MCN Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Flashcards
leaves pelvis & ascends to abdominal cavity
due to rectosigmoid on left
endometrium becomes specialized & is called
38wk AOG, fetal head settles in pelvis to prepare for birth; breathing is much easier it seems to lighten a woman’s load
lightening is not predictable
one finger of an examiner is placed in vagina
other hand on abdomen
Bimanual Pelvic Exam
tenacious coating of mucus plug seals out bacteria during pregnancy
helps prevent infection in fetus and membranes
makes cervix swollen and softer during pregnancy
estrogen and progesterone
vaginal mucosa becomes dark-bluish red & congested
Chadwick’s sign
main source of progesterone until 8 wks & is completely obliterated by 20 wks
corpus luteum
hypertrophic sebaceous glands at each areola
Glands of Montgomery
keep nipples supple and helps prevent cracking and drying during lactation
begin early in pregnancy, peak during 2nd trimester and remain relatively constant until delivery
CO increased by 25-50% as early as 5 wks AOG
Resting HR increases by 10-15 BPM
Hemodynamic Changes
displaced to the left & upward
apex is moved laterally, producing larger cardiac silhoutte on chest radiograph
due to upward displacement of diaphragm
greater awareness of a desire to breathe even without cardiopulmonary abnormalities
mainly due to progesterone
Physiological Dyspnea