Measurement Flashcards
What tools can you use to measure?
Laser measure, tape measure, trundle wheel
Where can you find guidance on measuring?
RICS Code of Measuring Practice 6th edition
RICS property measurement, 2nd edition (currently being updated following the introduction of IPMS All buildings
When would you use NIA?
Shops and offices
How much area difference would you expect between NIA and GIA?
15% more for GIA
When would you use GIA?
Industrials, supermarkets
How much area difference would you expect between GIA and GEA?
3% more for GEA
When would you use GEA?
Council tax
What is NIA?
Useable building area
What is excluded when measuring to NIA?
Plant and lift rooms
Cleaners cupboards
Service and meter cupboards
Continuous heating units
Areas under 1.5m high
Where would you measure to if a property has full height windows?
The glass unless the structure makes the space unusable
What is included when measuring to NIA?
Atria with clear height and entrance (if not common)
Area occupied by non-structural partitioning
What is GIA?
Gross internal area
What is included when measuring to GIA?
Lift wells
Areas occupied by internal walls whether structural or not
What is GEA?
Gross external area
What is eaves height?
Height where the roof meets the walls
What is IPMS?
International Property Measuring Standards
Coalition of over 80 professional organisations publishing standards on offices, residential, industrial, retail and all building asset classes.
What was the latest IPMS standards to be released?
IPMS: all buildings 2023
What is IPMS 1?
The Floor Area measured to the external extent of the External Walls
What is IPMS 2?
The Floor Area measured to the internal extent of the internal dominant face
What is IPMS 3.1?
The Floor Area available on an exclusive basis to an occupier measured externally
What is IPMS 3.2?
The Floor Area available on an exclusive basis to an occupier measured internally
What is IPMS 4.1?
The selected Floor Area in a Building measured to Finished Surfaces including all Floor Area occupied by Walls and Columns.
What is IPMS 4.2?
The selected Floor Area in a Building measured to Finished Surfaces but excluding all Floor Area occupied by Walls and Columns.
What would you do if a client told you not to use IPMS?
Do as requested and state this in TOE and report
Why is accurate measuring important?
The measurements form the basis for analysis and valuation
What does GIA exclude?
Perimeter wall thickness
External fire escapes
Can you tell me why the Valuation office non-domestic rates has not adopted IPMS?
Not efficient to do so
How would you ensure that your laser measure is calibrated correctly?
Check measures of a known distance
How would you measure land?
VOA digital mapping/VMS. Trundle wheel if on site
How many hectares are in 1 acre?
How many acres are in 1 hectare?
How many m2 is 1 hectare?
What is included within RICS code of measuring practice 2015?
NIA, GIA, GEA, and other methods of measuring and when to use them.
What is included within RICS Property Measurement 2018?
IPMS - current being updated following IPMS all buildings
Why has IPMS been adopted?
To provide a consistent approach to how properties are measured across the globe.
What is a scale plan?
Real life measurements taken and scaled down so they can be measured later on paper and translated to the actual size.
What is zoning?
This is a method of reflecting that the most valuable part of a shop is at the front where customers walk past. zones are typically 6.1m in depth.
What is the internal dominant face?
The inside surface area comprising more than 50 per cent of the lowest 2.75 m measured vertically from the structural
floor surface, or to the ceiling if lower
Main difference between VOA and RICS Code of measuring practice?
VOA COMP removes areas with headroom less than 1.5m for GIA and GEA whereas RICS COMP does no
Did VOA fully adopt Code of Measuring Practice?
VOA generally adopted the RICS code as basis for measuring property, subject to 2 following exceptions:
• GEA and GIA – areas with a headroom less than 1.5 m are excluded rather than included.
• NIA is used for the measurement of industrial and warehouse buildings in some parts of the country.
What basis of measurement do you use for Rating?
What is definition of NIA?
Usable area of a building measured to internal face of perimeter walls at each level.
What is included in NIA?
