Can you walk me through some of the main types of measuring equipment available?
Laser measure, scale ruler, tape measure, trundle wheel
Are you able to tell me about the laser measure that you use? What brand?
Leica. It can be used for indoors and outdoors and has a camera function to pinpoint where you are measuring to, when in bright daylight
Can you tell me why measurement is important?
To ensure we are valuing the correct size area and apply the correct value. Many valuations are based on areas so a small margin can make a big difference to the value and affects comparables.
What are the main bases of measurement in the code of measuring practice?
Can you tell me the definition of NIA?
Useable area within a building, face of internal finish, ignore skirting boards, taking each floor into account. Excludes: toilets, cleaners cupboards, stairwells, areas of with headroom under 1.5m
Can you give definition of GIA?
The whole enclosed area within external walls, take each floor into account but exclude the thickness of external walls. Includes: Area occupied by internal walls (structural or not) and partitions, Columns and piers, chimney breasts, lift wells, stairwells. Excludes: fire escapes, areas under 1.5m
Can you give definition of GEA?
Area of a building measured externally at each floor level. Includes everything except open sided balconies, covered ways and fire escapes, canopies, open vehicle parking areas, roof terraces, voids over or under structural, raked or stepped floors.
Can you give as an example of what class of property you would use for GIA and NIA?
GIA Industrial NIA shop
When might you use GEA?
Council tax valuation, building cost estimates for houses
What is the principle behind zoning?
Too measure back from the frontage of the shop/ building line. The frontage is higher value, as you zone back value reduces (halves), zone back by 6.1 metre zones. The value of these zones are expressed as a proportion of the value of Zone A. This enables the comparison of shops of different sizes on a £/m2 ITZA (In Terms of Zone A) basis.
How would you measure land? What sort of equipment would you use to measure land?
Check boundaries accurately on site with an OS plan and or land reg title document prior to calculating the area of a site. Trundle wheel or google maps/mapping software.
Can you tell us what IPMS is?
International Property Measurement Standards. IPMS ensures that property assets are measured in a consistent way. Coalition of over 80 professional organisations
Can you tell me what the internal dominant face?
A surface of section of wall that comprises over 50%
What are the asset classes for IPMS?
All buildings
Do we use IPMS for rating purposes?
No, we use code of measuring practice.
Why did you measure your case study property to NIA?
As per the Code of Measuring Practice NIA is the principle basis of measurement for rating of shops.
What properties does IPMS apply to?
All types of buildings independent of their use or occupation.
What is IPMS 2?
Floor area measured to the internal extent of the internal dominant face. Closely equate to GIA.
What to do you if your comps are NIA?
Work out the area of the components
Difference between NIA and IPMS3?
Net internal area where as IPMS 3 is useable floor area – space only for the exclusive use of an occupier and limited floor area then added to get total area. Limited floor areas INCLUDE columns, areas of less than 1.5m in height.
How would you measure an office?
To NIA, including useable space such as the main office and meeting rooms. I would exclude toilets, lobbies, cleaners cupboards, columns.
How would you measure a shop?
To NIA, including all useable space such as the shop floor and store rooms. I would exclude toielts, structural walls and area with headroom of less than 1.5m. I would zone the shop from the building line back 6.1 metre zones.
How would you measure an industrial?
To GIA, including the whole enclosed area within the external walls. I would exclude the external wall thickness, open fire escapes and canopies.
What professional statement did the RICS release to incorporate the international property measurement standards?
RICS property measurement 2nd edition 2018
What are the difference between IPMS and code of measuring practice?
Measuring to the internal dominant face.
Why did they brings IPMS in?
Consistent, global standard
You mentioned you measure a shop in Bristol, could you talk me through how you went about measuring the property?
Measuring from building line, 6.1 metre zones, I excluded structural walls and toilets.