MCN 1F Flashcards
Confined to reproductive organs
Local Changes
Length or the height of the uterus increases 6.5-32cm
Landmark symphysis pubis to the top of uterine fundus to measure height of uterus
Depth: 2.5-22cm
Width: 4-24cm
Weight: 50-1000grams
End of Pregnancy: muscle fibers come 2-7 times longer
Volume: 2 to more than 1000mL (can hold a 7lbs fetus plus the amniotic fluid
End of 12 Weeks: Uterus is large enough to be palpated above the symphysis pubis
End of 20/22 Weeks: Palpated at the level of Umbilicus
End of 36 Weeks: Touches xiphoid proces (depresses diaphragm)
2 Weeks before Term:Uterus returns to 36 Week height
Uterine Wall Thickness:
Early Pregnancy: 1-2cm
End Pregnancy: 0.5cm thick
Uterine Changes
Becomes more vascular and edematous (Goodell’s Sign)
Presence and formation of mucus plug (Operculum - helps prevent infection of the fetus and its membrane)
Increased size of vagina
Increased vascularity (Chadwick’s Sign)
Change in Vaginal Secretion
pH now 4/5 = acidic
Acidity make vagina resistant to bacterial invasion
Acidity happens because of action of Lactobacillus acidophilus that grows freely in increased glycogen environment which increases lactic acid content of secretions
pH changes favors the growth of Candida albicans a yeast like fungi
Ovulation stops because of the active feedback of estrogen and progesterone produced by corpus luteum
Later part of Pregnancy: Stopping of ovulation is caused by the placenta. Causes pituitary gland to halt production of FSH and LH
Feeling of fullness, timgling,or tenderness
Increased size (+73 to growth of mammary alveoli
Areola darkens and increases the diameter to 5-7.5cm
Blue veins become prominent
Nipples are more erectile
Some women for secondary areola, additional darkening of the skin
T/F: In the 20th Century Pregnancy was considered a 9 month long illness
Best shared with supportive partner and family
Choose level of pain management they want for labor and delivery
Modern Social Influence on Pregnant Woman
Cultural background influence active role in pregnancy
Myths & Taboos may affect behavior and activities
Cultural Influence on Pregnancy
People love as they have loved
How pregnant woman was raised will affect her pregnancy
Pregnant woman won’t believe if all she hears is excruciating pain.
Family Influence on Pregnancy
How pregnant woman copes with their situation along the stresses they are facing
Woman should feel secure in relationship with others esp the father of her child.
Individual Differences
Second Trimester: Accepting the Fetus
As soon as fetal movements are felt, psychological responses change
Narcissism & Introversion
Role playing and Increased dreaming
Start to imagine themselves as parents
Refers to child as he or she
Measure the level of acceptance of the coming baby by how well she follows her prenatal schedule and instructions
Since the focus is on the baby; Partner feels left alone to compensate for this feeling
Partner becomes overly absorbed in work to produce something concrete to show that not only woman is capable of creating something
Emotional Responses that Cause Concerns in Pregnancy: NICEBEDSG
Couvade Syndrome
Body Image & Boundary
Emotional Lability
Partner experiences physical symptoms at same degree or even more intensely than pregnant mother
Couvade Syndrome
Changes in Sexual Desire
1st Trimester: decrease in libido due to nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness that accompany early pregnancy
2nd Trimester: as blood flows to pelvic area increases to supply the placenta, libido, and sexual enjoyment will rise
3rd Trimester: Sexual desire remains high or it may decrease due to difficulty in finding a comfortable position
Experienced by woman and cannot be documented by the examiner; Subjective Symptoms
Presumptive Symptoms
First Trimester: Accepting the Pregnancy
Partner and Mother still recovering from the surprise of learning that they are pregnant
Mixed emotions
49% of pregnancy is unintended, unwanted, or mistimed; Accept reality of pregnancy
Ambivalence toward pregnancy refers to interwoven feelings of wanting and not wanting
Partner feels proud and happy about the pregnancy, ambivalent more than the woman
Third Trimester: Preparing for the Baby and End of Pregnancy or Preparing for Parenthood
Begin nesting activities
Preparing clothing and sleeping arrangements
Name of baby
Ensure safe passage by attending prenatal classes
Grow impatient as they ready themselves for the delivery of the baby
Presumptive Symptoms
a. Breast Changes - tenderness, fullness, tingling, and enlargement felt by the mother, darkening of areola
b. Nausea & Vomiting
c. Amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation)
d. Increase urination
e. Fatigue
f. Uterine Enlargement
g. Quickening - fetal movement felt by the woman
h. Linea Nigra - dark pigmentations on abdomen
i. Melasma - dark pigmentations on face
j. Striae Gravidarum - red streaks formed in the abdomen
Confirm Pregnancy
Positive Signs
Objective Symptoms
Probable Signs
Older children should be well prepared and informed of the baby and assure that it will not replace them or change their parents’ affection toward them
Changes in Expectant Family
Partner plays a great part in her situation
The closer the partner is to the pregnant woman, the closer it is to the child
Partner’s Adaptation
Positive Signs
a. Sonographic Evidence of Fetal Outline
b. Audible Fetal Heart Tone
c. Fetal Movement Felt by Examiner
Probable Signs
a. Positive Maternal Serum Test - presence of hCG
b. Chadwick’s Sign - Pink to Bluish or Violet
c. Goodell’s Sign - Softening of the Cervix
d. Hegar’s Sign - Softening of the lower segment of the uterus
e. Sonography Evidence of Gestational Sac - characteristic ring is evident
f. Ballottement - fetus can be felt to rise against abdominal walls
g. Braxton Hick’s Contraction - Uterine Tightening
h. Fetal outline that is already felt by examiner - examiner can palpitate through abdomen
Mood changes occur frequently in a pregnant woman as a manifestation of narcissism
Emotional Lability
Additional gland of Pregnancy
Produces Estrogen causes breast and uterine enlargement
Produces progesterone maintains endometrium lining
inhibits contractility and aids breast lactation
Presence of hCG & hPL
hCG - stimulates progesterone and estrogen
hPL - serves as antagonists to insulin
Relaxin and Prostaglandins
relaxin - inhibits uterine activity to soften cervix
prostaglandins - initiate labor
Endocrine: Placenta
FSH and LH production stops due to high level of estrogen and progesterone produced by placenta
Increased production of Growth Hormone and Melanocytes stimulating hormone - causes skin pigmentation
Prolactin and Labor Induction - occurs in late pregnancy; helps breast prepare lactation and aid in labor progress
Endocrine: Pituitary Gland
Increase size which increases hormone production
Metabolic Rate increases to 20% or increase Basal Metabolic Rate
Endocrine: Thyroid and Parathyroid Gland