• Atria with clear height above.
• Kitchens.
• Built-in cupboards.
• Ramps and steps within usable areas.
• Areas occupied by skirting / perimeter trunking.
• Areas occupied by ventilation / heating grilles.
What is excluded from NIA?
• Entrance halls, atria, and landings used in common.
• Toilets, toilet lobbies, bathrooms, cleaner’s room.
• Lift rooms, plant rooms, fuel stores.
• Stairwells, lift-wells, permanent lobbies, and circulation areas – which do not form usable area.
• Internal structural walls, other projections, chimneys, columns.
• Space occupied by air-conditioning, heating or cooling where it protrudes more than 0.25m into space or renders space substantially unusable.
• Areas with headroom of less than 1.5m.
• Areas smaller than 0.25m between opposite faces.
• Vehicle parking areas (number and type of spaces noted).
What is definition of GIA?
Area of building measured to internal face of perimeter walls at each level.
What is included in GIA?
• Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions.
• Chimneys, columns, stairwells, lifts, other projections.
• Atria and entrance halls with clear height above.
• Internal open-sided balconies, walkways.
• Mezzanine floor areas with permanent access.
• Lift rooms, plant rooms, fuel stores.
• Service accommodations such as toilets, showers, cleaner’s rooms, changing rooms.
• Loading bays.
• Areas with less than 1.5m head height.
• Garages.
• Conservatories.
What is excluded from GIA?
• External open-sided balconies, covered ways, and fire escapes, canopies.
• Greenhouses, garden stores, fuel stores and the like in residential property.
How does NIA differ from GIA?
GIA is measured up to perimeter walls and includes structural partitions. NIA measures usable area only.
What is definition of GEA?
Area of building measured externally at each level.
What is included in GEA?
• Perimeter wall thickness and external projections.
• Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions.
• Columns, chimneys, stairwells, lift wells.
• Internal balconies.
• Mezzanine areas intended for permanent access.
• Lift rooms, plant rooms, fuel stores.
• Outbuildings which share at least one wall with main building.
• Loading bays.
• Areas with less than 1.5m head height.
• Garages.
• Conservatories.
What is excluded from GEA?
• External open-sided balconies, covered ways, and fire escapes.
• Open vehicle parking areas, roof terraces, canopies.
• Greenhouses, garden stores, fuel stores and the like in residential property.
What source of errors could there be in measurements?
Human error – misreading, additional check measurements.
Unsure what to in/exclude – take enough measurements to calculate later.
Equipment error – faulty equipment which should be checked and calibrated quickly/annually.
What is appropriate level of accuracy in measurement?
Depends on the subject property, how difficult it is to measure, site specific conditions. Depending on this it may range from -/+ 1% to -/+ 10%. Greater margin acceptable measuring a car park compared to small office.
Why would you measure the eaves height of an industrial unit?
The higher eaves are the more storage, racking therefore more valuable for distribution centres etc.
Does the eaves height have an effect on value?
How do you measure the reception area of a multi let office?
We do not include reception areas or areas capable of use and situated within entrance halls, atria and landings.
Will a lift providing exclusive access to a single floor form part of the NIA?
Yes, the notional lift lobby will be included if opening directly onto the office area.
Why would you use GIA to measure a flat?
For advertising purposes.
Digital mapping/VMS - is this a method of measurement?
It is a software to assist in measuring.
How do you measure and inspect a shop?
Using zoning and NIA.
Is zoning a method of valuation or method of measurement?
Zoning – the use of zones when assessing the values of shops is a valuation, not a measurement, technique.
What tools are used for measuring?
• Laser measuring device
• Tape measure 20/30m
• Measuring wheel
• Angle measure
• Drones
How does laser disto work?
The time for the laser to go there and back.
How do you calibrate your laser?
Create your reference point – create a reference point for your laser by measuring a distance with a metal tape measure, or another manual measuring tool. Make sure to clearly mark the point that you are measuring and record the distance.
