Measurement Flashcards
What is included on an NIA Measurement?
Atriums with clear height above them and entrance halls not used in the common areas
Notional Lift Lobbies and Notional Fire Corridors
Kitchens and built in cupboards
Areas occupied by skirting/ventilation/perimeter trunking
Areas occupied by non structural partition walls and columns
What is excluded on an NIA Measurement?
Perimeter wall thickness and external projections
Structural columns
Plant and lift rooms
Staircases and lifts
Meters and service cupboards (such as meter cupboards)
Areas under 1.5M in height such as eaves
Areas used for permanent air conditioning units
What has the RICS published to ensure best practice when measuring property?
International Property Measurement Standards 2023
Code of Measuring Practice (6th Ed) 2007
RICS Property Measurement (2nd Ed) 2018
What is the purpose of IPMS? What are the benefits?
The aim is to create a principles based, international standard of measurement which is consistent around the world.
All property is measured on the same basis depending upon their use. This provides greater transparency and consistency of data as well as reducing the workload of measuring professionals
When including measurements in valuations/marketing reports/sale details what should be included?
Date of measurement
Method of measurement, tools used and tolerances
Basis of measurement eg sq ft
Confirmation of plans being used including appropriate scales
Was the measurement independently verified on site
Who did the measuring
How would you identify the Internal Dominant Face when measuring using GIA or IPMS 2?
The area within each vertical section [wall] that makes up the perimeter of the building/unit
The inside finish surface comprising 50% or more of the surface area for each vertical section forming an internal perimeter. A vertical Section refers to each part of a window, wall or external construction feature of an office building where the outside finished surface varies from the inside finished surface area of the adjoining window, wall or external construction feature, ignoring the existence of any columns.
If such does not occur or if the Wall Section is not vertical, the Finished Surface is deemed
to be the IDF.
What does GEA include?
Perimeter wall thickness and external projections
Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions
Internal Balconies
Columns, stairwells, lift motor rooms, plant rooms
Areas with headroom under 1.5m
Mezzanine areas with permanent access
When was the RICS professional standard, RICS property measurement 2nd edition 2018 effective from?
1st April 2018
What does GEA exclude?
External balconies
External car parking
External fire escape stairs
External loading bays
When should you use GEA?
Town planning
rating and council tax
Building cost estimation
What does GIA include?
Areas with headroom of less than 1.5m
Areas occupied by internal walls, balconies and partitions
Columns, stairwells, lift wells, lift rooms, plant rooms, fuel rooms
Mezzanine areas with permanent access
What does GIA exclude?
Perimeter wall thickness and external projections
External balconies
External car parking
External fire escape stairs
When would you use GIA as a measurement basis?
Building cost estimation - recognised method of measurement for calculating building cost
Estate Agency Valuation - marketing and valuation of industrial buildings, warehouses, department stores
Rating - Industrial, warehouses, retail warehouses
Property management - calculation of SC apportionment on industrial assets
What is the difference between IPMS1 and GEA?
Internal balconies (included in GEA - Stated separately in IPMS1)
External balconies (included in GEA - Stated separately in IPMS1)
Accessible rooftop terraces (Excluded in GEA - Stated separately in IPMS1)
What is the difference between IPMS2 and GIA?
Internal balconies (Included in GIA, included but stated separately in IPMS2)
External balconies (Excluded in GIA, included but stated separately in IPMS2)
Accessible rooftop terraces (Excluded in GIA, included but stated separately in IPMS2)
What is the difference between IPMS3 and NIA?
External/internal balconies excluded in NIA (included but stated separately IPMS3)
Accessible rooftop terraces excluded in NIA (included but stated separately in IPMS3)
Areas under 1.5m excluded in NIA (included but stated separately in IPMS3)
Internal walls/columns excluded in NIA (Included in IPMS3)
Common walls measured to internal face in NIA (measured to centre line in IPMS3)
Enclosed walkways/passages excluded in NIA (included in IPMS3)
When did IPMS all buildings become effective?
15 January 2023 - Not mandatory for RICS
Tell me about IPMS all buildings?
Lets users choose standard relevant to purpose of the area being measured
Introduced to create clearer boundaries on extent of each measurement - 4 stage process introduced for each measurement
Superseded all previously published IPMSC
What does IPMSC stand for?
International property measurement standards coalition
What properties does IPMS currently apply to?
All buildings as of 2023, before it was just office and residential
What is dual reporting? When should this be adopted?
Reporting in terms of IPMS and another basis - When there lacks comparable evidence using the same basis - Therefore client requests standard other than IPMS
Benefit of dual reporting?
Facilitates comparative analysis locally and globally
Can you talk me through the steps you undertook to measure the office unit at 80 Cheapside?
1) Ensured I was competent to undertake the valuation
2) Completed a conflict of interest check
3) Agreed the terms of engagement
4) Review lease - Gathered existing floor plan
5) Confirmed measurement basis what is included/excluded + Undertake risk assessment
6) Calibrated my laser measure
7) Conduct and record measurements
8) Complete measurement report - Send to client
What is IPMS 1?
The sum of the areas of each floor level of a building measured to outer perimeter of external construction features, reported on a floor by floor basis
What is featured within the RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2015?
Measurement standards
Best practice guidance on measurement techniques to maintain professional standards
Guidelines towards consistency
SIMPLE - provides succinct, precise definitions
What is GIA?
The area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor area
What is GEA?
The area of a building measured internally at each floor level (measured to the exterior walls)
What is NIA?
The useable area of a building, measured to internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level
What is IPMS2?
The sum of the area of each floor level of a building measured to the internal dominant face, and reported on a component basis for each floor of a building
What is IPMS3?
The floor area available on an exclusive basis to occupier, excluding standard facilities, calculated on an occupier-by-occupier basis for a building
What are standard facilities?
Areas of a building that provide shared facilities and typically do not change over time
What is an application of IPMS1?
Town planning