Measurement Flashcards
Are you aware of any updates to IPMS?
IPMS published the latest standard in January 2023 called “IPMS: ALL BUILDINGS”.
This SUPERSEDES all previous IPMS standards for individual asset classes into one harmonised standard.
It has been introduced to ensure consistency on a global stage about measuring property.
Can you sum up where RICS are with regard to IPMS: All Buildings at the moment please?
RICS have NOT published any updates in response to IPMS: All Buildings (yet to adopt it).
For now - RICS Professional Statement: RICS Property Measurement (2018) remains MANDATORY guidance for measurement.
Alongside the RICS Code for Measuring Practice (2015) as a best practice document.
Why was IPMS introduced?
To ensure accuracy and consistency on a global stage about measuring property.
What did you take away from your CPD on IPMS hosted by Hollis?
I learnt that IPMS was introduced to ensure accuracy and consistent measurement on a global scale.
I learnt that there can be variances of up to 24% for the same property, hence a standarised measurement methodology is crucial.
What is your opinion on IPMS?
I think it is beneficial and ensures accuracy and consistency when measuring on a global stage.
- Compare buildings on a like-for-like basis
- Transparency of data
When would you use IPMS at the moment until RICS publish a response to the All Buildings update?
For measurement of offices & residential
What is the mandatory RICS guidance when measuring property?
RICS Professional Statement: RICS Property Measurement (2018)
What was the aim of RICS Property Measurement (2018)?
It introdced the IPMS (for accuracy and consistency globally)
Mandatory when measuring office & residential buildings (unless the client provides a written instruction not to).
Members are encourged to report on a DUAL BASIS until IPMS is embedded into market practice (and advise clients on the benefits of IPMS).
How are YOU measuring office buildings at the moment?
I am always reporting on a DUAL BASIS to both IPMS 3 and NIA.
If the client provides a written request not to use IPMS, I advise of its benefits.
Why would a client instruct you to NOT use IPMS when measuring an office?
If they are more familiar with the term NIA and wish to wait for the market adoption of IPMS to become the norm.
What are the general principles of RICS Property Measurement (2018)?
IPMS is MANDATORY when measuring office & residential buildings (unless client provides a written instruction to use an alternative).
Members must document the REASON for not using IPMS.
Members must clearly advise clients of the BENEFITS to using IPMS.
Must provide a DATE when the measurements are undertaken
State the conversion factor (e.g. m2 to sq ft) and any rounding.
What tools do you use when measuring?
I use a Disto Laser and tape measure as verification.
I always print and bring pen, paper and floor plans with me.
How do you ensure that a laser is accurate? How do you calibrate a Disto laser?
The disto laser should be calibrated frequently by performing CHECK MEASUREMENTS against a known distance, and the results logged.
A disto should be calibrated by the MAUFACTURER annually (at least every 12 months).
What are the limitations of using a Disto Laser?
What do you need to be careful of when using a Disto Laser?
Difficult to operate in a bright space - bright SUNLIGHT can distort measurements.
The accuracy is between 1.5mm up to 200m
Must be calibrated by the MANUFACTURER and checked frequently against a known distance.
Subject to HUMAN ERROR in use.
What is the typical accuracy level of a disto?
Between 1.5mm and 200m
What tools would you use to measure Land?
Check boundaries with an OS plan / title plan.
Use “ProMap” software and a TRUNDLE WHEEL
How would you mitigate against Laser Measurement inconsistencies?
Ensure dsito is regularly calibrated by the manufacturer and checked frequently against a known distance.
Ensure check measurements are taken with a TAPE MEASURE.
Would you scale from a photocopied plan?
BEWARE - I would need to check it was printed to the correct SCALE and had not been resized on the photocopier.
What is the typical scale for a Building Plan?
1: 100 = (building plan)
What is the typical scale for a Street Plan?
1: 1250 = (street plan)
What is the typical scale for a Location Plan?
1: 2500 (location plan)
What is the typical Margin or Error for property measurement?
Plus or minus 2% (most of the time using a 1:100 plan)
What is an Internal Dominant Face (IDF)?
The inside finished surface comprising 50% or more of the floor-to-ceiling height for each vertical wall section.
When is IPMS: 1 used, and for what purposes?
IPMS 1 = Used for measuring the area of a building including EXTERNAL WALLS on a floor-by-floor basis. (very similar to GEA).
Used for PLANNING or BUILD COST purposes.
Measurements INCLUDED but STATED SEPARATELY are: Covered Galleries, Balconies and generally accessible roof terraces.
When is IPMS: 2 used, and for what purposes?
IPMS 2 = Used for measuring the INTERIOR of an office to include ALL AREAS available for direct use (very similar to GIA). (stair wells, lift wells, all rooms, corridors, communal space).
Measurements are taken to the INTERNAL DOMINANT FACE (IDF) and reported on a COMPONENT basis for each floor.
