Mean-Variance Analysis: State-Space Approach Flashcards
we describe the mean-variance frontier as a set in the payoff space X
in this formulation, the frontier turns out to be a straight line
it contains precisely the returns whose idiosyncratic component is zero
any return can be decomposed in a frontier return and an orthogonal idiosyncratic payoff
We characterize the frontier in terms of two natural returns that are always mean-variance efficient:
- the return R∗ associated with the SDF payoff x∗
- the return Rˆ associated with the constant-mimicking portfolio proj(1 | X )
(this equals the risk-free rate if a risk-free asset exists)
Set-up and goal
X is a payoff space that satisfies free portfolio formation (linearity)
p is a price function that satisfies the law of one price
x∗ denotes the unique SDF that is contained in the payoff space
Variance minimisation vs second moment minimisation
Mean-Variance efficient payoffs
When we define Rmv, we hold really two things fixed while minimizing second moments
not just the expected return E[R]
but also the price because we restrict attention to returns, that is p(R) = 1
For symmetry reasons, it is insightful to generalize to mean-variance efficient payoffs:
NotethatR∈Rmv ifandonlyifR∈Xmv andR∈R
The Payoffs x* and x hat
Any x ∈ Xmv minimizes E[x2] holding the values of two linear functions fixed
- the price function x → p(x)
- the mean function x → E[x]
We have seen in Lecture 2 that we can represent p as an inner product with the payoff x∗
∀x ∈X :p(x)=⟨x∗,x⟩=E[x∗x]
x∗ is the projection of any SDF m onto the payoff space, x∗ = proj(m | X)
The mean function is trivially represented as an inner product with the constant 1
∀x ∈X :E[x]=⟨1,x⟩=E[1·x]
but 1 may not be a payoff
so let’s use also here the projection trick and define the constant-mimicking payoff xˆ := proj(1 | X)
this is a payoff (xˆ ∈ X by construction) and it also represents the mean function ∀x ∈X :E[x]=⟨xˆ,x⟩=E[xˆx]
x* is MV efficient with proof
x∗ minimizes the second moment among all payoffs x ∈ X with the same price as x∗. In particular, x∗ ∈ Xmv
x hat is MV efficient with proof
xˆ minimizes the second moment among all payoffs x ∈ X with the same expectation as xˆ. In particular, xˆ ∈ X mv
Intermediary summary
x∗ and xˆ play a special role because they represent the functions we hold fixed
x∗ represents the price function p
xˆ represents the expectation E
Previous results: x∗,xˆ ∈ Xmv
We will show next that x∗ and xˆ in fact generate Xmv
Xmv =span{x∗,xˆ}
in words: any mean-variance efficient payoff turns out to be a portfolio of two payoffs
the SDF payoff x∗ and
the constant-mimicking payoff xˆ
Idiosyncratic payoffs
Systematic and Idiosyncratic components
Lecture 1: can decompose any payoff in systematic and idiosyncratic component
definition of systematic component of x there: E[x] + proj(x − E[x] | m) = proj(x | 1, m)
this only makes sense as a payoff if 1 ∈ X
was fine there because we have assumed existence of risk-free asset in Lecture 1
When there is no risk-free asset: use instead constant-mimicking payoff xˆ in the regression
For any x ∈ X, we can decompose
x =proj(x |x∗,xˆ)+ε
then both proj(x | x∗,xˆ) and ε are again payoffs
E[x∗ε] = E[xˆε] = 0, hence p(ε) = E[ε] = 0, so ε ∈ E
proj(x | x∗, xˆ) ∈ span{x∗, xˆ}
We call proj(x | x∗,xˆ) the systematic component of x, ε the idiosyncratic component
Intuitive Idea behind MV efficiency
An idiosyncratic component of a payoff has zero mean and price … but it may positively contribute to the second moment/variance
To minimize the second moment for given mean and price, the idiosyncratic component should
be as small as possible
→ Mean-variance efficient payoffs should have idiosyncratic component ε = 0
→ Mean-variance efficient payoffs should be contained in span{x∗,xˆ}
… we try to make this intuition precise in the following
Properties of decomposition in systematic and idiosyncratic component
Main theorem as the characterisation of the set X MV
Proof, Direction Xmv ⊂ span{x∗,xˆ}
Both conditions can only hold simultaneously if ε = 0 and hence x ∈ span(x∗,xˆ)
Proof, Direction span{x∗,xˆ} ⊂ Xmv