Infectious Disease Flashcards
What are Pathogens?
They are Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, and Fungi that cause disease by disrupting vital body processes or stimulating the immune system to mount a defense reaction
Stages of a Pathogen Infection
Incubation - exposed to Pathogen (non-contagious)
Prodromal - have symptoms and are contagious
Acute - Highest level of pathogen. most risk for spreading disease
Decline - At highest level for relapse
Recovery - Feeling good
Immune Response
- Scavenger cells, such as neutophils arrive on site but only survive a few days.
- Macrophages engulf foreign matter and signal other immune cells, such as T cells to attack invaders
- Macrophages display antigens derived from digestion of ingested invaders. these activate T helper cells
- T helper cells multiply and activate B cells
- B cells divide and form plasma cells, which produce antibodies.
- Antibodies bind to invaders either destroying them or making them easier to destroy for macrophages.
- T suppressor cells monitor antibody producation and turn down plasma cells as infection starts to subside,
- Killer T cells form from T cytotoxic cells and then destroy infected cells.
Happens to certain groups
Happens alot in certain area
Crosses continents (ebola)
Stages of the Reproducing Virus
- the virus attaches to the host and injects its genome in the cell
- The viral genome uses the host to replicate again and again
- Each new copy directs the cell to make it a protein shell
- The new viruses emerge and kill the host cell
Hep B spread through……
Unprotected sex, sharing needles, needlesticks or SHARPS exposure.
Infection and Death rate of health care workers from Hep B
8700 health care workers infected each year
200 a year die. ( is that workers or total population?)
Hep B Prevention
Good hygiene
Avoid high risk behaviors
Avoid contact with blood and contaminated surfaces
Vaccination: 3 doses given over 6 months. 96% develop immunity after 3rd dose
Hep C Demograpics
Most common bloodborne infection in US
Acute and chronic form of liver disease
leading indication for liver transplant
3% die from cirrhosis
Hep C symptoms
Muscle/joint pain
Mild abdominal pain (upper right quadrant (Liver))
loss of appetite
Dark Urine
Hep C spreads though…..
Spread by contact with blood of infected person
Sharing needles of syringes
sharing personal items
tattoo / piercing
there is no vaccine for Hep C
HIV Demographics
Retro virus that combines with host cell
may infect cells of immune system
(T cells, B cells, macrophages)
34 million pple world wide living with HIV
1,9 milliion deaths
HIV signs and symptoms
Weight loss
Muscle/joint pain
painful / swollen glands
night sweats
AIDS Demographics
No pretection against infections
Kaposi’s sarcoma and non-hodgkins lymphoma
50,000 new infections a year
life span about 2 years after developing aids
no vaccine
no cure
prevention: safe sex and low risk behaviors
What is OSHA
occupational safety and health administration
added regulations in 1991 specific to bloodborne pathogens
sets standards requirements for employer to follow to ensure employee safety with regard to occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
other/occupational potentially infectious materials
Engineering Controls
equipment such as sinks, eye wash stations.
Work practice controls
put in place by facility (behavior of using engineering controls)
Personal Protective Equipment
gloves, mask, goggles, gowns
Universal Precautions
aggressive, standardized approach to infection control.
Treat all human blood and certain body fluids as if they contain bloodborne pathogens.
BSI expands coverage to all body fluids and substances.
Materials that require Universal Precautions
Vaginal secretions
cerebrospinal fluid
synovial fluid
pleural fluid
any body fluid with visable blood
and unidentifiable body fluid
saliva from dental procedures
Materials that do not require universal prequations
Nasal secretions
****unless any of them contain blood****