Used by ASSET MANAGERS, FM, Property Managers to provide data on the efficient use of space for BENCHMARKING.
Measurements INCLUDED but STATED SEPARTELY are: Covered Galleries, Balconies and generally accessible roof terraces.
When is IPMS: 3 used, and for what purposes?
IPMS 3 = Used for measuring the OCCUPATIONAL floor area in exclusive use (very similar to NIA).
Measurements are taken to the INTERNAL DOMINANT FACE & includes area of exclusive occupation only.
Used for agency purposes and valuation purposes.
Measurements INCLUDED but STATED SEPARATELY are: Covered Galleries, Balconies and generally accessible roof terraces.
How do YOU measure to IPMS: 3?
(Very common question)
Measurements are taken to the INTERNAL DOMINANT FACE (IDF)
LIMITED USE AREAS (less than 1.5m in height) are included.
All COLUMNS/PILLARS are included.
Covered galleries & balconies for the EXCLUSIVE use of one tenant are included (and stated separately).
With IPMS 3 I exclude: Standard building facilities (common parts, corridors, WCs, lifts, stairs).
How do you measure to NIA?
(Common Question)
Includes the USEABLE area of the demise
Measurements are taken to the INTERNAL FACE
EXCLUDES: all columns/pillars.
EXCLUDES: limited use areas of less than 1.5m in height.
EXCLUDES: WCs, common parts, lift rooms, plant rooms, stairwells. corridors.
INCLUDES: Kitchens, built-in units / cupboards occupying usable areas, meeting rooms, areas occupied by non-structural walls, ramps within useable area, notional lift lobbies.
Can you sum up the main differences between IPMS 3 and NIA please?
(Common Question)
The main differences:
IPMS: 3 measures to the INTERNAL DOMINANT FACE (IDF), whereas NIA measures to the internal face.
IPMS: 3 includes all columns/pillars, whereas NIA excludes columns/pillars.
IPMS: 3 includes limited use areas of less than 1.5m in height, whereas NIA excludes.
Covered galleres, balconies for exclusive use of one tenant are included with IPMS: 3 (but stated separately).
How would you deal with multipe occupiers on one floor when measuring to IPMS 3?
The area is taken to the MIDPOINT of the PARTITION WALL between tenancies.
(Could lift up a ceiling tile and measure the thickness of the partition).
How did you select the basis of measurement for your example in Westminster?
This was an office building for agency purposes, so I dual measured to both IPMS: 3 and NIA in accordance with RICS Property Measurement (2018).
I measured to NIA because IPMS has not been fully adopted by the market yet and so NIA measurements would help to compare like-for-like when analysing comparable evidence.
With NIA, where do you take your measurements to?
Measurements should be taken to the GLAZING for full height glazing, unless elements of the window render the space to be unusable.
What is the typical size differential between GEA and GIA?
GEA is appoximately 2-3% more than GIA.
What is the typical size differential between GIA and NIA?
GIA is appoximately 15% more than NIA.
Your evidence has all been offices - have you measured any other types of property?
I have measured industrial to Gross Internal Area (GIA).
Tell me how you would measure a warehouse? What would you include and exclude from Gross Internal Area (GIA)?
Measure from internal face of perimeter wall to internal face of perimeter wall (and include everything in between).
Include (5):
Lift Wells
Mezzanine floors with permanent access
Loading bays
Ancillary office space (measured to GIA)
Exclude (3):
Fire escapes
Covered ways
Also prudent to measure: Eaves height & Apex height
On what basis would you measure ancillary office space contained within a warehouse?
What do you mean by Eaves height and how would you measure it?
Eaves height is the clear height between the floor and the lowest point on the underside of the roof covering (e.g. at the eaves).
Usually a vertical measurement from the corner of the perimeter wall.
Generally want minimum 8m eaves height.
What do you mean by Apex and how would you measure it?
In contrast to Eaves, the Apex is the maximum height of the roof.
A vertical measurement from usually the middle of the unit to the meeting point of the horizontal roof.
Ideally minimum 10m apex height.
What basis of measurement would you use for Retail / Shops?
Net Internal Area (NIA)
How would you measure a retail / shop unit?
Measure to Net Internal Area (NIA).
I would also take Gross Frontage & Net Frontage measurements.
Gross Frontage = External measurement in a straight line across the front of the building from the OUTSIDE of the external walls.
Net Frontage = The overll frontage of the shop line measured between the INTERNAL face of the external walls.
If you were measuring a shop unit fitted out with full height partitioning by the tenant, how would you measure the built width of the shop?
Remove a ceiling tile
Try and get behind the partitioning (spot and gaps / holes)
Inspect the basement or first floor to see the actual built width
Scale from plans (having taken check measurements on site)
Take sufficient on-site measurements to calculate the ITZA.