Measurement/ Surveying & Mapping (Submission) Flashcards
Rule of thumb when identifying who is responsible for the boundary of a piece land?
You would go to the title deeds of the land and look for the T mark. Whichever way this faces is the side of the boundary responsible for maintenance.
Plan in front of you with boundaries, how do you know the boundaries are correct?
Download the Title Plan from Land Registry and check against this.
In what instance might you think there is a boundary era?
If it’s obvious that the land registry title plan does not reconcile with the fence line on the ground.
Or if there is unregistered land within the site boundary.
How do you rectify an incorrect boundary?
I would speak to my Solicitors who have dealt with this before. They would write to Land Registry explaining why I think there’s a mistake on the Title Deeds and apply for a deed of rectification from LR.
LR would need to notify the neighbour affected.
What to do if you come across unregistered land?
If you have the title deeds that show this land within your ownership then you can apply to Land Registry for it to be registered.
If you have occupied the unregistered land for 12 years then you can claim its yours with adverse possession. Then likely to be awarded a possessory title.
What % of land is registered in the UK?
How would you make sure your laser measurer/ distometer is accurate?
I would check if it needs recalibrating by measuring a known distance.
How do you use a laser measurer?
Default of the measurer is to measure from the rear of the device. Press the bottom once to clear it and again to take the measurement.
What would you expect to find on a Title Plan?
Title Number
A north arrow
Red outline of the parcel of land
Land Registry logo
Scale = 1:1250. This means 1 metre on the map represents 1250 metres on the ground.
Describe typical scales of plans and what their difference purposes are?
- 1:50 = Floor Plans/ Elevations
- 1:500 = Site Plan
- 1:1250 = LR Title Plan
- 1:2500 = Location Plan
What would you expect to find on a Title Register?
Property Register - Including Address/ Covenants
Proprietor details - owners and price they paid
Charges Register - restrictive covenants (restrictions on the use), who has an option on the land and if there are any bank charges
What is the aim of the RICS Property Measurement (2018) (incorporating IPMS)?
To bring greater global transparency by avoiding current inconsistent definition of measurement in different countries
What use classes is IPMS mandatory for?
Offices and resi, UNLESS your client provides written instruction to use an alternative.
What trumps what, IPMS or RICS Code of Measuring Practice? And how do they differ?
IMPS has replaced Code of Measuring practice for offices and resi. However, members are encouraged to report on a dual basis.
Main difference is the replacement of GEA, GIA and NIA with IPMS 1, IPMS 2, IPMS 3 and IPMS 4.
Difference between IPMS 3 and NIA?
- Areas occupied by windows are included if assessed as the IDF in IPMS.
- For floors with multiple occupancies, the area is measured to the midpoint of the internal partition wall in IPMS.
- Columns are included with IPMS 3
- Areas less than 1.5m in height are included in IPMS.
- Basements are included with IPMS.
- External balconies are included but stated separately in IPMS.
What is meant by Internal Dominant Face in IPMS?
The internal finish comprising more than 50% of the floor to ceiling height. If such does not occur, the Finished Surface is deemed to be the IDF
What is meant by the Finished Surface in IMPS?
The wall surface directly above the horizontal wall-floor junction, ignoring skirting boards, cable trunking, heating and cooling units, and pipework.
What has IPMS replaced from the Code of Measuring Practice for residential measurement? And how does it differ?
IPMS 1 - External. SIMILAR TO GEA. There are some exceptions such as balconies. In IPMS these are included but stated separately. In GEA they are excluded.
IPMS 2 - Interior area. Measurements are to the IDF and include all internal walls/ columns. SIMILAR TO GIA. But in IMPS the area occupied by the window when assessed at the IDF is included and COMP it is not.
IPMS 3 - Floor area to an exclusive occupier. Split into 3A, 3B and 3C:
3A = Exclusive Occupation External - measurement to the outer face of the external wall and the centre-line of shared walls. Similar to IMPS 1.
3B = Exclusive Occupation Internal - measurement of the area in occupation INCLUDING internal walls and measured to the IDF. Similar to IPMS 2.
3C = Measurement of the area in occupation EXCLUDING internal walls and measured to the IDF. SIMILAR TO NIA.
What is does IPMS say is mandatory for RICS members when measuring office and residential buildings?
- Date when measurements were undertaken
- State measuring methodology adopted
- State reference and scale to any plans used
- Measurements must be clearly documented
When would you refer to the RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2015?
It is still the best practice document for all measurement exercises except for OFFICE and RESIDENTIAL.
Differences between GEA, GIA & NIA?
GEA = includes everything
GIA = everything to the internal perimeter of the external walls
NIA = the net usable area to the internal walls
What are the bases of measurement under the RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2015? And when would you use each?
GEA - Site coverage on planning applications and build cost estimates for houses.
GIA - Resi Valuations, estate agency and industrial agency
NIA - Office valuations, agency and property management service charges
What is a reasonable assumption to make between the variances of GEA and GIA?
GIA is approximately 2-3% deduction from GEA.
How many hectares are in 1 acre?
approximately 0.4 hectares.
What are the limitations of a laser measurement?
They can be distorted in sunlight and are not accurate on reflective surfaces
How did you measure the Wooburn Green dwelling? What did you include?
Can you tell me how did you measured:
- bays/ alcoves?
- built-in cupboards?
- irregular-shaped rooms?
- rooms with sloping ceilings?
- the loft/ roof eaves?
- outside toilet or garage?
- balcony?
On the basis of the code of measuring practice. I measured the GIA of the dwelling to the internal face of the perimeter walls.
I included:
- areas occupied by internal walls e.g. toilets
- columns
- bays/ alcoves? I would considered the size of the bays to decide if excluding them would be considered UNREASONABLE. I would then make this clear in my report.
- built-in cupboards? If occupying useable area, then measured but stated separately.
- irregular-shaped rooms? Consider size of the room and whether it would be UNREASONABLE to exclude.
- rooms with sloping ceilings? Include areas under 1.5m but mention the presence of the slope.
- the loft/ roof eaves? Depends if being used as useable area. If they are then measure but mention sloped roof.
- outside toilet or garage? Measured and stated separately
- balcony? Internal I would include, but exclude external balconies.
What was the Wooburn Green sqft measurement?
Around 840 sqft.
How would you measure a site area?
Using Promap. For accuracy, I would ask an architect to overlay the sites Land Registry with the sites Promap.
What is Promap?
It is an Ordnance Survey mapping system primarily used for measuring land.
Why is measurement important?
It provides a tool for comparison and aids decision making.