Medical Augmentation Program Instruction
How much time do members have to complete administrative requirements?
30 days of reporting
Command Readiness Officer
When can someone be removed from a platform?
1) detach command
2) no longer qualify for assignment
3) directed by Navy Personnel Command
CRO notifies HSAP members to prepare for deployment within how many days of reporting to the command?
1) Ensures members and command are prepared for deployments and are administratively ready
2) develops local policy and procedures for HSAP personnel
Operational Support Officer
Plans, Operations, and Medical Intelligence
What falls under MARFOR support?
1) MEF
3) MAW
4) MLG
5) HSS
HSAP billets manned at what percents peacetime and wartime?
1) 80% peacetime
2) 95% wartime
How many OCONUS facilities have personnel augmentation and bed expansion requirement?
In what database does POMI enter deployable personnel?
How many Fleet Hospitals are there in the Navy?
How many beds does combat zone facilities have?
What form do you use for dependent care arrangements?
OPNAV 1740/1
Personnel with a past deployment history will not deploy for a minimum of
____________ Months /Days following the end of their last deployment
6 months /180 days
What does the MFRP stand for?
Medical Fleet Response Plan
With Readiness Catagories what is Routine Deployable?
Forward deployed crisis response forces that are mission capable and ready to deploy within 5 days.
With Readiness Catagories what is Surge Ready?
Forces designated for the force build-up stage that are ready and capable of mobilizing and deploying within 30 days.
With Readiness Catagories, what is Emergency Surge?
Additional forces designated for further follow-on stages
that are ready and capable of deploying within 120 days.
How many SORTS (Status of Resources and Training System) Catagories are there and what do they do?
5 Catagories:
The unit is capable of undertaking the full wartime mission it was organized and designed for. It is considered fully mission capable
The unit is capable of undertaking the bulk of its wartime mission. It is
considered substantially combat ready with only minor deficiencies reported
The unit is capable of undertaking a major portion of its wartime mission. While it has major deficiencies, it can still perform its assigned mission.
The unit is unable to perform its wartime mission unless it is provided
additional resources or training. However, if the situation warrants, the unit may still be required to perform portions of its mission using its existing resources.
The unit is not able to perform its wartime mission and is not mission
capable. Routinely this status is assigned to ships in major overhauls, which cannot be
deployed because of the need for substantial maintenance.
What is EMPARTS?
a web-based automated information management system whose foundational data are derived from NPC-managed databases, currently
the Total Force Manpower Management System (TFMMS) IS
The officer identified by the command, generally from the operations office, who is responsible for monitoring and advising the commander on operational readiness
Command Readiness Officer (CRO)
Who is usually responsible for travel and TAD expenses for the duration of the deployment unless otherwise directed?
COCOM, Combatant Commander
Personnel will return from deployment no later than how many days before release from active duty or separation?
90 days
Personnel will return from deployment no later than how many days before retirement?
180 days
In cases where a command must deploy personnel outside of the restrictions, the command must receive approval from where?
Regional Commander
Up to what level HSS do EMFs provide?
EMF are task-organized to provide up to Level 3 HSS
Up to what Level HSS do Hospital Ships Provide?
Up to Level 3 HSS
Who designates the FDPMU OIC?
The FDPMU OIC is designated by CO, NEHC, Navy Enviromental Health Center
What platform has priority manning before Outside Continental United States (OCCONUS) MTF?
Hospital Ship (T-AH)
What platform is the last priority for manning purposes?
Blood Processing Units (BPU)
Within how many days of reporting to the command will the CRO provide a letter of assignment (LOA) for all CUIC personnel?
Within 10 days of reporting, the CRO will provide a LOA
Up to what level HSS will be provided for MEF, MARRDIV, MAW and MLG?
Up to Level 2 HSS
Medical augmentation of CBU in support of Naval Mobile Construction Battalions provide up to what Level HSS?
CBU in support of Naval Mobile Construction Battalions medical augmentation will provide up to Level 1 HSS
What platform has fourth priority manning?
Expeditionary Medical Facility (EMF)
What platform has third priority manning?
Forward Deployed Preventive Medicine Units (FDPMU)
What platform has second priority manning
Casualty Receiving and Treatment Ships (CTRTS)
What platform has first priority manning?
Marine Forces (MARFOR)