Ethics of ABA Flashcards
Code 1.01 Being Truthful
Standard which compels behavior analysts to be honest and encourage honesty among others
Code 1.02 Conforming with legal & professional requirements
standard which compels behavior analysts to follow the law
Code 1.03 Accountability
standard which compels behavior analysts to follow through on commitments and to correct errors when made
Code 1.04 Practicing within a Defined Role
Standard which compels behavior analysts to begin work only after putting into place a written agreement outlining the type of work
Code 1.05 Practicing within Scope of Competence
Standard which compels behavior analysts to practice only in areas which are commensurate with their education, training, and supervised experience as well as to undertake additional study, training, supervision, or mentoring to gain new experience.
Code 1.06 Maintaining Competence
Standard which requires behavior analysts to engage in professional development activities such as reading relevant literature and attending trainings/conferences/workshops, etc.
Code 1.07 Cultural Responsiveness & Diversity
Standard which compels behavior analysts to evaluate their and their trainees’ ability to address the needs of individuals with diverse needs or backgrounds.
Code 1.08 Nondiscrimination
Standard which compels behavior analysts to behavior in an equitable and inclusive manner toward others, regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender expression/identify, immigration status, marital/relationship status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or any other basis proscribed by law.
Code 1.09 Nonharassment
Standard which compels behavior analysts to refrain from behaviors that are considered intimidating, hostile, or abusive to others.
Code 1.10 Awareness of Personal Biases & Challenges
Standard which compels behavior analysts to ensure that personal challenges or biases do not interfere with their work.
Code 1.11 Multiple Relationships
Standard which compels behavior analysts to avoid conflicts of interest.
Code 1.12 Giving & Receiving Gifts
Standard which compels behavior analysts not to accept a gift of more than $10 (US).
Code 1.13 Coercive & Exploitative Relationships
Standard which compels behavior analysts not to abuse their power or authority by coercing others.
Code 1.14 Romantic & Sexual Relationships
Standard which compels behavior analysts to avoid a romantic or sexual relationship with a former client for two years after the professional relationship has ended.
Code 1.15 Responding to Requests
Standard which compels behavior analysts to provide clients and stakeholders with necessary information in a timely manner.
Code 1.16 Self-Reporting Critical Information
Standard which compels behavior analysts to notify the BACB when they have been arrested for a crime.
Code 3.01 Responsibility to Clients
Standard which requires behavior analysts to act in the best interest of their clients, support their clients’ rights, maximize benefits, do no harm, and be knowledgeable about mandated reporting requirements.
Code 3.02 Identifying Stakeholders
Standard which requires behavior analysts to identify stakeholders and their obligations to each stakeholder.
Code 3.03 Accepting Clients
Standard which compels behavior analysts to only accept clients with service needs within their scope of competence and available resources.
Code 3.04 Service Agreements
Standard which requires behavior analysts to always have a signed service agreement outlining responsibilities of all parties, scope of services, behavior analyst’s obligation under the Code, and complaint procedures before beginning services.
Code 3.05 Financial Agreements
Standard which requires behavior analysts to document compensation and billing practices before beginning services and to ensure a service agreement is in place for pro bono or bartered work.
Code 3.06 Consulting with Other Providers
Standard compelling behavior analysts to obtain consent and seek consultation with others if we lack the competency or cannot provide services ourselves.
Code 3.07 Third-Party Contracts for Services
Standard which requires behavior analysts contracting with third-parties for services to have in place a contract outlining responsibilities of all parties, the scope of the behavioral services to be provided, use of information, obligations under the Code, and limits to confidentiality.
Code 3.08 Responsibility to the Cliet with Third-Party Contracts for Services
Standard which compels behavior analysts to place the client’s care and welfare above all others and if a third party requests services that are incompatible with client’s best interests, outside the behavior analyst’s scope of competence, or could result in multiple relationships, behavior analysts seek to resolve the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved, this Standard requires behavior analysts to discontinue their services.
Code 3.09 Communicating with Stakeholders About Third-Party Contracted Services
Standard which compels behavior analysts to ensure that, when third parties contract for services, that clients or their legal representative is informed of the scope of the services and their rights to receive copies of documentation and data.
Code 3.10 Limitations of Confidentiality
Standard which requires behavior analysts to inform clients and stakeholders of the limitations of confidentiality at the outset of the professional relationship and when information disclosures are required.
Code 3.11 Documenting Professional Activity
Standard which compels behavior analysts to create and maintain detailed and high-quality documentation of their professional activities for accountability, applicable laws/regulations/funder or organization policies, and in the event of a transition of services.
Code 3.12 Advocating for Appropriate Services
Standard which states that behavior analysts educate clients and stakeholders about evidence-based assessment and treatment and that they advocate for appropriate amount and level of service provision and supervision/oversight required to meet client goals.
Code 3.13 Referrals
Standard which requires behavior analysts to refer to other providers when needed and to disclose any relationships, fees, or incentives for referrals made.
Code 3.14 Facilitating Continuity of Services
Standard which requires behavior analysts to avoid interruption or disruption of services and to make appropriate and timely efforts to facilitate continuation of services in the event of planned or unplanned interruptions.
Code 3.15 Appropriately Discontinuing Services
Standard which provides behavior analysts with a list of six circumstances in which discontinuing services are appropriate and requires that these be listed in the service agreement: client has met all goals; client is not benefiting from services; behavior analyst, supervisees or trainees are exposed to harmful conditions; stakeholders are not complying with intervention requirements; or services are no longer funded.
Code 3.16 Appropriately Transitioning Services
Standard which compels behavior analysts to include transition information in their service agreements and to make appropriate efforts to manage transitions when a client moves to a new behavior analyst or outside their organization.
