ME Preparation & Watchkeeping Flashcards
As engineer officer of the watch explain the procedure to be followed in the event of a crankcase oil mist alarm on a bridge controlled, constant speed, main propulsion engine fitted with a controllable pitch propeller. (16)
Inform the Chief Engineer and Bridge, request the engine to be stopped.
Stop any auxiliary blowers, ER fans, open all indicator cocks, engage turning gear and maintain lubrication.
Evacuate the engine-room for at least half an hour whilst the engine is being turned No attempt must be made to enter the crankcase during this time.
If the engine is not able to be stopped the engine-room must be evacuated and sealed, with emergency generator started and fire hoses set up outside ER space.
Space may only be entered if no explosion has occurred and after about 1hr of engine turning great care should still be taken.
The engine may only be re-started once a full check of the crankcase has been carried out and feel over of all bearing shells.
A) In the case of a main engine and Controllable Pitch Propeller not responding to bridge control, describe the routine for changing to Engine Room Control. (8)
Alert the C/E and engine staff and stand-by console.
Match the pitch on the bridge to that in the ECR and take control of the main engine. Maintain communication with the bridge at all times and carry out orders immediately using the manoeuvring table for pitch and speed references.
Do not leave the controls at any time.
Prepare engine side control for precaution to loss of ECR steering.
b) Explain how manual control of fuel pump delivery is achieved when emergency manoeuvring on a large 2 stroke crosshead engine. (8)
Alert the C/E and engine staff and stand-by by in ECR.
Match the engine speed setting in ECR with the bridge and take control. Control is now ready to be handed over to engine side.
Establish communication with the bridge using engine side phone.
Set up manual control, ensuring speed matched that in ECR, control can now be taken over at engine side.
Remove the governor control and use manual control wheel to control the fuel, ensure control air valve is on local. Engine speed can now be controlled from this position as well as starting, stopping and reversing.
Describe the sequence of actions when preparing the main engine, from cold, for sea service. Assume that the engine has been shut down for a long period of time. (16)
Ensure that all expansion tank levels and sump levels are correct.
Ensure that the fuel oil, lubrication oil and cooling water is pre-heated as per running instruction.
Open all indicator cocks of main engine, ensure that all temperatures and pressures of lubrication system is correct.
With the fuel rack Closed, engage turning gear inform the bridge the engine is to be turned. Manually actuate cylinder lubrication, observe indicator cocks for any ejected material (water). Whilst the engine is being turned (minimum 2 revolutions), ensure that all support systems such as sea water cooling is operational, that the air compressors are operational and enough electrical capacity is available on the main switchboard.
Drain starting air bottles, fuel oil settling and service tanks. Disengage turning gear and Kick the engine on air, observe all indicator cocks.
Once engine is stopped close all indicator cocks, open fuel rack and inform the bridge the engine is ready.
State the actions to be taken by the EOOW to prepare a main propulsion diesel engine plant from a cold condition to that of a condition ready for manoeuvring. (16)
Ensure that all expansion tank levels and sump levels are correct.
Ensure that the fuel oil, lubrication oil and cooling water is pre-heated as per running instruction.
Open all indicator cocks of main engine, ensure that all temperatures and pressures of lubrication system is correct.
With the fuel rack Closed, engage turning gear inform the bridge the engine is to be turned. Manually actuate cylinder lubrication, observe indicator cocks for any ejected material (water). Whilst the engine is being turned (minimum 2 revolutions), ensure that all support systems such as sea water cooling is operational, that the air compressors are operational and enough electrical capacity is available on the main switchboard.
Drain starting air bottles, fuel oil settling and service tanks. Disengage turning gear and Kick the engine on air, observe all indicator cocks.
Once engine is stopped close all indicator cocks, open fuel rack and inform the bridge the engine is ready.
With respect to main propulsion engine, state the immediate action to be taken as an EOOW in the event of the following, stating one reason for each:
a) Turbocharger repeatedly surging; (4)
Contact the bridge and C/E and request for the engine load to be reduced. This could be caused by the rough weather causing the propeller to crash in and out of the water causing excess vibrations, lowering the load reduces the vibration.
With respect to main propulsion engine, state the immediate action to be taken as an EOOW in the event of the following, stating one reason for each:
b) Air start manifold/branch pipe overheating local to one unit; (4)
Contact the bridge and C/E and request for the engine to be slowed or stopped if possible. Fuel would have to be shut off to the affected unit.
