HQMC Org, B2C2WG, Processes, & Being a Pro Flashcards
Naval Board
Assessments Board
MCWL G9 Update
Maritime Working Group
Marine Corps Requirements Oversight Council - 3-star review for CMC
Marine Corps Executive Requirements Oversight Council
Marine Requirements board - 1/2 star review for CMC - feeds MROC.
CD&I Mission
Develop future operational concepts adn determine how to best organize, train, educate, and equipp the Marine Corps of the future.
Marine Corps Warfighting Lab
Part of CD&I
MCWL generates and examines threat-informed operating concepts and capabilities and provides analytically supported recommendations to inform subsequent force design and development activities.
Capabilities Development Directorate
Part of CD&I
CDD analyzes, develops, and inegrates requirements and capabilities across DOTMLPF-P through Marine Corps force development processes that provide for integrated Service-wide capabilities solutions, current and future, anticipating strtegic challenges adn opportunities for the nation’s defense.
Joint Capabilities Integration Directorate -
Part of CD&I
Represents the USMC position through the JCIDS process to support the Joint Force. Supports ACMC for JROC representation.
Operational Analysis Directorate
Part of CD&I
Provide timely, credible, and relevant analysis to inform Marine Corps leaders addressing today’s most challenging and critical questions.
Director’s Intent: OAD, as teh USMC’s premier analytical organization, provides dynamic and responsive analytic support, integrated with adjacent, higher, & supported units.
Manpower & Reserve Affairs
M&RA employs and integrated manpower system across the Service enterprise that attracts, develops, retains, adn supports our Marines, their families, and our civilian workforce as they pursue their professional aspirations and personal career goals, in order to provide our commanders the human “steel” necessary to fight and win in the Nation’s battles.