MCDP 5 Planning Flashcards
MCDP 5 Structure
Ch. 1 The Nature of Planning
Ch. 2 Planning Theory
Ch. 3 Planning Effectively
Planning and Plans Defined
“Planning is the art and science of envisioning a desired future and laying out effective ways of bringing it about. It is a process that involves a number of ongoing, iterative, and interdependent activities.
Two basic functions - envisioning a desired future and arranging a configuration of potential actions in time and space that will allow us to realize that future. Planning is thus a way of figuring out how to move from the current state to a more desirable future state.
- Projecting our thoughts forward in time and space to influence events before they occur.
- Planning is a learning process…thinking before doing”
Value of Planning
Planning is based on the belief that by intervening in events in the present, we can bring about a better future…done appropriately and well, planning is an extremely valuable activity which greatly improves performance and is a wise investment of time and effort. Four reasons why proper planning is essential.
1) Essential to the ability to seize the initiative…must be proactive.
2) Essential to reduce the unavoidable time lag between decision and action on the battlefield…proper planning should help us reduce crises by dealing with situations before they reach crisis proportions.
3) Essential when situations reach a certain level of complexity…in general, the more complex the situation, the more important and involved becomes the planning effort.
4) Essential in novel situation s which experience is lacking…planning can serve, at least in part, as a substitute for experience. In situations in which we lack specific, first-hand experience, we may use planning to think throughout the problem systematically and devise a workable solution.
2 Categories of Military Planning
Force Planning & Operation Planning
Force Planning
Planning associated with the creation and maintenance of military capabilities. It supports preparations for war and involves the planning necessary to recruit, organize, train, educate, equip, and provide military forces.
Operation Planning
Planning for the mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, and redeployment of military forces to accomplish assigned missions. Can occur at strategic, operational, or tactical level
Planning overlap with Command & Control
Planning is an essential and significant part of the broader field of Command and Control…all commanders are planners…the commander disciplines the planning so that it is sensitive to time, planning horizons, simplicity, and level of detail. The commander also disciplines the product to ensure the output is relevant to the moment and suitable to the subordinate.
The fundamental object of command and control is also the fundamental object of planning - to recognize what needs to be done in any situation and to ensure that appropriate actions are taken.
Like command and control, planning focuses on solving problems: identifying a problem (the difference between our current situation and the desired outcome) and preparing a tentative configuration of actions intended to achieve that outcome.
2 Ways to Adapt
Anticipation and Improvisation
Preparing for future requirements prior to execution - permits us to adapt in a prepared, concerted way.
Adapting to situations as they unfold - taking action that was not initially planned - modifying our plans in order to deal with unforeseen circumstances.
Planning supports Adaptation
Anticipation: Planning is anticipatory adaptation because it is what allows us to anticipate requirements in advance.
Improvisation: We adjust from an existing scheme based on a common understanding of the situation and the expected result. The plan provides a point of departure.
Functions of Planning and Plans
1) Plans direct and coordinate action
2) Planning develops a shared situational awareness - even if the understanding of that situation is incomplete or not entirely correct - and most attempts to attain situational awareness will be both - the common understanding provides a basis for unity of effort.
3) Generates Expectations - planning generates expectations about how actions will evolve and how they will affect the desired outcome.
4) Planning supports the exercise of initiative - by helping us detect when expectations are not being realized, planning helps us identify the need to depart from the original plan.
5) Shapes the thinking of planners.
Types of Plans
Strategic Plans
Campaign Plans
Tactical Plans
Any communication by which a commander establishes policy or orders a specific action. A plan is a particular type of directive - in general, directives are the physical product of planning.
2 Types of Directives
Plans and Orders
Plan (as a type of directive)
Is generally developed well in advance of execution and is not executed until directed or until specified conditions are determined to exist. It is based on explicit assumptions about the future.
Order (as a type of directive)
Carries with it the obligation of execution either immediately or at a specified time. A plan becomes an order when directed for execution.
2 Types of Combat Plans
Outline/Concept Plan
Operation Plan