Set up your laser disto - put your measure exactly where you put the edge of your tape measure. Double-check that you have your measure positioned so that the side you want to calibrate is facing your target.
Use a meter to measure the distance - once you have powered up your laser meter, send its laser to the target. Check that the laser is measuring the correct angle, and then hit your “measure” button or switch.
Evaluate your results - Compare your laser measure’s results to those on the tape measure. If they are only off by a few millimetres, then your device is still properly calibrated. If your distances are five millimetres or more apart, your device’s calibration needs to be restored. Follow your manufacturer instructions for further steps.
What scales are most used for different types of plans?
• 1:50 – room plan
• 1:100 – building plan
• 1:1250 – street / location plan
• 1:2500 – location plan
• 1:50000 – road / walking map
Why was IPMS introduced?
To ensure that property assets are measured in a consistent way, creating a more transparent marketplace, greater public trust, stronger investor confidence, and increased market stability.
What are general principles of IPMS?
Mandatory for RICS members (unless client specifies otherwise in writing, departure must be documented). Must do following:
• Provide date when measurements undertaken
• State measuring methodology adopted
• Provide reference and scale of any plans used
• State conversion factor from metric / imperial and rounding
• Measurements and calculations must be clearly shown
• Retain record of RICS member to certify above
• Measurer must state degree of tolerance as percentage.
IPMS 1 – what does it cover?
IPMS 1 – External Measurements for Whole or Part of a Building.
IPMS 2 – what does it cover?
IPMS 2 – Internal Measurements for Whole or Part of a Building.
IPMS 3 – what does it cover?
• IPMS 3.1 – External Measurements for Exclusive Occupation.
• IPMS 3.2 – Internal Measurements for Exclusive Occupation.
IPMS 4 - what does it cover?
• IPMS 4.1 – Internal Measurements for Selected Areas including Internal Walls and Columns.
• IPMS 4.2 - Internal Measurements for Selected Areas excluding Internal Walls and Columns.
What is an IDF?
Internal dominant face.
Would you value to the glass or the frame?
Depends – if window is 50% or more of the wall, then to the glass, if window is less than 50% then to the wall.
Would you include a column?
Depends what property you are measuring.
Is IPMS Mandatory?
What are limited use areas in IPMS?
Limited areas – are areas where special consideration may need to be applied for valuation or other purposes, such as areas with limited height. They allow users to quantify those areas in the IPMS total.
What is floor level designation in IPMS?
For all property classes IPMS has adopted Level 0 as the primary ground level. Upper and lower levels are referred to sequentially as the number of levels above or below level 0 e.g. level 1,2, 3… are above level 0 and levels -1, -2, -3… are below level 0.
What is clear height in IPMS?
The height within the building or section of the building measured from the floor to the lowest point of the structural element above, ignoring the existence of any brackets, struts or fixtures and fittings.
What is definition of internal height in IPMS?
The height within the building or section of a building measured from the floor to the lowest point of the ceiling, ignoring the existence of any brackets, struts or fixtures and fittings.
Why has the take up of IPMS been slow?
This should be your opinion. But in essence it is slow because we are moving from very well-established Code of measurement practice to something new. However, IPMS will ensure that property assets are measured in a consistent way, will bring transparency and easier comparison.
What is ancillary area?
An area in exclusive use in the same building, which is separate from the main area being measured and is being used for supplementary purposes.
What is mezzanine?
An intermediate or partial floor, that is usually fully or partially open on one or more sides.
When you are measuring an office building, how do you deal with radiators?
Depends – if intermittent include the space, if continuous or more than 0.25 m you take out.
What is the main aim of RICS Professional Statement, Property Measurement 2nd edition, January 2018?
• Aims to establish consistencies in property measurement to be adopted by international government and industry – bring greater transparency and easier comparison.
• Members encouraged to report on dual basis – having regard to client instructions.
• Members must advise clients about benefits of IPMS.