With respect to main propulsion engine, state the immediate action to be taken as an EOOW in the event of the following, stating one reason for each:
c) Low scavenge air temperature alarm; (4)
Reduce the cooling water flow rate/increase the temperature of the cooling water to prevent water moisture condensing on the liner and washing off the lubricating oil. This prevents scuffing and corrosion caused by the removal of lubrication oil.
With respect to main propulsion engine, state the immediate action to be taken as an EOOW in the event of the following, stating one reason for each:
d) Engine misfires “fuel rail pressure low” alarm activates booster pump pressure high. (4)
inform the bridge and C/E, request the engine speed t be reduced. Change to the second fuel filters in the booster pump. Check water in F.O. service tank, and ensure all valves are in line to the M/E fuel rail. This is caused by blocked booster filters.
Enumerate the important actions to be taken by the EOOW in the event of an alarm condition activated on the oil mist detector. (16)
Inform the Chief Engineer and Bridge, request the engine to be stopped.
John Willison IAMI Revision 2
Stop any auxiliary blowers, ER fans, open all indicator cocks, engage turning gear and maintain lubrication.
Evacuate the engine-room for at least half an hour whilst the engine is being turned No attempt must be made to enter the crankcase during this time.
If the engine is not able to be stopped the engine-room must be evacuated and sealed, with emergency generator started and fire hoses set up outside ER space.
Space may only be entered if no explosion has occurred and after about 1hr of engine turning great care should still be taken.
The engine may only be re-started once a full check of the crankcase has been carried out and feel over of all bearing shells.
With reference to the operation of main propulsion engine, outline the importance of each of following:
a) Maintaining the temperature of the scavenge air above the dewpoint; (4)
To prevent water condensing and washing off L.O. film on cylinder liners. It also prevents cold corrosion due to the condensate mixing with the acidic combustion products and forming sulphuric acid.
With reference to the operation of main propulsion engine, outline the importance of each of following:
Maintaining the fuel at the correct viscosity for injection; (4)
To prevent over pressurisation of fuel rail components and to maintain proper injection of fuel.
With reference to the operation of main propulsion engine, outline the importance of each of following:
c) Regular on board testing of the lubricating oil; (4)
Testing will indicate any potential contaminants such as water or metal in the lubrication oil which could cause damage. It is also used to monitor the degradation of the oil which will tell you when new oil is needed.
With reference to the operation of main propulsion engine, outline the importance of each of following:
d) Ensuring rotation of the exhaust valves. (4)
This is to ensure even temperature distribution to make sure no distortion, it also ensures even carbon deposit build up.
Describe the actions necessary to prepare the engine room for rough weather. (16)
Ensure that all bilge wells are emptied sufficiently.
Ensure that all watertight doors are closed.
Ensure that all heavy items are securely stowed and lashed.
Ensure that any chemicals, noxious liquids, flammable or otherwise are stored correctly and securely.
Stop all maintenance work, stow all tools and parts securely.
Ensure all tanks are sufficiently full.
Sufficient water within boiler and boiler system to compensate for rolling.
Sufficient lubricating oil within machinery sumps and service tanks.
All tank vents on deck covered with water-proof hoods.
Ensure that all external openings are securely closed.
All non-essential over-side discharges stopped and valves closed.
State, with reasons, EIGHT areas or items which should be checked by the duty engineer before taking over the watch. (16)
Engine Room Logs
Alarm Record
Planned Maintenance Schedule
Chiefs Standing Orders
John Willison IAMI Revision 3
Physical condition of outgoing watch keeper is he/she well
Fuel oil storage tanks, level, temperature drain of water
Lubrication sump levels and temperature
Structural condition
Fresh water supply, tank level and ensure enough being produced.
a) State the reason for turning the engine with the turning gear prior to starting. (4)
Ensuring Cylinders are free from debris or fluid
Ensure correct rotation of the engine, building lubrication
b) State the reason for leaving the indicator cocks on main engine cylinders open when the engine is turned initially with the turning gear. (4)
To allow the escape of any trapped fluid
To de-compress cylinders so that turning gear may operate
c) State the reason for leaving the lubricating oil circulating after “Finish with Engines”. (4)
c) Lubrication of bearing faces
Cooling of bearing faces and oil
c) Lubrication of bearing faces
Cooling of bearing faces and oil
d) To maintain the correct starting temperature
To slowly allow the engine to cool from operation temperature reducing thermal stress