MCWP 4-11.1 CH 1,3,4 Flashcards
HSS mission is to minimize the effects of wounds, injuries,and disease have on units effectiveness,readiness, and morale.
Mission is accomplished
By a comprehensive Preventive medicine program that safeguards personnel against potential health risks.
Guides used for planning which include:
- Conforminty- medical plan must comply with commander’s plan.
- Proximity- medical plan must provide HSS as close to combat operations as situation permits
- Mobility- must anticipate need to mobilize HSS units to support combat forces
- Continuity- must provide optimum, uninterupted care and treatment of the wounded, injured and sick.
- Coordination- must ensure that HSS resources in short supply are employed efficiently and effectively
Healthy and fit force
HSS promotes wellness and ensured quality of life to strengthen military forces against disease and injury. A healthy force is a deployable force.
Casualty prevention
Enemy threat is dependent on how bad the enemy intends on using force. Health threat depends on enviromental and operational factors that combine to produce disease and nonbattle injuries.
Major components of casualty care and management are:
- First response
- Prehospitalization
- forward resuscitative surgery
- Tailorable hospital care
- Enroute care
Marine Division
Division headquarters has a division surgeon, medical planner and PSYCHIATRIST, and Corpsmen (only MARDIV has psych)
Marine Air Wing (MAW)
Staff includes WING surgeon, medical planner, Enviromental Health Officer, Industrial Hygienest,optometrist and Corpsmen
MAG (Marine air group
Marine Air Wing has 4 Marine Air Groups (MAGs), Each MAG has flight surgeons and Corpsmen
Force Service Support Group
Medical staff includes GROUP surgeon
Has the majority of the MEF’s medical capability
Has 3 Surgical Companies
8 STP (Shock Trauma Platoon)
Battalion structure
260 holding beds and 9 operating rooms
H&S Company
Contains 8 shock trauma troops with 10 holding beds each (10x8=80), 3 Surgical companies with 60 beds each (60x3=180 beds) and 3 operating rooms= 260 holding beds
Shock Trauma Platoon
Smallest, most mobile medical support platoon of the medical battalion.
Designed to support a MEF for a 60 day period of combat in a worst case scenerio
AMAL 618
Laboratory Equipment
AMAL 619
Lab Supply (consumable supplies for testing 100 patients)
AMAL 627
X-RAY equipment
AMAL 649
X-RAY supply (for 100 patients, 1o films per patient)
AMAL 629
Phamacy Equipment
AMAL 630
Pharmacy Supplies (1000 patients in six 5 days packages for a total of 30 days)
AMAL 631
STP/Triage Equipment (equipment and reusable material)
AMAL 632
STP/TRIAGE supplies (Supplies to hold 50 casualties with major wounds) Also provides basic line Corpsmen resupply
AMAL 633
Ward Equipment ( Enough to establish a 20 bed unit)
AMAL 364
Ward Supplies (Comsummables for support of 100 beds days to patient.)
AMAL 635
Aid Station Equipment (support for one division,wing,group,engineer, or BAS)
AMAL 636
Aid Station Supply (enough consumables for stabilization of 50 casualties with major wounds, resupplies line corpsmen)
AMAL 637
Prevmed Equipment (for food service operations, inspections,water potability,vector control)
AMAL 638
Prevmed Supply (12 five day packages for a total of 60 days worth of supplies)
AMAL 639
Operating room Equipment
AMAL 640
Operating room Supply (Supplies to support 25 surgical cases)
ADAL 662
Field Dental Operatory (Eqpt and supplies to establish field dental clinic, comsumables for emergency,diognostic, and preventive care for 400 patients)
AMAL 684
Geographic Supplement. Consumable supplies and
reusable materiel required to accommodate special mission and geographic-related requirements for a MEF in twelve 5 day packages for a total of 60 days.
AMAL 685
Cold Weather Supplement. Consumable supplies
and reusable materiel required to accommodate special mission and geographic-related requirements in areas where cold-related injuries are likely to occur.
AMAL 686
Hot Weather Supplement. Consumable supplies
and reusable materiel required to accommodate special mission and geographic-related requirements into areas where heat related injuries are likely to occur.
AMAL 687
NBC Individual. Materials required for the individual
to conduct primary decontamination and treatment in an
NBC environment.
AMAL 688
NBC Unit. Materials required for the units to conduct
primary and secondary decontamination and treatment in an
NBC environment.
AMA 691
Med Log Test/Repair Equipment. Equipment and
reusable materiel required to perform testing, calibration, and 3d and 4th echelon maintenance of medical/dental equipment.
AMAL 692
Med Log Test/Repair Supply. Consumable supplies
required to accommodate a medical repair section in the
testing, calibration, and 3d and 4th echelon maintenance of medical/ dental equipment.