When estimating, what do you round to?
Which part of the venn diagram is the HCF?
the intersection
Which part of the venn diagram is the LCM?
All of it times together
What are the 4 indice rules?
ya x yb = y*a+b
ya divided by yb = y*a-b
y*0 = 1
(y*a) b = yab
What is the negative indice rule?
a-b = 1/ab
What are the rules for standard form?
a x 10*n
a = any number between 1 and 10
n = any positive or negative interger
What are the rules of standard form multiplication(shown through example)?
EX: (2x105) x (3x104)
2x3 = 6
104 x 105 = 10*9
Ans: 6 x 10*9
Write 156 x 10*-7 in standard form.
Ans: 1.56 x 10*-5
however much you need to divide the first number by, you need to times the second one by.
What is the equation for percentage change?
change/original x 100
What is the equation for compound interest?
Initial x multiplier*time
How can you turn recurring decimals to fractions(using an example of 0.444)
Ex: 0.444 = 0.4 (with dot on top for recurring)
10x = 4.4(with dot on top)
9x = 4
divided by 9
4/9 = x
What is direct proportion?(using an example of a and b)
a ∝ b = a = kb
What is inverse proportion?(using an example of a and b)
a ∝ 1/b = a = k/b
Surds are irrational numbers. What does that mean?
They can’t be square rooted
How do you simplify surds(using an example)?
EX: √28 > find the largest square number that is a factor of it > square numbers: 1,4,9 > √4 x √7 > 2√7
How do you multiply surds(using an example)?
3√5 x 2√3 = 6√15
3 x 2 = 6
√5 x √3 = √15
How do you multiply and simplify surds(using an example)?
Ex: 2√15 x 3√5 > 6√75 > Find the largest square > 1,4,9,25 > √25 x √3 > 5√3 > 6x(5√3) > 30√3
How do you do surds addition(using examples)?
√2 + √2 = 2√2
√3 + √7 = can’t be done
For questions like √20 + √80, find the largest square
How do you rationalise surds denominators?(2 different examples)
Rationalise denominators = move square foot from bottom to top
Ex: 1/ √2 x √2/√2 = √2/2
Ex 2: 4 / 3 - √5
you have to times it by the conjugate
4 / 3 - √5 x 3 + √5/ 3 + √5
= (bottom half) (3-√5) (3+ √5) = 9 + 3 √5 - 3 √5 - 5 = 4
= (top half) 4 x (3+ √5)
What is direct proportion?
y = kx
What is inverse proportion?
a = k/b