MDS - Usera Flashcards
MDS is characterized by one or more peripheral blood (blanks) and with (blank) in one or more myeloid lines
cytopenias; dysplasia
T/F: there is an inevitable risk of developing leukemia from MDS
what is the poster child for MDS?
older male; 70
In MDS, what is the state of the blood and cellular maturation?
cyotpenic with variable maturation
In MPD, what is the state of the blood and cellular maturation?
cythemic with distinct maturation
in Acute leukemia, what is the state of the blood and cellular maturation?
variable blood state with no maturation
What are the IPSS thresholds for Hemoglobin, ANC and platelets for MDS?
Hgb: <100`
Are there blasts in the periph. blood in refractory anemia?
<5% blasts, and dysplastic erythroid cells describes:
refractory anemia
GREATER THAN 15% ringed sideroblasts, <5% blasts, and dysplastic erythroid cells describes:
refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS)
The red cell population in RARS can be described as;
(blank) bodies are seen in the peripheral blood of RARS
Which two types of MDS are the most stable?
Refractory anemia with excess blasts has (blank)cytopenia
Auer rods immediately classifies the disorder as RAEB (1/2)
<5% blasts and no Auer rods is RAEB (1/2)
5-19% blasts and/or Auer rods is RAEB (1/2)
No Auer rods, <5% blasts, and normal to increased platelets is what special genetic type of MDS?
5q- syndrome
Which has the best prognosis: RA RARS RAEB 1 RAEB 2 5q- syndrome
5q- syndrome
Clonal cytogenetic abnormalities are present in (blank) percent of MDS cases
Initiating stimuli for MDS invovles (blank) damage
benzene exposure, cigarettes, family Hx of heme neoplasms lead to de novo (blank)
What are the three heritble syndromes that lead to MDS?
Fanconi’s Anemia
Schwachman-Diamond syndrome
Diamond-Blackfan syndrome
FDS: fuck dysplastic syndromes
Describe the general clinical appearance of someone with MDS?
Fatigue and weakness Palor Ecchymoses Hemorrhage Infection
Anisocytosis and poikilocytosis indicate what about RBC morphology?
Aniso=different in size
Poikilo= different in shape
RBCS in MDS have an MCV >110fL, indicating:
MDS presents with anemia, meaning the Hgb will be below:
Basophilic stippling, Howell-Joly bodies, membrane abnormlities, and the presence of a nucleus (when there shouldn’t be one) are abnormalities found in what cell line in MDS?