Measurement and Experimental Design Flashcards
Term used to describe when an intervention has gone through rigorous, high quality experimentation and has been considered to be of value for specific individuals and/or behaviors of interest
evidence based practice
A term synonymous with “intervention”
independent variable
A term synonymous with “behavior”
dependent variable
Is considered high when there is clear experimental control
internal validity
When this is demonstrated, we have verified that there is a functional relation between the independent and dependent variables - that is, that the change in the dependent variable (behavior) is causally (functionally) related to the implementation of the independent variable
experimental control
Visually demonstrated (through visual analysis of the graphed data) control of the behavior by the intervention
functional relation
Means “consistency” of an experiment
Means “accuracy” of an experiment
A term referring to the replication of the same or similar results from an experiment; in other words, the degree to which findings have generality across studies
external validity
Refers to a socially significant behavior of interest/focus of research
social validity
Basic experiment examining whether an intervention is effective at changing (increasing or decreasing) the behavior of interest
Experiment examining which of two or more interventions are more effective at changing (increasing or decreasing) the behavior of interest
comparison question
Experiment examining what parts of a package intervention are needed for changing (increasing or decreasing) the behavior of interest
component analysis question
Experiment examining how much of an intervention is needed to be effective at changing(increasing or decreasing) the behavior of interest
parametric analysis question
Carrying out a series of studies on one’s own research or carrying out the exact or expanding on the research of others
systematic replication
“an investigator’s attempts to repeat an experimental effect with the same participant”
intra-participant direct replication
“an investigator’s attempts to repeat an experimental effect across participants in the same study”
inter-participant direct replication
A clear and obvious change in the dependent variable either when an independent variable is introduced or removed during experimentation
demonstration of effect
In the research question, “will a telehealth parent coaching procedure increase vocal manding for toddlers with speech delays?” ______________is the Dependent Variable
vocal manding
In the research question, ““will a telehealth parent coaching procedure increase vocal manding for toddlers with speech delays?”, ______________is the Independent Variable
parent coaching