Measurement 2025 test Flashcards
What did RICS Property Management (2018) do?
Global standard that introduced IPMS to the property industry.
Plan is to make this mandatory.
This prof standard replaces ‘Code of Measuring Practice (2015)’ - but professionals are to report on dual basis until fully embedded
5 principles to follow when carrying out measurement?
1 - Provide date and who is measuring
2 - State measuring methodology adopted (NIA, etc)
3 - Provide plans if used
4 - Provide conversion factor (imperial/metric)
5 - Measurements & calculations must be documented
IPMS 3: Office buildings
NIA equivalent
Measures the occupation of floor areas in exclusive use
Includes: Balconies & roof terraces
Excludes: Standard facilities for shared use i.e. WCs, cleaners cupboards, plant rooms
Measures to the internal dominant face
What is the internal dominant face?
Inside finished surface which takes up more than 50% of the floor to ceiling for wall (includes windows)
NIA vs IPMS 3 - differences?
IPMS 3 is taken to Internal Dominant Face
All columns are included in IPMS 3
Windows included as part of Internal Dominant Face
Balconies included for IPMS 3 if exclusive of one tenant (measurement stated separately)
NIA excludes areas under 1.5m
What is included in IPMS All Building (2023)?
Recent document which succeeds all standards before it.
Aims for consistent measurements for all types of property in the world. Aim for one document for single set of standards for every type of building.
Not yet adopted by RICS (so hasn’t replaced ‘RICS prop man 2018 yet)
What does RICS Code of Measuring Practice (2015) set out?
Best measuring document available (except for offices).
GEA (used for town planning)
GIA (used for letting warehouses)
NIA (used for high street retail lettings)
GIA has c 3.00% reduction from GEA & NIA has c 15.00% reduction from GIA.
GIA for warehouses - what to include?
Include - Columns, lifts, mezzanines with permanent access
Exclude - canopies, fire escapes and covered ways
Ancillary offices are measured GIA too.
How to measure land?
Software such as ProMap
Trundle wheel