Measurement Flashcards
Key measurement RICS publication and what does each cover?
RICS Property Measurement 2018 (Global) - IPMS
RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2007 (UK) - GEA/GIA/NIA
Why have RICS introduced IPMS?
Global consistency in definitions
Greater global transparency
Is IPMS mandatory?
Yes, unless client provides written instructions not to use it. Members must advise clients of the benefits.
Define IPMS 1
Sum of the areas of each floor level measured to the outside perimeter of construction features, reported on a component by component basis.
Under IPMS 1, to where do you measure?
Outside face of perimeter walls and centre line of shared walls.
Define Internal Dominant Face
Inside finished surface comprising 50% or more of the floor to ceiling height for each IDF section.
Define a limited use area. How are they to be treated?
Depends on the jurisdiction. Typically areas not available for legal occupation or use e.g. under 1.5m height with no usable space above (others: underground, no natural light). Measured and stated separately.
What is a component area?
Main elements into which a floor plate can be broken down into e.g. external wall, internal walls, circulation areas, amenity space, living space.
If multiple uses, state the principal use.
How do you report under IPMS?
Break the building into component areas on a floor by floor basis.
How accurate do you need to be under IPMS?
Depends on - purpose - client requirements and expectations - condition of the site/building - time and cost of measuring - ramifications of insufficient accuracy Use Appendix A: Acceptable tolerances
What does RICS Property Measurement 2018 say you need to state when you report/put in ToE?
- Purpose of measurement
- Date of measurement and instruction
- Who measured
- Measurement standard adopted -> if not IPMS why?
- Method used
- Reference and scale of plans used
- Conversion factors (e.g. sqm -> ft)
What is included in IPMS 1?
All walls (structural, external, internal), enclosed walkways, passages, lowest level of voids.
What is included and stated separately in IPMS 1?
Covered galleries, balconies, roof terraces, internal permanent mezzanines.
What is excluded under IPMS 1?
Temporary mezzanines, atrium voids, external stairwells not part of structure, external parking, external patios, external refuse areas.
How does IPMS 1 differ from GIA?
IPMS 1 includes balconies (stated separately) and roof terraces but GEA doesn’t.
Define IPMS 2
Sum of areas at each floor level measured to the IDF, reported on a component by component basis.
What is included under IPMS 2?
Columns and internal walls
Enclosed walkways and passages
What is included but stated separately under IPMS 2?
Balconies, mezzanines, rooftop terraces and verandas
What is excluded under IPMS 2?
External walls, atrium voids, car parking, ground floor structures beyond the outside wall
What is the difference between IPMS 2 and GIA?
IPMS 2 is larger due to:
Interface adjustments for IDF
External open sided balconies
Roof terraces
Define IPMS 3a
The floor area available on an exclusive basis to an occupier
How is IPMS 3a measured?
To outer face of external walls, centre line of shared walls, finished surface of walls with common facilities.
What does IPMS 3a include?
All internal walls and structural columns in a flat.
What is included but stated separately under IPMS 3a?
Attics, basements, cellars
Balconies in exclusive use
Limited use areas
What is excluded under IPMS 3a? Are these always excluded?
Patios Unenclosed parking spaces Staircase openings above level 0 Voids above o.25 sqm. No, they can be listed separately and individually.
Define IPMS 3b
- Area in exclusive occupation to an occupier including floor area occupied by internal walls and columns
How is IPMS 3b measured?
To the IDF of all walls
What does IPMS 3b include?
All internal walls and structural columns
What does IPMS 3b include but state separately
Attics, basements, cellars
Balconies in exclusive use
Limited use areas
What does IPMS 3b exclude?
Unenclosed parking spaces
Staircase openings above level 0
Voids greater than 0.25sqm
Define IPMS 3c
Area in exclusive occupation, excluding floor area occupied by full-height, permanent, internal walls and columns.
How is IPMS 3c measured?
To the IDF and finished surface on all full height, permanent internal walls.
What is included but stated separately?
Attics, basements and cellars
Balconies in exclusive use
Limited use areas
What is excluded?
Unenclosed parking areas
Staircase openings
Voids greater than 0.25sqm
How do you measure a site?
ProMap or a trundle wheel
What measurement tools are there?
Disto, tape measure, measure rule, trundle wheel, promap
What is 1 sqm in sq ft, and 1 acre in hectares?
1 sqm = 10.7639 sq ft
1 acre = 0.4046 hectares
What is GEA and what is it used for?
Area of a building measured externally at each floor level. Used for planning, and commercial ratings/tax and commercial build costs.
What does GEA exclude?
External open sided balconies Roof terraces Open vehicle parking areas Green houses, fuel stores, sheds Voids above atria
What is GIA and what is it used for?
Area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall at each level. Used for residential build costs
What does GIA exclude?
Perimeter walls
External open sided balconies
Green houses, fuel stores, sheds
Voids above the atria
What is NSA and what is it used for?
Modified form of GIA used for residential valuations and agency, particularly new build developments
What does it exclude?
Areas under 1.5m with no useble space above Garages Conservatories - stated separately External open sided balconies Terraces Green houses, fuel stores, sheds etc
What is EFA and what is it used for?
Usable area of rooms within a dwelling. Used for council tax banding of flats and maisonettes.
What does it exclude?
Bathrooms, toilets, showers
Stairwell, corridors, halls, landings, balconies
Internal walls
Areas with headroom under 1.5m
What is internal face?
The brick/blockwork or plaster coat of a wall. This is not the surface installed by the occupier.
Whats the difference between GEA and GIA? What are the different things included/excluded?
GEA is the area of a building measured to the outside wall at each floor level. GIA is the internal area measured to the internal face at all floor level.
GEA excludes external open sided balconies, roof terraces, open parking, external non-connected buildings, voids above atria
GIA excludes those, and perimeter walls
Whats the difference between GIA and NIA?
NIA is the usable area within a building measured to the internal face of perimeter walls at each floor level.
GIA excludes perimeter wall thickness. NIA also excludes internal structural walls, entrance halls, toilets, lift rooms, plant rooms, area with headroom under 1.5m
Whats the difference between GIA and NSA?
NSA is a modified form of GIA for residential purposes.
GIA excludes perimeter wall thickness, external open-sided balconies, roof terraces, greenhouses etc NSA excludes these and also 1) areas with 1.5m height 2) garages 3) conservatories (stated separately)