Case Study Questions Flashcards
What were the terms of the MUFC STP contract?
- SH to summit a simultaneous satisfactory planning applications on the BSG and YR site
- Shanly to build BSG site at cost with an agreed specification
- SH to be responsible for MUFC reasonable professional fees rising from the deal e.g. promotion, architects, legal fees
- Shanly Homes to pay the £460,000 site lease fee
- If planning permission is not submitted within the agreements timeframe then either party has a 14 day notice to rescind the agreement
- Deal extendable is planning is outstanding or is to go to appeal
Can you explain the planning uncertainty around the May elections which led to the planning submission being postponed?
Potential for scheme to be used as a ‘hot potato’ in elections. It was of my opinion and of the planning consultants opinion that both the schemes would have more chance of achieving consent post the elections considering how contentious they would be.
What is the update on the planning application, is it due to be submitted soon?
During the local elections the Liberal Democrats queried the agreement my client has in place with the council. The Liberal Democratics have now control of the Local Authority with a majority of councillors over the others parties. So after a discussion with my client, it was agreed that I would stand down the consultancy team to see what the post election implications are.
How would you advise bringing the Liberal Demoncrats on side?
Further consultation events to meet the members to understand their concerns and how we can work with members to make the scheme appropriate.
How did you decide what type of planning application was appropriate for the stadium?
My initial thought was a detailed outline with just landscaping reserved would be suitable. However prior to my involvement my client signed a Planning Performance Agreement allowing for multiple pre-apps. This enabled us to be comfortable with our application prior to submitting.
The full application was suitable as the specification had already been decided. Main reason for a full application was that consent could be achieved sooner, therefore meaning my client to undertake the land swap sooner.
What were the main contraints on the project?
- Contamination - phase two intrusive contamination report was undertaken prior to my involvement
- Green Belt
- Flood risk
- Finding a suitable access
What is the process once the application is submitted?
- Validation of the application and 13 week determination period commences
- Application goes out for consultation and neighbours are notified
- Site visit by the Case Officer
- Case Officer recommendation
- Given the scale of the application, it would then go to planning committee made up of elected council members
- Judicial Review period for 6 weeks post date of decision
Can you summarise why you discounted the other two options for key issue one relating to the schemes impact on the Green Belt?
Option 1 = the court was included within the projects intial spec and MUFC were confident of their needs case to support the courts inclusion. Therefore, I thought it would be appropriate to submit the application with the court, and then to potentially lose it at a later date if required.
Option 2 = with the court in the other position it posed more of a visual impact issue and would result in less parking.
Can you summarise why you discounted the other two options for key issue two realting to find an appropriate access for the scheme?
Option 1 = I discounted this one as I thought the further planning risk of having to remove around 120 metres of trees would be too great.
Option 2 = existing access wouldn’t work as…
In terms of planning deliverables, do you have a good idea of what these would entail?
In order to understand the planning documents required, it was a case of our planning consultant reaching out to the planning officer when we needed guidance.
My client also has a Planning Performance Agreement with the council which provided us with regular contact with the Case Officer and which provided us with a basic validation checklist.
This also included multiple pre-apps where draft reports were sent to the Case Officer to review and to advise if anything else was needed.
What were the disciplines that made up your team for the application?
- Architects
- Highways
- Arboriculture
- Ecology
- Noise pollution
- Light pollution
- Landscape Visual Impact Consultant
- Planning consultant
How would you go about managing the construction budget through the design process?
I ensured the internal Estimator from Shanly was involved/ copied into any emails when there was any discussions around potential changes to designed. If he was not able to attend, I ensured he was kept up to date with any changes.
Why two pre-apps, what did the council suggest and what was your subsequent advice?
1st pre-app = was to explore the principle of our proposition. Highways Officer ask why I hadn’t considered using just the existing access? I explained that two accesses would be needed for coaches. In principle the Highways Officer said the proposed access plan was suitable. MY ADVICE TO THE CLIENT = TWO ACCESSES WOULD BE NEEDED
2nd pre-app = I presented the current options. They preferred the option where the futsal court was sat further east. I made sure to understand their key considerations to work on with the team. Highways were happy with the proposal of circa 60 parking spaces. MY ADVICE = PROCEED WITH OPTION 3 BUT SET THE COURT BACK SLIGHTLY TO MAKE IT LESS IMPOSING
Why did you have the pre-apps when you did?
They enabled the team to gain a good understanding of the proposed scheme prior to public consultation.
What does the NPPF say about development in the Green Belt?
Inappropriate development is harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances.
What is meant by preserving the openness of the Green Belt?
Minimsing a schemes impact on the Green Belt
What has more weight, the Green Belt features of the NPPF of the Local Plan allocation?
Not a straight forward answer, they work in tandem:
1. The ‘Very Special Circumstances argument within the NPPF states that one of the allowances for development in the GB is for use of recreation, as long as they preserve openness
2. Mention the very recent adoption of the RBWM Local Plan meaning it is a very relevant consideration
What did the government publish regarding proposed changes to development within the Green Belt within the NPPF, which would effect this project?
I made this comment to highlight the current national planning uncertainty. Indirectly the releasing the greenbelt to build more houses.
Briefly, what would need to be included in the planning case to minimise the schemes impact on the Green Belt?
- Steps we have taken to limit the impact on the openness of the Green Belt within our scheme.
- How the scheme will benefit the public.
What would have to be included within the needs case for the futsal court?
Essentially the lack of local indoor facilities for sports teams. Also the revenue stream it could bring to the club for upkeep & club longevity.
What were you obliged to deliver contractually regarding the futsal court?
This was within the agreed specification at the start of the project.
What was considered within the design to limit the schemes impact on the openness of the Green Belt?
- Futsal court set back from the main building and not as tall
- Scheme as tight to the boundary of the greenbelt as possible meaning minimising encroachment
- Constructed using organic materials
Maintaining of trees and proposed planting of further trees to minimise the impact
What are the NPPF considerations when it comes to considering development within the Green Belt?
Assumes sustainable development!
What was the RBWM Highways concerns with option 2 of the futsal positioning further back within the scheme?
That cars turning off the road and into the car park would not have sufficient time to slow and could be potentially dangerous.