MCRS first exam Flashcards
The use of two or more research methods to address the same research question. If results from different methods agree, researchers can have greater confidence in their findings.
Idiographic research approach
A research approach with an emphasis on understanding the subjectivity and individuality of human communication, rather than universal laws of human behavior.
Idiographic research aims to understand why something is, rather than predict how will something be or generalizing that all individuals might feel the same.
is reasoning from observations to a theory that might explain your observations. Induction moves from the specific to the general.
Reasoning from a theory to defining the observations you will make to test the theory.
Deduction moves from a theory to defining the observations you will make to test the theory; it moves from the general to the specific.
A testable prediction about some event
Hypotheses are statements about the relationship that we expect to find between variables.
Null hypotheses
usually symbolized as H0, specify that there is no relationship between variables.
Research purposes
- exploration
- description
- explanation
- prediction
- control,
- interpretation
- criticism
After a study there deception was used, a researcher has to reveal to the participants that they were deceived.
are participants in a study who have been briefed to behave in a particular way
Unobtrusive measures
is an approach that by definition observes people’s behavior without their being aware of it.
Confidentiality vs. anonymity
Confidentiality reassures participants non of the private information will be displayed.
Anonymity on the other hand is when the researchers themselves do not have any links to what person does data belong. You just have a lot of data not tied to anyone.
A priori
in a way based on theoretical deduction rather than empirical observation.
A good research question is:
- Is clear
- Covers the entire research
- Articulates exactly what and who you want to examine
- Is not a yes/no question
- Must be empirically observable
- Does not examine assumptions or opinions
- Is not too large or too small
Intercoder or observer reliability
A measure of the extent to which two different coders code the same phenomenon the same way.
when you do two tests with the same group one or two weeks apart from each other and check for correlation. The results are from 0 to 1, generally anything above .95 is regarded as almost perfect, above .85 is acceptable and anything below is of questionable reliability.
inter-item reliability
is a check that the individual questions in a question set are consistent in their results and capture the same concept.
Construct validity
Construct validity is demonstrated when the measures of one concept or construct agree with the measures of other related concepts.
Predictive validity
is when your tests predict real-life outcomes. For example, great exam results should predict a successful career.
Convergent validity
refers to how closely a test is related to other tests that measure the same (or similar) constructs.
Divergent validity
indicates that the results obtained by this instrument do not correlate too strongly with measurements of a similar but distinct trait.