These items are generated in the health care setting but are non-infectious and require no additional treatment before disposal.
What does RMW mean?
Regulated Medical Waste
This can be processed as general waste, using accepted methods of collection, storage, transport, and disposal. Examples include: Used personal hygiene products (e.g., diapers, facial tissues, and sanitary napkins. Absorbent materials containing very small amounts of blood or other body fluids.
Any medical wastes originating from medical isolation rooms and/or sanitary napkins
originating from post partum suites or gynecological surgical wards are handled ______.
Liquid or semi-liquid blood or other potentially infectious
materials; contaminated items that would release blood or other potentially infectious materials in a liquid or semi-liquid state if compressed; items that are caked with dried blood or other
potentially infectious materials and are capable of releasing these materials during handling; contaminated sharps; and pathological and microbiological wastes containing blood or other potentially infectious wastes.
Regulated Waste
Nine groups of RMW, each with specific treatment and disposal criteria, are currently recognized: Cultures, Stocks, and Vaccines.
Group 1
Nine groups of RMW, each with specific treatment and disposal criteria, are currently recognized: Pathological Waste
Group 2
Nine groups of RMW, each with specific treatment and disposal criteria, are currently recognized: Blood and Blood Products
Group 3
Nine groups of RMW, each with specific treatment and disposal criteria, are currently recognized: Blood and blood Products
Group 4 & 7
Nine groups of RMW, each with specific treatment and disposal criteria, are currently recognized: Animal Waste (from animals exposed to infectious agents during
research, production of biologicals, or testing of pharmaceuticals).
Group 5
Nine groups of RMW, each with specific treatment and disposal criteria, are currently recognized: Isolation Wastes (including bedding from patients or animals from BioSafety Level 4 (BSL 4) agents).
Group 6
Nine groups of RMW, each with specific treatment and disposal criteria, are currently recognized: Other (including fluids that are designated by the local infection control authority).
Group 8
Nine groups of RMW, each with specific treatment and disposal criteria, are currently recognized: Chemotherapy Trace Wastes
Group 9
Separate RMW from other waste at its ___________.
point of origin.
RMW shall be placed in containers, bags, or sharps containers (as appropriate for the waste) that are
either labeled with the universal biohazard symbol and the word _____________.
“BIOHAZARD” or red in color.
Store RMW (excluding pathological waste) in RMW storage areas. Pathological wastes must be refrigerated or frozen in dedicated cold storage units. Storage of nonpathological RMW shall not exceed how long?
Pathological wastes not immediately processed for treatment and disposal must be refrigerated and must be frozen if stored for how long?
24 hours
Frozen storage of RMW (applies only to pathological wastes) shall not exceed?
30 days
Wall mounted sharps containers will be at a height that promotes safe usage by staff. Remove and seal sharps containers when _____________.
¾ full or above fill line
Remove blood and body fluid spills with an absorbent material and disinfect the area with an EPA-approved disinfectant or?
a solution of household bleach diluted 1:10 with clear water
What color are chemotherapeutic trace waste containers?
Do not mix trace chemotherapy wastes with ______________ or Hazardous Waste.
non-chemotherapy RMW