Maxillary Lateral Incisor Flashcards
Labial Aspect
What is the geometric shape of the crown in this view?
Labial Aspect
Mesial Outline
The mesial outline of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor is similar to that maxillary permanent central incisor except that the mesioincisal angle is more
The Maxillary Lateral Incisor is smaller than the central incisor in all dimensions except
root length
Labial Aspect
Mesial Outline
The height of the mesial contour is at
the junction of middle and incisal thirds
Labial Aspect
Distal Outline
The distal outline is ______ than mesial outline
Labial Aspect
Distal Outline
It is more _____ than found in maxillary permanent
central incisor with a more _____ distoincisal angle
rounded, rounded
Labial Aspect
Distal Outline
The height of distal contour is at the __________________
center of the middle third.
Labial Aspect
Incisal Outline
It is formed by the ___________
incisal ridge
Labial Aspect
Incisal Outline
Mesial half of incisal outline is relatively ______ and
distal half is more ______ curving towards the cervical line to join the distal outline
straight, rounded
Labial Aspect
Cervical Outline
The cervical line is more ____ apically than that of maxillary permanent central incisor.
Labial Aspect
Labial Surface within the Outlines
It is more ______ than that of maxillary permanent central incisor.
Lingual Aspect
Geometric Shape
Lingual Aspect
Crown outline
similar to the labial aspect
Lingual Aspect
Lingual Surface within the outlines
There is _______________ of proximal walls as seen in the maxillary permanent central incisor
LIngual Convergence
Lingual Aspect
Lingual Surface within the outlines
____________ are more prominent and stronger than
found on central incisor
Marginal ridges