Matter Flashcards
What are the three states of matter?
Solid, liquid or gas.
What are the basic properties of matter?
Shape, mass and volume.
What is mass?
The amount of matter an object has and the volume is the amount of matter the object takes up.
How do atoms look like in solid objects?
They are closely packed together. They hold the solid in a shape that does not change.
Why are solids easy to recognize?
They have a definite shape, mass and volume.
How are liquids different from solids?
They do not have a definite shape but they have mass and volume, their atoms are close together like solids however the atoms move around and therefore liquids change shape by flowing,
Do gases have a definite shape or volume.
No. They will take the shape of their containers just like liquids.
How are the atoms in a gas.
They are spread further apart than a solid or a liquid which allows them to move freely. If a gas is not in a container it will spread out indefinitely.
Name some types of gases in the earth’s atomosphere?
Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapor, helium.
Name a substance that can become all three states of matter
Water - solid as ice, liquid as water, gas when it evaporates.
All matter is made up of tiny particles - what are they called?
Definition of volume?
The amount of space that matter takes up.
Definition of mass?
The amount of matter an object has.
Liquids take the shape of their (blank)?
What state of matter does not have a definite shape or volume?