MDT Seizures =[ Flashcards
of the population will have at least one seizure
Highest incidence for seizures occurs in _______ and _____
early childhood and late adulthood
____________is characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures
An abnormal, excessive, hypersynchronous discharge from an aggregate of CNS
Etiology of Seizure Young adults (18-35 years)
(a) Trauma
(b) Metabolic disorders (Alcohol withdrawal, uremia, hyper/hypoglycemia)
(c) CNS Infection
Etiology of Seizure Older adults (>35 years)
(a) Cerebrovascular disease
(b) Brain tumor
(c) Metabolic disorders
(d) Degenerative disorders (Alzheimer)
(e) CNS Infection
Classification of what?
(a) Depends on how much cortical involvement occurs with seizure
(b) Preictal phase can have auras that are associated to onset of seizure
(c) Focal seizure with retained awareness
2) Only one part of the brain is affected
3) Presentation depends on focal area involved
Classification of what?
(a) Depends on how much cortical involvement occurs with seizure
(b) Preictal phase can have auras that are associated to onset of seizure
(c) Focal seizure with retained awareness
(d) Focal seizure with impaired awareness
Partial Seizures
What type of partial seizure?
1) Formerly known as simple partial seizure
2) Only one part of the brain is affected
3) Presentation depends on focal area involved
For example: Seizure that begins in occipital cortex can lead to flashing lights sensation
Focal seizure with retained awareness
What type of partial seizure?
1) Formerly known as complex partial seizure
2) Only one part of the brain is affected
3) During seizure patient appears to be awake but not in contact with others in
environment and do not respond normally to instruction or questions
4) Patients often have no memory of what occurred during the seizure
5) May exhibit automatisms
a) Facial grimacing
b) Gesturing
c) Lip smacking
d) Chewing
e) Repeating words or phrases
Focal seizure with impaired awareness
What type of seizure?
1) Involves the entire brain
2) May or may not lead to alteration of consciousness
3) Most common type is the tonic-clonic seizure (AKA grand mal)
a) Tonic phase characterized by sudden muscle stiffening
b) Clonic phase characterized by rhythmic jerking
(1 Tongue biting is common in this phase
c) Episodes usually last 1-2 minutes
4) Other types
a) Absence seizure
b) Clonic seizure
c) Atonic seizure
Generalized seizures
What phase?
1) Somnolence, confusion or headache that may occur for several hours
2) Patient often have no recollection of event
3) Weakness of limbs may occur (“Todd paralysis”)
what would you use in diagnosis of Seizure
Video EEG Monitoring
Single seizure lasting more than or equal to 5 minutes or 2 or more seizure between which there is an incomplete recovery of consciousness
Status eplilepticus (EMERGENCY)
Treatment: Status eplilepticus (EMERGENCY)
(1 Diazepam 5mg IV/IM Q5-10 minutes; do not exceed 30mg
(2 Valproic acid 30mg/kg
(3 Correct any underlying problem that may be contributing to seizure
(4 Intubation