Meaning and Nature of Social Stratification Flashcards
use the term social stratification to describe the system of social standing.
refers to how people can be distinguished from one another. People in a group may differ in skin color, hair color, race, mental and physical ability, and the like.
Social differentiation
refers to the ranking of people in a society. In closed stratification, people cannot change their ranks while those in open ______ ______________, people can change their ranks. In short social stratification is the separation of people into social categories and these categories are ranked as higer or lower.
Social stratification
The individual’s position in the social structure is called
The higher or lower positions that come about through social stratifications are called
Are assigned or given by the society or group on the basis of some fixed category, without regard to a person’s abilities or performance. These include sex, family background, race, and ethnic heritage. You did nothing to earn these statuses; you have no control over these characteristics and no opportunity or chance to choose your family, your sex, and your race. In the Philippines, the children of Ayala’s and the Zobel’s have ascrived statuses (Zulueta, 2006)
Are earned by the individual because of his or her talent, skills, occupation and persevernace. These include, degree or educational attainment, promotion, position, earned wealth and the like. For example, Nora Aunor has moved up in the social ladder because of her beautiful voice and singing talent.
refers to the evaluation of status. You have ________ according to your status. For example, being the president of the Supreme Student Government of your school, you have the prestige of a president whether or not you perform and carry out well the duties and responsibilities of SSG president (Baleña, 2016).
As mentioned by Ariola (2012) in his book, one may be viewed as belonging to the upper social strata or lower social strata depending on the following dimensions:
- Sources of Income
- Occupation
- Education
- Type of House Dwellings
- Location of residence
- Kinship or Family
There are different _______ of ______. These are the inhereted wealth, earned wealth, profits, professional fees, salaries, wages, private relief, among others. Wealth is everything that is owned by a person. Inherited wealth is acquired since birth and without effort.
- Sources of Income
is achieved through ones effort either by talent, income or by marriage. Income refers to the amount of money a person receives
Acquired wealth
What people do for a living determines, to a large extent, the social position of the person. O_________ may be classified into professionals, non-professionals (clerks, drivers, etc) proprietors of small business, skilled workers, semi skilled workers, and unskilled workers.
- Occupation
attainment of a person may be categorized as masteral or doctoral degree holder, college graduate, high school graduate, elemetary school drop- out, among others. Possession of the person of any of these educational backgrounds may characterize the person’s status in the community
can be categorized as permanent house (concrete and excellent in appearance), semi-permanent house (semi-concrete and very good in appearance and construction), temporary house (wood and fair in appearance and construction), and poorly constructed house (houses found in squatter areas, or those considered below-the-bridge houses).
- Type of House Dwellings
Power, prestige and wealth are also attached to the location of residence.
There is disparity of social status when one residence is located in Forbes Park, White Plains, squatter area, mountainous-rugged area, in subdivision and non-subdivision area.
- Location of residence
In the Philippines, when a person belongs to the Ayala’s, Soriano’s, Zobel’s, Villar’s, that person is regarded as belonging to the upper class (rich) status. Children of sultans and datus are highly regarded as rich. If a person is from a family whose house is situated in the squatter’s area, that person is regarded as poor or belonging to lower class status.
- Kinship or Family
The people in this class have great wealth and sources of income. They constitute the elite wealthy group in the society. They have high reputation in terms of power and prestige. They live in exclusive residential area, belong to exclusive private clubs, and may have strong political influence in the system of government. They own several cars and properties and their children may study in exclusive schools.
The people in this class may belong to the _____-______ which is often made up of highly educated business and professional people with high incomes, such as doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers, and CEOs or to the lower-______ _____ often made up of people with lower incomes, such as managers, small business owners, teachers, and secretaries. Aside from generally command of high income, people belonging to the upper-______ _____ often have college education, live in comfortable homes, own properties, have some money savings, and active in community activities.
The l____ c____ is typified by poverty, homelessness, and unemployment. The people in this class belong to the bottom of socio-economic ladder. They may be categorized into two: upper-lower class and lower-lower plass. In the upper-lower class, people are considered as the working class or laborers. They have acquired little education, little time to be involved in civic and community activities. Some of them are underemployed, have many socio-economic problems, with Ittle or no luxuries at all
It is regarded as closed stratification system in which people can do little or nothing to change their social standing. Social contact is rigid and clearly defined. People are born and die in their caste. Contact between and among the caste is minimal and governed by a set of rules - especially those who belong to the lower degree, as this will tend to bring them down.
It is somewhat a closed system in which the person’s social standing is based on ownership of land, birth, or military strength. Individuals who were born into one of the estates remained there throughout life but in extreme cases there is social mobility, that is people could change their status. In the middle ages there are three (3) major estates in Europe - nobility, clergy, and the peasants.