Mating, Pregnancy and Birth Flashcards
What factors should be considered before breeding animals?
Clinically healthy Suitable age- mature skeleton, old enough to assess temperament Good temperament No hereditary or infectious disease vaccinated
Define monoestrus
One oestrus cycle each breeding season
Define seasonally polyoestrus
Cycles as long as season or until gets pregnant
Define anoestrus
Cessation of reproductive activity
What is the role of LH?
Stimulates ovulation and development of corpus luteum
When does cyclical activity begin in dogs and when is usually their first season?
6-23 months, 6 months after adult weight and height reached
First oestrus at 12-24 months
How long do canine seasons typically last and what type of seasons do they have?
3 weeks
7 months between each
Seasonally monoestrus with 1-2 breeding seasons a year
What happens in pro-oestrus in dogs and how long does it last?
Increased oestrogen release from follicles causes outward signs of oestrus that attract males but female not receptive
FSH cause egg development in follicles
9 days
What are the signs of pro-oestrus in dogs?
Serosanguinous vulval discharge containing blood
Swollen vulva
What is oestrus in dogs and how long does it last?
Female receptive and displays sexual behaviour and light pink discharge from soft vulva
Oestrogen declines
LH peaks from declining oestrogen causing follicles to rupture and egg to release
Corpus luteum begin to develop
9 days with mating on day 3-5
What happens in metoestrus in dogs?
High levels of progesterone to form placenta and maintain pregnancy
Ends cycle by inhibiting FSH and LH
How long does metoestrus last in dogs?
60 days whether pregnant or not
What hormonal changes take place when birth occurs in dogs?
Progesterone drops
What is pseudopregnancy?
Prolactin produced developing mammary tissue
Progesterone stays at levels similar to if pregnant as prolactin stimulates production from corpus luteum
How long does anoestrus last in dogs?
90-150 days
What is anoestrus in dogs and what are associated hormones?
No sexual behaviour or interest
Low levels of progesterone
FSH level increases to mature follicles
When do cats have their first oestrus?
At 6-9 months but affected by photoperiod so have oestrus in spring
What type of oestrus cycle do cats have and how do they ovulate?
Seasonally polyoestrous, oestrus every 14-21 days while in season
Induced ovulators
How long does pro-oestrus last in cat and what is it?
Male attracted to female but female not receptive
LH and FSH high
2-3 days
What is the outwards sign of oestrus in cats?
Bloody discharge but usually cleaned away
How long does oestrus last in cats?
7 days
What are the signs of oestrus in cats?
Standing for mating Calling Spine lordosis Rubbing on objects High oestrogen
What happens if cats ovulation isn’t stimulated?
Quiet period of 2-14 days before returning to pro-oestrus
What hormonal changes take place in cats when ovulation induced?
LH releases egg
Corpus luteum secretes progesterone, maintained by placenta in pregnancy
What is anoestrus and when does it take place in cats?
Inactive ovaries in winter
What is metoestrus in cats and how long does it last?
Non-fertile mating causes pseudopregnancy as corpus luteum releases progesterone at similar levels to pregnancy
45 days long
What happens after metoestrus in cats?
Either re enter cyclical activity or enter anoestrus
Define paraphimosis
Constriction of female prepuce around engorged penis so it cant be retracted back to the female prepuce
Define flagging
Bitch standing with deviated tail when ready to mate
Define tie
Mating process stage in dogs where vagina muscles contract around penis to stop it withdrawing
How long does it take for fertilisation and implantation to take place after mating?
Fertilisation- 72 hours
Implantation- 14 days in dogs, 11 days in cats
Define gestation
Time of pregnancy from fertilisation to birth
How long is gestation in bitches?
60-70 days, whelp usually day 63-65
How long do queens gestate?
56-70 days, kitten usually on days 65-67
What are clinical signs of pregnancy in cats?
Increased body weight and abdominal enlargement
Mammary development from day 40
How is feline pregnancy diagnosed?
Abdominal palpation- 21-30 day onwards Ultrasound- from day 14 Radiography- day 30-40 onwards Auscultate heartbeats- late pregnancy Elevated relaxin- from day 25
What extra care needs to be given to pregnant queens?
