MCBG Session 6 - Catabolic Pathways (Part 3) Flashcards
Summarise the 4 main steps/enzymes that are regulated in glycolysis and how they are regulated.
1) Step 1 - Hexokinase
- Allosteric inhibition by glucose-6-phosphate (G6P).
2) Step 3 - Phosphofructokinase (key regulator)
- High ATP (high energy signal) inhibits PFK
- High ADP (low energy signal) stimulates PFK
- High insulin stimulates PFK (assisting removal of glucose)
- High glucagon inhibits PFK (assisting increase of glucose)
3) Step 6 -
- High NADH/low NAD+ (low energy signals) inhibits step 6.
4) Step 10 - Pyruvate kinase
- High insulin:glucagon ratio stimulates pyruvate kinase via enzyme dephosphorylation.
What is the role of pyruvate dehydrogenase in glucose metabolism?
What regulates pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)?
Pyruvate dehydrogenase converts pyruvate into AcetylCoA (via combination with CoA + NAD+) ready for the TCA (Krebs) cycle
Stimulated by low energy signals via dephosphorylation:
- Pyruvate
- Low energy signals (NAD, ADP)
- Insulin (via dephosphorylation)
Inhibited by high energy signals via phosphorylation:
- Acetyl CoA
- Phosphorylation
What occurs if someone has PDH deficiency?
Lactic acidosis - as pryuvate builds up but doesn’t go through TCA cycle, instead is diverted and acted on by LDH to form lactate.
- What happens in the TCA cycle?
- What is produced?
- Acetyl converted to 2xCO2
- Oxidative reactions, so requires NAD+/FAD
- Some energy produced
- Precursors for biosynthesis produced
What are the key principles of the TCA cycle?
- 2C molecule introduced into cycle and broken down to release CO2
- Reactions oxidative so NADH/FADH2 produced
- Small amount of energy released in the form of GTP
Total production for 2 cycles (1 glucose)
- 6 x NADH (3 for each cycle)
- 2 x FADH2 (1 for each cycle)
- 2 x GTP (1 for each cycle)
How is the TCA cycle regulated?
Via high + low energy signal molecules:
- ADP/NAD+ (low energy signal) stimulates
- ATP/NADH (high energy signal) inhibits
Where does the TCA cycle occur?
What does the TCA cycle not function without?
- In the mitochondria
- Oxygen
What does the TCA cycle produce precursors for?
For biosynthesis of other molecules, e.g.: citrate can feed out of the cycle for biosynthesis of fatty acids, oxaloacetate for amino acids and glucose etc etc
What are the 2 processes of the final (stage 4) of glucose catabolism?
1) Electron transport - electrons on NADH/FADH2 transported down carrier molecules to oxygen, releasing energy in steps
2) Free energy released used to drive ATP synthesis (known as oxidative phosphorylation)
What is the energy from movement of electrons down transport chain used for?
The movement of protons, driving them from the matrix to intermembrane space. This creates a proton motive force (pmf) back towards the mitochondrial matrix.
Which enzyme (along with the proton motive force) drives the synthesis of ATP during this stage?
ATP synthase - protons return back across the membrane via ATP synthase which the energy for ATP synthesis.
Oxidation of 2 moles NADH produces 5 moles ATP, but 2 moles FADH2 produces 3 moles ATP - why is this?
Electrons in NADH have more energy, and NADH uses 3 proteins translocating complexes (PTC’s) compared to FADH’s 2. The greater the pmf, the more ATP synthesised.
- 2 mol NADH = 5 mol ATP (2.5 mol per NADH)
- 2 mol FAD2H = 3 mol ATP (1.5 mol per FAD2H)
How is oxidative phosphorylation regulated?
High ATP = inhibits - as there is no substrate (ADP) for ATP synthase, so H+ concentration in inter-membrane space increases
High ADP = stimulates
How does cyanide (CN-)/carbon monoxide (CO) inhibit oxidative phosphorylation?
Blocks (inhibits) electron transport, prevents acceptance of electrons by O2, no proton motive force to drive synthesis of ATP.
How do certain substances such as dinitrophenol uncouple oxidative phosphorylation?
What tissue in newborn infants + hibernating animals uses this uncoupling process to generate heat?
- Increases permeability of inner mitochondrial membrane
- Dissipates proton gradient, therefore no proton motive force for ATP synthesis - energy therefore lost as heat.
- Brown adipose tissue, uses thermogenin (UCP1), which transports H+ back into mitochondria so electron transport is uncoupled from ATP synthesis - energy from pmf released as extra heat.
Outline the differences between oxidative and substrate level phosphorylation
- Oxidative PP requires membrane-associated complexes, substrate PP requires soluble enzymes
- Oxidative PP cannot occur in absence of O2, but substrate PP can occur to a limited extent
- Oxidative PP is major process for ATP synthesis in cells requiring large amounts of energy, but substrate level PP is only a minor process for these cells.