues.
Chronically inflames and contused tissue may develope calcium deposits (myositis ossificans)
Is an abnormal shortening of muscle where there is a great deal of resistance to passive stretch.
Types of Synovial Joints
Synarthotic - Immovable (sutures in skull)
Amphiarthrotic - Slightly moveable (vertebrae)
Diarthrotic - Freely moveable (shoulder)
Ball and Socket
Hinge - Flexion and extension of the elbow
Pivot - rotation around an axis
Ellipsodial - Convex head in a concave socket (wrist)
Saddle-shaped (thumb)
Gliding - allows small movemewnt back and forth (tarsals?