Measurement - KT Qs Flashcards
Can you sum up where RICS are with regard to IPMS at the moment please?
I am aware that IPMS published the latest standard in Jan 2023 called IPMS: All Buildings.
This SUPERSEDES all previous IPMS standards for individual asset classes into one harmonised standard. It has been introduced to ensure consistency on a global stage about measuring property.
HOWEVER, RICS have NOT published any updates in response to IPMS: All Buildings (yet to adopt it).
For now - RICS Professional Statement: RICS Property Measurement (2018) remains MANDATORY guidance for measurement.
Alongside the RICS Code for Measuring Practice (2015) as a best practice document.
How does IPMS 3 (office) deal with Limited Use Areas?
IPMS: 3 INCLUDES areas of limited use less than 1.5m in height).
When would you not use IPMS for measurement of offices?
It is MANDATORY for all RICS members to measure to IPMS when measuring an office - unless the client provides a written instruction to use an alternative.
In this instance, members MUST document the reason for not using IPMS and advise the clients of the benefits to using IPMS.
What RICS document guides measurement?
RICS Professional Statement: Property Measurement (2018)
RICS Code for Measuring Practice (2015)
Which basis of measurement did you use for your measurement in Westminster?
I dual reported to both IPMS: 3 and NIA
What did you include / exclude for your NIA measurement?
Includes the USEABLE area of the demise
EXCLUDES: All columns / pillars
EXCLUDES: Limited Use Areas of less than 1.5m in height.
Common parts
Plant and lift rooms
Service risers
Permanent circulation areas
Any heating/cooling apparatus protruding 0.25m or more into the useable area.
Built-in cupboards occupying useable areas
Notional lift lobbies and entrance halls (in the demise)
Non-stuctural walls (in the demise)
Ramps (in the demise)
Where do you take your measurements to for NIA?
Internal Face
Measurements taken to the glazing for full height glazing (unless elements of the design render the space unusable).
What did you include / exclude for your IPMS: 3 measurement?
For IPMS I measured to the Internal Dominant Face (IDF).
INCLUDED: All columns/pillars.
INCLUDED: Limited Use Areas (less than 1.5m in height)
INCLUDED: Covered galleries & balconies for the exclusive use of one tenant are included (and stated separately).
EXCLUDED: Standard building facilities (common parts, corridors, WCs, lift, stairs).
What is the Internal Dominant Face (IDF) in IPMS?
Internal Dominant Face (IDF) is the inside finished surface comprising 50% or more of the floor-to-ceiling height for each vertical wall section.
How do you ensure your laser is accurate?
The disto laser should be calibrated frequently by performing CHECK MEASUREMENTS against a known distance, and the results logged.
A disto should be calibrated by the MANUFACTURER annually (at least every 12 months).
How does IPMS treat windowsills?
IPMS includes space occupied up to the IDF (e.g. windowsills).
What are the general scale measurements on a plan?
1: 50 (Room Plan)
1:100 (Building Plan)
1:1250 (Street Plan)
1: 2500 (Location Plan)
What are the limitations of using a Disto Laser?
Difficult to operate in a bright space - bright SUNLIGHT can distort measurements.
The accuracy is between 1.5mm up to 200m
Must be calibrated by the MANUFACTURER and checked frequently against a known distance.
Subjcet to HUMAN ERROR in use.
How would you measure an Industrial warehouse - what would you include / exclude?
Measure to Gross Internal Area (GIA).
Measure from internal face of perimeter wall to internal face of perimeter wall (and include everything in between).
Include (5):
Columns / Pillars
Lift wells
Mezzanine floors with permanent access
Loading bays
Ancillary office space (measured to GIA).
Exclude (3):
Fire escapes
Covered ways
Also prudent to measure: Eaves height (8m) and Apex Height (10m)
How would you measure a retail / shop unit?
Measure to Net Internal Area (NIA).
I would also take Gross Frontage (external measurement in a straight line from the OUTSIDE of the external walls).
I would also take Net Frontage (The overall frontage of the shop line measured between the INTERNAL face of the external walls).
Can you sum up the main differences between IPMS 3 and NIA please?
The main differences:
IPMS: 3 mesures to the INTERAL DOMINANT FACE (IDF), whereas NIA measures to the internal face (glazing).
IPMS 3: includes all columns/pillars, whereas NIA excludes all columns/pillars.
IPMS 3: includes limited use areas of less than 1.5m in height, whereas NIA excludes.
Covered galleries, balconies for exclusive use of one tenant are included with IPMS (and stated separately).
With your Whitechapel example, why did the client request the check measurement was only to NIA and NOT IPMS 3?
The NIA was stated in the Heads of Terms
The client was more familair with the term NIA, and wishes to wait for the market adoption of IPMS to become more widespread.
On site, how could you measure a large area of land?
Using a Trundle Wheel
(Check using PropMap and OS plan / Title Plan)
How would you treat balconies and roof gardens when measuring an office?
EXCLUSIVE USE are to be included but with their areas stated separately.