MCN 4F Flashcards
Use of stainless instruments or vacuum extraction
use of medications
Chemical Procedures
Labor has started artificially
Administration of medicines
Induction of Labor
Total absence of pain
Abdominal incision in the uterus
Cesarean Delivery
Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
Normal Delivery
Obstetrical forceps
Stainless steel and they been sterilized
Forceps Delivery
uses vacuum device to assist in extracting delivery
Vacuum Extraction Delivery
Increase by rupturing the amniotic membrane and so there will be an escape of amniotic fluid
What do you do when cord prolapse happens or cord escapes vagina?
Immediately cover the exposed cord with sterile saline compress to presenting part
Prior to Amniotomy
Dorsal recumbent position
After amniotomy
Time as to when the amniotic membrane has been ruptured followed by assessing for fetal heart rate
Active Genital Herpes/ Human Papillomavirus
Cephalopelvic Disproportion
Cervical Cerclage
Disabling conditions
Failed induction
Obstructive benign or malignant tumor
Previous cesarean birth
Fear of birth
Risk for Operative Delivery: Maternal Factors
Cesarean is advisable because this disease could be transmitted to the baby
Active Genital Herpes/Human Papillomavirus
Pelvis is not conducive for normal delivery
Cephalopelvic Disproportion
Stitching of the cervix due to cervical weakness
Cervical Cerclage
It is when there is attaching of the placenta inside the uterus but is normally positioned near or lower or over cervical opening
Placenta Previa
This would put the life of the baby at risk for possible compression of the cord and lack of oxygen
Umbilical Cord Prolapse
Placenta Previa
Premature Separation of the Placenta
Umbilical Cord Prolapse
Risk for Operative Delivery: Placenta
Macrosomic fetus in breach lie
Extreme low birth weight
Risk for Operative Delivery: Fetal
Initiated before the time when it would have occurred spontaneous contractions
Mother has not started labor yet but fetal heart rate is not normal
Done because fetus is endager
Induction of Labor
Assisting labor that has started
When contractions become weak, irregular, or ineffective
Augmentation of Labor
Severe Hypertension
Rh Sensitization
Prolonged ruptured of membranes
Intrauterine growth restrictions and post maturity
Indications of Induction of Labor
Onset of high blood pressure and often a significant amount of protein in the urine
When there is incompatibility of Rh between the mother and baby
Rh Sensitization
Complete placenta previa
Abrupto Placentae
Transverse Fetal Lie
Prolapsed Umbilical Cord
Prior classic uterine incision that entered uterine cavity
Cephalopelvic Disproportion
Previous Myomectomy
Unknown cause of vaginal bleeding
Invasive Cervical Cancer
Active Genital Herpes
Abnormal FHR patterns
Contraindications of Induction of Labor
When there is an attachment of the placenta near or over cervical opening
Complete placenta previa
Placenta separates early from the uterus before childbirth
Abrupto Placentae
Nonstress Test
Nitrazine paper or Fern test
CBC and Urinalysis
Vaginal Examination
Considerations of Induction of Labor
It is a glycophospholipid that is found in pulmonary surfactant in the membrane
check if there is a premature rupture of membrane wherein upon testing the vaginal fluid, we detect that there will be a change of color
Nitrazine Paper Test
Oxytocin Injection
Nipple Stimulation
Methods of Induction
A synthetic form of naturally occurring pituitary hormone that can be used to initiate labor contractions
Other name for Oxytocin
30 is mixed with oxytocin in 1000mL of Ringer’s Lactate
Inadequate uterine contractions
Premature rupture of membranes
Post term pregnancy
Fetal Demise
Indications of Oxytocin
CPD, Cord Prolapse, Transverse Lie
Placenta Previa
Prior Classic Uterine Incision
Active Genital Herpes
Invasive Cancer of the Cervix
Contraindications of Oxytocin
40-90 mmHg
2-3min Interval
Criteria to maintain dose
Uterine Hyperstimulation
Non reassuring fetal heart rate pattern
Suspected uterine rupture
Inadequate uterine response at 20 mU/min
Reportable Conditions
pH: 7-7.5
Characteristics of Amniotic Fluid
Increases the efficiency of contractions and therefore increase the speed of labor
Advantage of Amniotomy
Puts the fetus at risk for cord prolapse
Disadvantage of Amniotomy
Identify rupture of amniotic sac
Nitrazine Test
Green to Blue
presence of amniotic fluid
No presence of amniotic fluid
Used to determine if the blood cells are maternal or fetal
Maternal: remains colorless
Fetal: turns purple pink
Klelhauer-Betke (Kleihauer-Betke)or Fetal Cell Blood Test
Helps release hormone oxytocin
Shortens labor
Avoids cesarean
Nipple Stimulation
Surgical incision of the perineum made to prevent tearing of the perineum
Incision made with blunt-tipped scissors in the midline of the perineum
Midline Episiotomy
Less painful
Heals easily
Decreases blood loss
Less postpartum discomfort
Midline Episiotomy
Begun in the midline but directed away from the rectum
Creates less danger of a rectal mucosal tear
Surgical repair of injury to the vulva by suturing
Monitor Vitals
Observe Aeseptic Technique
Support Perineum properly
During/Immediate Nursing Responsibilities for Episiotomy
Do perineal care
Apply ice pack or cold compress within three hours
Provide hot sitz bath
Render perilite exposure after 24hrs
After/Postpartum Nursing Responsibilities for Episiotomy
Macrosomic Fetus
Output Posterior Position
Forceps or Vacuum Extractor
Shoulder Dystocia
Factors that Predispose to Episiotomy
is the change in cervical consistency from firm to soft
Cervical Ripening
Prostaglandin E1: Misoprostol (Cytotec)
- encourage faster delivery of the baby since your cervix is ripe and soft to facilitate labor
Prostaglandin E2: Dinoprostone (Cervidil)
- used before induction to ripen
Chemical Agents
Laminaria tents
Hydroscopic dilators
Synthetic dilators
Stripping the membranes
Mechanical Methods of Cervical Ripening
Natural cervical dilators made from seaweeds
Laminaria tents
substances that absorb fluid rom surrounding tissues and then enlarge
Hydroscopic dilators
inserted into the endocervix without rupturing the membranes
Synthetic dilators containing magnesium sulfate (Lamicel)
separating the membrane from the lower uterine segment
Stripping the membranes
Prevent pressure from being exerted on the fetal head
Avoid subdural hemorrhage in the fetus as fetal head reaches perineum
Purpose of Forceps Delivery
Mother at Risk
Fetal Conditions
Cessation of progress in the 2nd stage of labor
Indications of Forceps Delivery