Linear Factor Models: CAPM Flashcards
CAPM background
The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is the single-factor model with risk factor RW
RW is the return on total wealth in the economy
this includes all stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc.
… but in principle also illiquid and private assets (e.g. real estate, private equity) … and other forms of wealth such as human capital and public infrastructure
In practice, people often proxy RW by a large index of investable securities (often stocks) R W is then also called the market return (and sometimes written R M )
CAPM core equation
Why is the CAPM important
The CAPM is a linear factor model that tells us exactly what the factor should be
If we believe assumptions leading to CAPM: asset pricing is all about covariance with RW
RW is difficult to define and measure empirically, but
there are proxies that are relatively easy to measure (e.g. stock indices)
the CAPM has been an empirical success for a long time
and it is still the most widely applied asset pricing model today
The CAPM is also of historical significance: it was the first modern general equilibrium pricing model
Illustration: Empirical Fit of the CAPM
CAPM and stochastic discount factors
from Lecture 4a: a linear pricing model is equivalent to a linear SDF
The CAPM is equivalent to the discount factor model
m = a + bRW
So the CAPM really says two things (interpreted through the lens of the consumption-based model)
- RW is a sufficient proxy for marginal utility (for the purpose of asset pricing)
- the relationship between marginal utility growth and RW is linear
We can try to derive the CAPM in general equilibrium by showing these two properties
Consumption-based Model with Quadratic Utility
Combining SDF and Budget Constraints Yields Factor Model
Market equilibrium
Let’s close the model, suppose:
there are I investors, all are identical and have quadratic utility
there is a fixed supply of assets with aggregate payoff xW t+1
In equilibrium, the sum of payoffs to all investors must equal the supply
Market Equilibrium Leads to the CAPM
Alternative Derivation: Exponential Utility and Normal Distributions
Portfolio Choice under Mean-Variance Preferences
Investors are said to have mean-variance preferences if they always choose optimal portfolios on the mean-variance frontier
any investor who
only cares about mean and variance of consumption
dislikes consumption variance
has mean-variance preferences
oes CAPM always result from mean-variance preferences? want to show next that the answer is yes
What assumptions/environment implies 1. RW must be the tangency portfolio return
2. RW is on the mean-variance frontier?
all investors have mean-variance preferences
→ they all choose a portfolio on the mean-variance frontier
there is a risk-free asset
→ all investors choose the same tangency portfolio of risky assets
the risk-free asset is in zero net supply (claims of borrowers and lenders net to zero)
→ market supply of all assets = supply of risky assets
investors do not have any outside income
→ total wealth = market supply of all assets
Mean-Variance Preferences ⇒ RW Is on the Frontier
We do not need to assume the existence of a risk-free asset in zero net supply
Suppose that only the following two assumptions are satisfied:
all investors have mean-variance preferences
investors do not have any outside income
Then the essential conclusions from previous slide remain valid:
- all investors choose portfolios on the frontier (not necessarily the same)
- the combined portfolio of all investors is again on the frontier
(because X mv is a linear space)
because there is no outside income, this combined portfolio equals the total wealth portfolio
Conclusion from previous argument: RW is on the mean-variance frontier
Theorem: Any Frontier Return Can Be Used as a Factor
RW is on the mean-variance frontier
How does this help to conclude the CAPM?
Answer: because any mean-variance efficient return can be used as a factor
Let Rmv be a return on the mean-variance frontier that is different from the global minimum variance return. Then asset returns satisfy a linear one-factor model with factor Rmv.
Proof of the Theorem: Any Frontier Return Can Be Used as a Factor
(need risk-free asset)