Code 4.1 Compliance with Supervision Requirements
Standard which compels behavior analysts to remain knowledgeable regarding BACB and other entities rules regarding supervision.
Code 4.02 Supervisory Competence
Standard which requires behavior analysts to only supervise within their area of competency or to respecialize.
Code 4.03 Supervisory Volume
Standard which states that behavior analysts will only take on new supervisees when they have the capacity (caseload, time, resources) to do so.
Code 4.04 Accountability in Supervision
Standard which states that behavior analysts are responsible for the conduct of their supervisees during professional activities.
Code 4.05 Maintaining Supervision Documentation
Standard which requires behavior analysts to maintain supervision records for a period of at least 7 years.
Code 4.06 Providing Supervision and Training
Standard which states that behavior analysts use evidence based and individualized training procedures.
code 4.07 Incorporating and Addressing Diversity
Standard which requires behavior analysts to act to reduce bias or prejudice comments or behaviors in their supervisees.
Code 4.08 Performance Monitoring and Feedback
Standard which compels behavior analysts to provide ongoing data collection and performance monitoring of their supervisees and trainees.
Code 4.09 Delegation of Tasks
Standard which requires behavior analysts to only assign activities and tasks that their supervisees or trainees can do independently or with proper support.
Code 4.10 Evaluating Effects of Supervision and Training
Standard which requires behavior analysts to engage in self-assessment and modify their supervision as needed.
Code 4.11 Facilitating Continuity of Supervision
Standard which requires behavior analysts to ensure that in the event they have a planned or unplanned disruption of supervision, their supervisees still receive supervision.
Code 4.12 Appropriately Terminating Supervision
Standard which compels behavior analysts to include a statement regarding grounds for supervision termination in their initial contracts
Code 5.01 Protecting the Rights of Clients, Stakeholders, Supervisees, and Trainees
Standard which compels behavior analysts to protect their clients’, stakeholders, supervisees, and/or trainees’ privacy as required by law.
Code 5.02 Confidentiality in Public Statements
Standard which requires behavior analysts to protect their clients, supervisees, and/or trainees confidential information, similar to that of attorney-client privilege or doctor-patient confidentiality.
Code 5.03 Public statements by behavior analysts
Standard which requires that behavior analysts not to a) exaggerate the impact of their work or our science, b) misrepresent their credential status, c) give advice in a public setting and d) give advice to non-clients.
Code 5.04 Public Statements by Others
Standard compels behavior analysts to at least attempt to correct exaggerations or misstatements made by others.
code 5.05 Use of Intellectual Promperty
Standard requiring that behavior analysts be knowledgeable about and comply with laws related to use of intellectual property, including copyrighted and trademarked material.
Code 5.06 Advertising Nonbehavioral Services
Standard which requires behavior analysts to include a specific disclaimer on websites and marketing materials stating that any nonbehavioral service is not a behavioral service.
Code 5.07 Soliciting Testimonials from Current Clients for Advertising
Standard which states that behavior analysts will not ask current clients for testimonials in order to obtain new clients.
Code 5.08 Using Testimonials from Former Clients for Advertising
Standard stating that behavior analysts may seek to obtain new clients by using testimonials from former clients, as long as they identify whether the testimonial was solicited or unsolicited.
Code 5.09 Using Testimonials for Nonadvertising Purposes
Standard allowing testimonials from former or current clients so long as their use is not designed to obtain new clients.
Code 5.10 Social Media Channels and Websites
Standard that prohibits behaviors analysts from posting about clients or stakeholders to their personal social media accounts; it also requires that if client information is to be used on company websites or social media, informed consent must have been obtained along with a disclaimer indicating such. This standard also requires efforts be made to reduce potential sharing or misuse of client information shared.
Code 5.11 Using Digital Content in Public Statements
Standard that prohibits publicly sharing information about clients through digital content unless informed consent has been obtained and confidentiality has been protected. Informed consent in this standard must include information about the intended purpose and audience with whom the information will be shared, as well as the risks and any benefits to the client or stakeholder.
Code 6.01 Conforming with Laws and Regulations in Research
Standard requiring behavior analysts to follow all applicable laws and regulations in research planning and conduct.
Code 6.02 Research Review
Standard stating that behavior analysts may not begin research projects until approval from a formal review committee has been obtained.
Code 6.03 Research in Service Delivery
Standard which states that behavior analysts must prioritize client welfare and comply with all ethics requirements for research within the Code when conducting research within the context of service delivery.
Code 6.04 Informed Consent in research
Standard which, in part, requires that before a behavior analyst disseminates a client’s data previously collected, they must obtain informed consent for its use.
Code 6.05 Confidentiality in Research
Standard which can be summed up with the quote: “Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the researcher to protect the anonymity of the participants” in research.
Code 6.06 Competence in Conducting Research
Standard compelling behavior analysts to receive training and supervision in conducting a research project before attempting on their own.
Code 6.07 Conflict of Interest in Research and Publication
Standard which compels behavior analysts conducting research to disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest.
Code 6.08 Appropriate credit
Standard compelling behavior analysts to give appropriate credit or acknowledgment to others who assist with publication and dissemination activities.
Code 6.09 Plagiarism
Standard which forbids behavior analysts from presenting any element of another’s work as their own, to properly cite the intellectual property of others, and to not self-plagiarize.
Code 6.10 Documentation and Data Retention in Research
Standard which compels behavior analysts to know and comply with any and all requirements related to the storing, retaining, and destroying of documentation from research projects.
Code 6.11 Accuracy and Use of Data
Standard which forbids behavior analysts from falsifying or fabricating data