Increased food for second half of pregnancy- enough protein, carbs and nutrients
What are clinical signs of pregnancy in the bitch?
Increased body weight and abdominal enlargements
Vulval discharge
Enlarged mammary glands, can be from pseudo pregnancy
How is pregnancy diagnosed in dogs?
Abdominal palpation- from days 28-35 Ultrasound- from day 21-28 Radiography- from day 45 Fetal heartbeats- late pregnancy Hormone tests- high relaxin in second half of pregnancy
What extra care should be given to pregnant bitches?
Keep normal exercise
Up to date worming
Double food after day 30 with enough carbs, protein and nutrients
Feed smaller more frequent meals
Maintain appetite with highly palatable food
How should you prepare for parturition?
Introduce welcome box a few weeks in advance
Clip long hair from around nipples
Heat half of bedding to 25-30 degrees for puppies first few days then 22 degrees, keeping half of box cooler for dam
Plenty of blankets
Scales, clock and thermometer to monitor puppies
Hand rearing supplies
What are features for a welcome box?
Warm, clean and damp proof
Escape proof
Big enough for bitch and puppies
What are the signs of onset of parturition?
Drop in body temperature to 37 degrees from decline in progesterone
Swollen vulva and increased mucus discharge, licking area
Low appetite, possible vomiting
Mammary development of milk in teats
What are some problems associated with parturition?
Dam not releasing foetus from bag Intact umbilical cord No birth after 30 minutes of seeing water bath Unproductive straining for an hour Weak dam More than 2 hours between foetuses 2nd stage longer than 2 hours Green (bitches) or brown (queens) discharge shows placental seperation
Define dystocia
Difficulty giving birth
What causes maternal dystocia?
Obstruction of birth canal
Uterine inertia
Define uterine inertia
Poor uterine contractions
What are causes of birth canal obstructions?
Pelvic bone deformity- congenital, developmental or from trauma
Soft tissue abnormalities- compress reproductive tract
Abnormal reproductive tract- steep pelvic floor (brachycephalic), vulvar oedema, narrow canal, uterine rupture during birth
How are birth canal obstructions managed?
Manual fetal manipulation into the correct position
Caesarean section
What is the difference between primary and secondary uterine inertia?
Primary- absence of contractions
Secondary- cessation of contractions
What dogs are prone to primary uterine inertia?
Young bitches with small litters
Overweight bitches with large litters
What causes primary uterine inertia?
Over or under stimulation of uterus
What is the treatment for primary uterine inertia?
Keep calm
Small amount of exercise
Manual vaginal wall stimulation
What causes secondary uterine inertia?
Uterine exhaustion after obstructive dystocia
How is secondary uterine inertia treated?
Oxytocin to stimulate contractions
IV calcium
Caesarean section
What are causes of foetal dystocia?
Foetal abnormalities
Abnormal positioning
Foetal oversize
What are foetal abnormalities that cause dystocia?
Hydrops fetalis- swollen from fluid build up
Hydrocephalic- CSF accumulation in brain
Anasarca- generalised oedema
What are normal and abnormal foetus positionings for giving birth?
Normal- longitudinal anterior or posterior, feet first cause problem if sac breaks
Breech- bum first, hard to birth
What causes foetal oversize?
Small litters cause foetal overdevelopment
Foetal abnormalities
How to resuscitate after a caesarean section?
Free airway- remove foetal membrane
Swap excess fluid away
Gently swing in towel arc then massage and dry chest
Drugs to stimulate respiration when necessary
Describe the key points of hand rearing
Use specialised milk for correct levels of calcium and phosphate,
Use sterile bottles
Use damp cotton wool to encourage to toilet
What is post parturition care for mothers?
Keep quiet to reduce stress and allow relaxing and recovery
Extra feeing for lactation
Check mammary glands for infections and mastitis
What is general post parturition care for puppies and kittens?
Handled after 3 days Should have toileting stimulated Cord falls off day 3-6 Weaned from 4-6 weeks Vaccinate and worm at 6-8 weeks
When do kittens and puppies open their eyes?
Kittens- day 8-10
Puppies- 10-14 days